I think its about time

We got a Lifeweaver meta, tho most people won’t even notice when he’s good besides a select few people, outside of whats usually parritoed an actual Lifeweaver meta would be foreign to most even if right above there heads.

nah. nothing would die in a LW meta.

he’s fine where he’s at. maybe knock a second or two from grip maybe.

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In a Lifeweaver meta things would die quite quickly actually, most likely during a brawl meta.

They could honestly giga buff all his stats as much as they wanted and LW would still never be meta. It is impossible for him to be meta while Ana and Kiriko exist sadly.

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If they giga buffed his damaged hed actually be op as hell… he is a shield breaker, youd play him just to make rein and even rammatra have a bad time.

What do you mean exactly, OP? I haven’t been paying attention to what’s actually meta. The awful production on the recent OWCS made watching them a chore so I didn’t see them through to the end. Is it some sort of LW + Pharah malarky, or something else?

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I saw a couple matches. It was Bap/Lucio/Cas/Tracer everygame. Tanks really only rotated between Ram/monkey/Sig. Mau made an apprearance every now and again. Lots of tank counterswapping.

Was kinda boring imo.

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There was one day when there was a whole load of Pharah around but I didn’t watch everything since despite selecting the HD option, the video quality looks crappy to my eyes.

I don’t think I saw any LW but I might have missed him.

Didnt see that match. How many days did it go on for? I dont think I saw any matches from Day 1 :laughing:

I’ve been playing more Pharah myself lately. I’ve been playing like a pro and didnt know it! :rofl:

Yeah didnt see LW either. I did see Rein and Venture, which was neat. But they got swapped off of on the regular.

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Please God no

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Scratches head

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None of these guys know how to actually play Lifeweaver.

Gold player be like:

Suggest the most insane stuff to grief everyone above Diamond and when players below Diamond start to use same meta, start to cry in forums how bad is the meta.

Repeat again, again and again.

If Lifeweaver becomes meta barely anyone will actually be able to play/use him properly

If Doomfist becomes meta barely anyone will be able to use him properly.

Giga buffed in season 1 or 2. Nerfed just in 7 days as everyone abused him even the ones that didn’t play him at all.

Delusion of the highest order from you. :clown_face:

hmm bad idea, grip is still worst ability in the game, how many times i’m playing something like rein or doom and my LW save enemies by using grip, rework him first

I was just going off the stupid thing the other guy said :clown_face:

Of course buffing a hero in all stats would break them…

So yes you are delusional must be embarrassing for you.

Brownie always has the most over exaggerated things to say about a character whose 9999 IQ move is pulling a rein closer to the enemy backline

Its actually pulling rammatra.

The fact that most people are proving me right that they wouldn’t know how to use him in the first place.

Tho you are the first I’ve seen to make am attempt.

Oh you are the guy who always posts 24/7 in every post with the nonsense.

Ahaha, nice to see you :clown_face: