I think Hanzo is going back to F-tier

the pro’s spent 2 weeks trying to make new sombra work because she felt super OP in their streaming matches vs GM’s.
in reality the team that ran sombra the most lost.

new hanzo is super new to them and its going to take a little bit for him to settle in the pro meta.

If the pickrate is fat enough to have him on both sides in a good amount of games, then the winrate drops down

Remind me again what version of the game owl runs on? Did they update finally?

It’s the current version :joy:

I recommend you go watch it!

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You’re right that he does decently against a single dive tank. But that doesn’t mean he’s decent against dive. In a dive comp you should expect to get dove by about 4 people at once and one of them is likely to be damage boosted. Also there will probably be a shield and a DM used which will make getting a kill much more difficult.

They’ve increased his lunge cooldown by 1 second. Why is this enough to put him back to F-Tier? :thinking:

He hasn’t been nerfed very much, just small QoL changes to make him less dominant.

Hanzo even after nerfs. Has a strong burst, lunge, vertical mobility and one shot kill potential with primary and a ultimate that is the strongest combo with Grav in the game which he has up frequently enough to use outside of grav for zoning purposes.

Yes Graviton is getting nerfed but Zarya isn’t. The less decay rate on Zarya’s charge buff will allow Zarya to do more damage which in turn means that Zarya will have ultimate available more often, making the Dragon+Grav combo more frequent. Ever seen games where a Zarya gets 2 gravs in one team fight(all you have to do is watch players like Zunba, I’ve done it myself)? that will be easier to achieve now.

Even with Mccree and soldier getting range buffs, it still doesn’t negate Hanzo’s higher evade ability and stronger short term burst potential with Storm arrows.

I don’t see how he can become F-tier though he might fall out of grace somewhat, but that is a good thing.

This right here.

Hanzo can deal with Dive heroes 1v1 better after the rework but he can’t deal with two dive tanks and a Genji/Tracer if coordinated enough, which is probably why you don’t see him all that much in OWL since they still like running Dive tanks.

Hanzo should be filling the same kinda role as Widow and McCree since they are supposed to be based on precision and not spam.

Hanzo Widow McCree
Avg Damage (GM) 19,757 10,913 13,694
Avg Elims (GM) 28.83 24.06 25.63

Overall I think he’d be fine after the nerfs, he still has the same travel speed so his shot consistency will be the same, he’ll just do less damage. After the nerf I think he will be more in-line with the other DPS

He’s never needed that Lunge. He’s a mid-range one shot monster that just got an arrow speed increase along with machine gun arrows. That Lunge allowed him to take flanks/angles that should’ve rightfully got him punished along with making a dive on him extraordinarily harder. He can escape any follow up from a Winston Dive if you time the Lunge with the KB of Leap and now Winston is in trouble.