All I can say is…
but seriously plz help roadhog. I feel so bad whenever he tries to jog away and heal
All I can say is…
but seriously plz help roadhog. I feel so bad whenever he tries to jog away and heal
I think Sombra is good. She’s a dps that doesn’t get picked, unless she makes a mistake. She’s an all-time threat and spy.
She also makes Hog a sitting duck. Disables his ult, too.
I dont enjoy reworked sym
She is trash now, has even lower pickrate than before
And another reason why hog needs a rework, his ENTIRE kit, is getting destroyed in the current meta.
FFS if you won’t buff my beloved one trick Sombra, then at least buff hog so I can have something to contribute to comp without getting banned for it.
Again, only if the enemy runs slow tanks. If they run competent dive, Rein is next to useless. Sombra will have her way with him as she sees fit.
That’s false, because she WAS THE lowest before the rework, and now Sombra is.
At least get the facts straight, I don’t like her either, but she’s more viable than Sombra ever was… and they are both F Tier.
Then you use a deathball
Deathball counters dive.
Which Rein, shines in.
Now I am going state a bit of an unpopular opinion.
I don’t think you should buff a hero just because they’re outside of the the metas. I am glad the metas shift around, and I am fairly certain that the teams sometimes toss some OP buffs and UP nerfs into certain characters as they develop to ensure the meta shifts and characters get some time in the spotlight. I am convinced thats why Hanzo has been left A tier for so long because scatter arrow has left him a bit under utilized and RNG’y in past metas.
So I dont think Hog NEEDS a buff, aside from the kind that would come from a small QoL change in the hook. I think its okay for some heroes to be out of meta for awhile- speaking of Symmetra.
I feel as though the main downside with symm is that it can be difficult to get your own team to use your best new tool, her teleporter, with relative consistency. People see it and just go ‘neat’.
Atleast sombra is seeing play at the highest ranks like contenders…
While thats not much atleast she gets some play
She’s playing the same role she has had since she was released.
EMP Bot.
She’s just a better EMP bot now.
They are actually using her as a scout /enabler
Tell the dive tanks where the enemy is, hack and let hammond stomp on them
loosely translated. “EMP Bot with perma stealth”
I must disagree. Sure, deathball is easier to run. I’m not saying properly diving is a cakewalk, you need coordination and a vision. But it counters it.
There isn’t enough damage in Dive comps to counter a deathball normally, class for class pick for pick.
There’s few characters in the game that can trouble a deathball, and that’s nothing a meta pick like Brig can’t fix.
Hammond can set up really good engagements, so can Winston. Dva is there to assist them, either by following in on the dive or creating different angles of fire, diverting attention while the dps and supports do their work.
It really depends on map, too. With Rein you absolutely need a Lúcio, too. I also think Zen is a questionable pick atm.
Reinhardt, Brigitte, Junkrat, DoomFist/Mccree/S76, Moira, and ana.
Nothing DVA, Winston are going to do about it, the only real threat is hammond, and he can just be CC’d to death. His ult being the ONLY real threat to deathball.
That comp would get annihilated lol.
Sombra easily removes Rein from the game, followed up by anti-nade, gg.
But anyway, this thread is about Hog.
I never said the deathball comp wasn’t flexible did I?
Throw in a bastion, now sombra is useless without her ult
You’re playing vs crap Hammonds
No I actually play against diamond and master hammonds.
So if you think they are trash, then I guess so.