I think its time Ana gets a movement ability

The main reasons everything is held back is cause grandma and ball chucking omnic get decimated against any dive and dive is then complained on endlessly until they end up creating launch brig

This why basic mobility is a must

Widow hanzo soldier every ranged dps has some mobility which even their odds against dive heroes not just dive even rush comps and various stuff

Atleast that kind of situation is needed for these two in ow2 without second tank.

Otherwise the game can’t evolve.

Not allowed according to forums. Ana should only heal and damage for 50. Anything more like sleep and anti makes her broken permanently S++ tier

Just make it canon that Ana is jealous of Pharah and steals her rocket pack to make it easier for her to get into sniper positions. Boom now we have a flying grandma in Overwatch

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Ana should get nothing and enjoy it as repayment for 6 years dominating the ladder. Grandma needs to take longer naps.

Play Mirrorwatch and enjoy Ana having lunge while ot lasts.

they should just change anti to a 50% healing reduction and we have most of our problems solved

That would make her D tier unless 3 tap is possible again. The only supports worse than Ana are Mercy and LW after S9

no it wouldnt, she has sleep lmao, 50% healing reduction plus the dps passive is basically a death sentence for every character

I know forum Ana hits 100% of sleep darts on Tracer and Genji in your backline but that’s a fantasy. Ana needs to retain the same power vs dps and support otherwise she is trash

Yeah give her a walker or a wheel chair

personally I’d rather Ana keep Sleep. Keeping that means she doesn’t need added mobility.

Give her mobility and they’d have to remove sleep.

You guys come up with the most boring, unimaginative jokes (don’t tell me it’s not a joke) ever for Ana.
Someone at least said Camel. That would be more fitting for her character.

Only if she trades sleep dart for it.


Ana can have a movement ability if she trades sleep dart for it


I agree that mobility is a must for the reasons you listed. In fact, I’ve made posts on here about how the game has gotten worse after they took out things like stuns or other forms of CC.

The main reason is that the game was designed with CC in mind, so just removing most of it is like taking wood from a jenga tower. It can’t work well, and that’s why CC’s coming back. brig can stun in her ult, Venture…exists, and what not.

The same goes for mobility. So by no means am I saying “mobility is lame, remove it!”, I just think we should be careful about adding more.

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I don’t think Ana needs a movement ability, but I will admit that her having Hanzo jump in Mirrorwatch is fun as hell

I’d rather we go the other way and release more heroes without mobility options.


considering the way people can self heal now, removing nade and then say buffing her rifle a little to heal (not kill) would make room for a movement ability.

removing the nade would also open more breathing room for tanks that are already in a awful role, there may need to be counter adjustments on the end as well Mainly looking at Hog.

you would also need to change suzu as well as it will lose its value a little without a anti on field.

these are just my opinions

Give her all of those! Every single one!

That’s the other, and imo more reasonable, approach. Ana wasn’t released with movement abilities because movement abilities weren’t supposed to be on every character back then. A third of the cast at the point when Orisa released had no movement abilities and two thirds had.
Compare that with over 80% of characters released since then that have significant movement abilities (not minor stuff like Cree’s roll or Soldier’s sprint, though I still counted those as movement abilities). The only 3 out of 17 characters revealed since then (counting Space Ranger) that have no real movement abilities are JQ, Ram and Sigma, when ignoring ults.

Hell, with OW2 they even moved Bastion and to an extent Orisa from having no mobility to having mobility.

I think it’s too much and the approach shouldn’t be to give every character mobility, but rather reduce mobility where possible. And definitely reduce extreme mobility. I don’t care about Cree rolling 6ft, but characters TP’ing over 100ft through walls every 7 seconds is a bit much.

You know who isn’t on this list?

Zen. And do you know what Zen doesn’t have? Burst healing and strong CC.

You want mobility for your poor little Ana? Get in line.