I think all the supports are balanced rn. Just dps outliers forcing metas

Double barrier meta is caused by two barrier tanks and Brig shut down Winston and Dva just as much, if not more, realistically. Bro, you are living in 2016, professionals and coaches share their insight nowadays. Dive was objectively a tank driven meta. That is agreed upon by basically everyone who knows what they are talking about. It is not up to debate. You cannot rewrite history.

As for double barrier… At least you have an argument even if I disagree with it. So whatever, you can have that one if you want. But the DPS being played are a result of double barrier and not the other way around. The time line shows that well enough.

Professionals and coaches are saying Mei is overpowered.

They’ve been saying it. The pros have been steady running her.

The only counter to get is to
A) avoid her.
B) barriers.

Both being used. Orisa/sigma don’t even try and push into a team with Mei.

Some teams try and run pharah mercy(avoiding her) and focus her down. The Mei is still the best tho.

Some teams run doom, reaper bc they are the only dps that can kill hero or force ice block.

With breaking sheild being and option hanzo can swap out for reaper/doom but Mei can’t be replaced.

Open your eyes

Okay… But I do not necessarily disagree with any of that? That has literally nothing to do with what I stated.

Watch the way Mei is being used in pro games. Her wall is being used as a third shield to block spam from - you guessed it - Hanzo.

Now that tanks’ shields have been nerfed, a third shield is necessary just to stay alive.

Not to say that Mei doesn’t have her own issues, but she’s made necessary by Hanzo.

You are missing the point with Dive.

You need a support which reduces TTK for your team to dive. So that means Zen.

But, Zen is diveable himself, so, you need to run Lucio back with the Zen as the only chance he has to survive.

No they don’t. Their best way to win the fight is to commit everything on the attack, they CAN’T come back, and more importantly, they shouldn’t come back, they gotta kill their backline…

Nope, but dive was pretty horrid as a Support.

I’m guessing you were not playing at the ranks where dive was, if you think what you do about how dive opperates.

Um, yeah. I think Bapt could do with a nerf. He kinda overshadows the other supports.

Also Ana is the worst preforming heros on console.

Apart from that yeah leave them alone.

You know, I actually tend to agree. I don’t think Moira or Baptiste would be very strong against an actual full dive comp, especially with a 200hp drone. You just can’t reliably play a dive comp because winston and dva are absolute trash (there is a case to be made that there’s too much AOE healing to play them too, but whatever). However even Hammond is very strong against Baptiste because he can easily force him to waste his immortality. I’ve noticed that’s what Harb tends to do before his team engages.

You could make a case that it’s hard to justify picking Ana over Baptiste because some might prefer his utility, damage and AOE healing. But if he is op, I don’t think it’s by very much.

It wasn’t because she can heal everything through hell and back.

It was because she enable Widowmaker with damage boost and at the time, Res on E was stupidly busted, especially during Valkyrie.

He’s the most picked hero in Masters and GM what are you talking about?

balance is decent, focus is wrong
Especially the new supports focus too much on killing threats rather than avoiding them

Yea… er… no

Kinda agreed with most up until here

His damage output and Immortality field alone are reasons why hes EXTREMELY good right now in ALL comps. He can shred through teams (especially when ults up) + IF is so much more important with lack of shields so a well-placed IF can win you a team fight.

He also does good heals, has mobility and can self heal…

Apart from maybe bey-blade meta back in the day and Double Sniper meta (which obviously was forced, well, by 2 DPS heroes), there was not a single meta forced by DPS heroes. Tanks and supports ALWAYS forced metas. DPS happened to be good against certain metas.

Once again, try picking anything other than a shield tank right now. You will lose. Shield tanks are picked because they are the only viable options in a post-GOATS-DPS-powercreep-role-lock world. Everything else just dies instantly.

This, right now is a DPS-defined meta.

There’s more work that could be done in the support role before I’ll agree that it’s actually balanced. Right now you have Mercy who is still a mess for her teammates but great for her own survival sigh, and possibly a little underpowered too. Moira was nerfed in the wrong sense. Baptiste is possibly a bit strong. I’m expecting too much from the balancing/hero design team though.