I think its about time

I mean okay… that has nothing to do with what were saying…

You want like brownie points?


I pulled a reaper that had ult into the enemy supports I flanked. Did I just go even more galaxy brain than you or is that a predictable use of an ability that still relies on your teammates capitalising on it.

Instead of sitting in forums you could invest your time and at least get to plat.

Everyone here knows im masters by now… are you just gonna switch to personal attacks now? This is sad and pathetic to watch…

I mean and? Thats kinda how I got to masters in the first place, I could kill (cause everyone had lower hp) and make plays

Hes originally a duelist Playmaker, great against widows and isolated targets as well as follow up.

He already has an insane amount of healing so I fail to even see how yall think even MORE healing would actually make this man viable? Are yall blizzard?

Aaron weve tried this enough times it clearly isnt working

Also that kinda proves my point people wouldn’t know how to play him/with him…

He kinda goes by Sombra rules people in VC and you can just dominate lobbies.

You mean one of the most mobile tanks in the game?

Lifeweaver counters Reinhardt so i don’t really care about how grip inconveniences him.


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“Ah, another glorious day in the militarized industrial conflicts”
I love capitalism

Lifegrip is incredibly strong

I don’t think players strategize enough around it for making the best out of LW’s utility

Its a problem with many heroes; but also an issue for the lack of coordination between players that keep looking at the game as individuals

But hey, then everyone cries because there’s a Duo or a larger group in the enemy team

I don’t need him to be meta, I’d settle for just playable.

Somehow most of your arguments are stated as if you were plat, let me guess ow1 you were hardstuck gold?

Ah support Masters player, yeah that tells a lot, even sadder is that you have such high rank and yet still you think as plat player, it shows how awful ranking system has become, when some gold ow1 wannabee can climb to masters by abusing strongest role in game for 8 seasons straight and still have no clue about the game he plays.

Spell correctly please
If you are going to reply to a 2 day old post to insult OP here
Please at least be grammatically correct
Otherwise you look unintelligent

Cry me a river, you know one language I know multiple.

Somehow you are here to defend someone while lurking in forums and answering to someone who has not talked to you at all.

Which is pathetic in my eyes, go outside maybe. :clown_face:

I know two
German and English
Don’t assume
Also I noticed that you didn’t fix your mistake

Keep replying, sadly I don’t lurk the forums 24/7 like you do, I know 3 languages so cry about it.

And honestly I just opened this page
Which is why I was surprised to see this when it had gone dark 2 days ago…