I think I was unjustly banned using a VPN

First and foremost, I’m sorry in advance if this isn’t the correct place to express my grievances.

However, with that being said, over the last four years or so, I’ve been living in Mainland China ( PRC ), and from time to time, I feel like ( for lack of a better term ) playing with my people ( Americans ). About three weeks ago ( roughly ), I turned on my VPN ( Astril ), and after my second competitive match, I was swiftly kicked out of the game and given a banned email.

I’d like to implore someone from tech support to please look into this.

Furthermore, this isn’t an “isolated instance” many other people share similar circumstances, if it has happened to me, someone else and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that it has happened to other people.

Unlucky. Was your account permanently suspended?

This forum is supported by fellow players and we can’t look into your account. If you want to appeal an account penalty, you’ll need to use the ticket system.

Please note that this is not a way to have a conversation about your penalty, it’s to ask a new person to review evidence against you to see if they agree that a penalty was supposed to be applied.