I think armor should be less impactful

to satisfy you, since you wouldn’t tell us the difference, I went and looked. The only difference between her repair pack and torbs armor pack is that Brigs armor is temporary. other than that, they act the exact same way. armor is armor, no matter where it comes from.


although that isnt the ONLY difference, you’ve named a difference

I wouldn’t mind an armor counter, like how EMP is to shields. Perhaps a hero or two down the road will specialize in dismantling.

maybe we’re looking at different wikis? https://overwatch.gamepedia.com/Brigitte#Repair_Pack doesn’t show any other difference. are your referring to the fact that Brigs armor stacks with itself? that only comes into play if you have more than 1 brig on your team.

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there are indeed other differences noted in this and at least one other wiki I know of

regardless, the two are different, which is the point “in question” here

the only difference I am seeing is the way it’s applied and that it’s temporary, i think you’re making things up to make yourself sound more important.


nah, couldnt care less about my importance or lack thereof

check for yourself - what happens if Brigitte applies her repair pack to a damaged ally, and compare that to what happens when Torb applies his damage pack to a damaged ally

there’s more, but this will do for a start to show you that you’re missing some differences

but back to the point being argued - even the one difference you noted means the two packs are different, and a claim was being made (and even vociferously pushed) that they were/are exactly the same except how they are applied. I was simply making the point that no, thats incorrect, they are not identical

armor is still armor regardless of how much you get from a single source. if I get 100 armor from Rally and 10 armor from a repair pack, I still have 110 armor and every point of that armor is going to be treated the exact same way. I still don’t see a difference. The difference I noted was a difference in how it’s applied, but once applied, armor is armor regardless of how you got it.


ah, ok, now you’re not looking at the details

there are still differences aside from the one you noted

the example I gave you will illustrate one of those differences, if you care to examine it

Simple fix.

Make armor less good against shotguns.

This would nerf Brigitte even more than she keeps being nerfed. Brig was released purposely OP to kill the dive meta which was making the game stale and boring, thus driving people away from the game. Honestly I’m glad she’s in the game. Supports were easy pickings for Genji, Tracer and Winston who were in almost every game. It was frustrating to play support knowing full well you’re gonna get dived on every possible Chance the enemy’s could get. But not Brigitte. Every dive hero is afraid of her in close range. She did deserve nerfs, but only after the dive meta was fully considered dead as the one go to strategy. I hate playing against her but I’m glad she’s in the game or dive could’ve been still going on strong, and besides her OP CC ability, the addition of armor really makes dive just another strategy that could be run if you have a coordinated enough team.

the example you illustrated has nothing to do with how the armor itself is treated and was a difference that is commonly known. Nobody is denying that there is a difference in how the armor is applied, but you said there was a difference in how the armor itself is treated, such as there is a difference between armor and shields, and that is just blatantly untrue.


Nerf her survivability. Armor is not broken. This would be the worst thing you can do to tanks and bastion. Armor is good for the game. It balances out some heroes that would be brokenly op if nothing had armor. And it’s used as a way to counter feeding

It would be a nerf to Brigette but it would also make Brigette a lot less frustrating to fight against for a lot of heroes, making the game more fun in general.

You would also balance Brigette around this, for example you could make her inspire give more health etc…

A hero could technically be balanced but it does not mean that hero is healthy for the game, reducing frustration where possible can never be a bad thing.

If you and others dont want to acknowlege the dfferences, and even keep claiming/insisting they are the same, thats on you.

I can only lead a horse to water

I cannot make it drink

You don’t know all the repercussions changes to armor carry, do you?

except you’re not “leading a horse to water” you’re telling us the sky is green and keeping us locked in a basement where we can’t prove or disprove your statement.

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Nope, dont take my word for it, its there in the wiki - or if you dont like the wiki you can prove it out yourself in game

having played her and read the wiki, the only difference I see is in how the armor is applied, so once again, you’re being vague and unhelpful. I’m tired of this and I’m going to take a nap. continue being vague and unhelpful, I don’t really give 2 shiny turds.


winston says hello .