I think armor should be less impactful

Currently against certain heroes, armor can reduce your damage output by up to 50%, that is simply too high!

A 50% damage reduction is simply too good, I understand that armor is designed to counter quick firing/shotgun weapons but a 50% damage reduction is over the top especially how readily available armor is now due to Brigette.

I feel armor should be nerfed to a maximum of 30% damage reduction instead. Allowing it to still counter the intended heroes but not out right make them redundant.



Only her armor.Torbs armor is fine.


No. Armor is armor. There is no difference other than how it is applied.

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Or just make temporary armor different. Armor was never a problem for people until Brigitte. All this does is indirectly nerf tanks who already die quite quickly.


There is a substantial difference between the armor packs that Brigitte produces and the ones that Torb produces

Armor is fine, most is temp or low amounts and otherwise is from 2 or more heroes or an ult.

Okay, feel free to actually describe the substantial difference. I eagerly await this forbidden knowledge.


most heroes, armor only reduces their damage by 5, how much less impactful do you want it to be? it only reduces damage by 50% if the damage being dealt is less than 10 (50% of which is 5, so it never reduces damage by more than 5).


Because not many heroes have it but I still think that it is fundamentally broken…

Armor is given to heroes to make them more survivable, mostly tanks but it only counters shotgun/quick firing weapons. I find this weird because I feel shotgun heroes should be by far the best counters against tanks. Armor should either be a flat out damage reduction against all damage types, making tanks less ult-batteries or it should keep its current mechanics of only countering shogun/quick-firing weapons but to a lesser extent like 30%.

Brig’s armor pack is easier to apply, albeit the “overheal” armor is temporary and vanishes after a short period of time.

The only permanent armor she gives is via her ult, which I think is fair.

Indeed, I already stated that the only difference is how they are applied. However, apparently there is a substantial difference between the two character’s armor. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone other than him could possibly answer this question because… Well, there is no difference. It is literally the same armor.

There’s plenty of burst damage in the game to deal with Armor, including on a few heroes who have Low-Damage+High Dps primary fires.

Armor just exacerbates a problem that Shotguns in Overwatch suffer from in general. That is a combination of high spread and extreme damage falloff when one or the other would be fine on its own.

Reaper would be a lot better, even in a Lindholm-dominated world, if his pellets didn’t turn in to cottonballs after just a few meters. (or if he had a narrower spread, allowing more than one or two cottonballs to hit a target.)


Narrower spread also buffs his range. Reaper is a CQC brawler.

He still would be.

He’s not going to start outgunning Soldier or McCree at medium/long range just because his shots start scratching enemies instead of tickling them outside of point-blank, especially now their maximum falloff was reduced.

dont need to

go read the character wikis

no, its not

In other words, there is no difference. K thanks.

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I recommend that you read the docs before stating “facts”

the two are different, and not just in how they are applied

Maybe Brigitte should just overheal instead of giving armour. Instead of granting +75 ARMOUR, she should grant +75 HP if she’s overhealing.


Describe the “facts” if you want to clear the air. No one is going to believe you or go out of the way to verify your blatantly false claim. If there was a difference, you would have described it already and I suspect it would be relatively common knowledge at that. There is clearly not a time issue, because here you are, responding to me.

Dont need to

You might as well be stating that Brigitte is a sniper

Its simply wrong

You still havent read it, have you?

I know, I know, people dont like to admit it when they are wrong.

Go check. The Pope is still catholic, too, and I wont be posting evidence of that either

Nah. Its in the Wiki.

yeah, you’d think it would be, and yet, here you are with your false statements and refusal to even glance at the docs