I think I'm officially done with Overwatch

After the amount of tolerance I’ve had towards this community, never, have I actually had a game that where the whole point of the game is to play as a team and win goals, be such a waste of time, and making nothing about it fun.
To it’s reused boring Holiday events.
To the Dumb design of Arcade.
And most of all, to a Competative Game, where for some odd reason, NO ONE, wants to cooperate with another teammates and actually achieve their goals to win a game.

It’s the level of frustration, where most of you and your teammates time…There is ALWAYS, THAT ONE or TWO (stacks) person on your team, who is ungodly stubborn and absolutely does not listen to anyone.

I would like to imagine that, in order to solve a problem, why not take the solution? For example, 1/1 on a comp game (btw, no one had mic on, so that was FANSTATIC)…Last round, I, decided to play Lucio on the Italy map (sorry, can’t think of the name)…But for some…ODD reason…No one else on the team decided to pick a second healer. Now I’m thinking “Oooookay? Is this really what we’re gonna do?”
And of course, like casual dummies the most generic things in a Overwatch game, we do it. We lost.
Why? Because since I was constantly (nicely I say) asking to get a Second Healer…SO, since no one wanted to do it, AND we’re losing, I decided to throw my hand and pick a DPS(Since there were like 3 DPS on the team anyway, and not one wanted to switch. I know, how devilish for ME to “throw the game”)…It was at that moment I felt, this game’s momentum for having good, positive, and cooperative players…Have declined MASSIVELY.

I tried to be positive, I said “okay, next game may be better”. Join a game on The Temple…BOY was I wrong, because I decided to play tank…and wouldn’t you know, we now have three tanks (Winston, D.va, and Roadhog) and healers were Mercy and Brigette, and our only DPS…Was Mcree…
Guess who fought against! DPS: Reaper and Widow! Tank: Orisa and D.Va!
and…Moira and Ana…DING DING DING We lost the game in a manner of 3 mins.
With that, I think I’m just done. I know to myself, I was never gonna get to Diamond or Top 500, but can you blame me for trying?

Anyway, I know a lot of people won’t probably care at the end of the day and feel like this thread is narcissistic…But I honestly felt like people needed to know that this game, in my eyes for about as long as I’ve been playing it? Is absolutely declining…And I have to say, it’s time to move on.

So Blizzard, even if it’s just a no name person like me, you’ve lost another one. Adios!


Now that you’ve vented/ranted, I suggest you find a group to play with to help you climb without fights and etc.


See, that’s the thing. I’ve played with groups, for better or worse…But at the end of the day, the game is just not fun to me anymore.

In addition to the above post, it’s also worthy mentioning that a solo healer team is perfectly viable if the rest of the team is composed of heroes with some kind of self-sustain (eg, Soldier, Tracer, Reaper, Hog, etc).

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A break can help refresh your mind and make you do better as well. I didn’t reach diamond until I started playing in groups and watching pro player gameplay. At the end of the day the decision is still yours. If the game isn’t fun I don’t see a reason for you to keep playing.

If you take a break for long enough maybe when you return the game will have changed enough for you to like it.

If it’s no longer fun, play something else. Life’s too short to waste time playing something you don’t enjoy in your leisure time.

I quit a while ago as well. Nowadays I mostly play casually with friends when they need an extra person in the team. Myself, I wouldn’t boot the game to play solo anymore. But it’s still fun enough that I keep an eye in the forums in case something interesting happens.

Hope you have fun in your next game. I will even recommend you to play Celeste and Monster Hunter World, two awesome games that rely on execution, and will give you a break from FPS, competitive and multiplayer games, so that you can “detox” a bit.

Good luck and have fun.

Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of long breaks from Overwatch, even as frustrated and saying I may quit before…But after this point, I think this decision is final and the break is indefinite. I don’t want to hate Overwatch, but just after today, and all the build up for it throughout the years…

I’m just done.

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