I think all the supports are balanced rn. Just dps outliers forcing metas

Imagine thinking anything is remotely balanced in such an asymmetrical game.

Starcraft was crazy asymmetrical. It could be balanced.

But they were balancing more on maths than on feels. They certainly didn’t balance on what streamers were saying.

I probably don’t quite know what I’m getting into by saying this but dive doesn’t scare the support side of me, we have Moira.

I think the supports are pretty well balanced right now.

This is comical.

Hanzo Reaper and Mei definitely need changes. Doom is more annoying but dominant but I wouldn’t mind changes for him as well.

Moira was added during the height of dive, so you would have expected her to be played in it, but, it didn’t happen.

Mostly because the maths of the dive itself - She couldn’t be in the front line.

But Zen could (in a way). When 4 people dive a target, which Zen has discorded at 30%, then Zen is now doing over 1 entire hero of damage with that ability.

So, he is reducing the TTK by a lot.

But, with Moira, you will never be able to give that kind of value.

So you HAD to run Zen, but you needed to protect him, so you had to run Lucio.

The only time that shifted, was when Moth meta happened, and Mercy would dive with you, Because Rez, and damage boost. Or, she stayed back, and would Rez the Zen the moment the dive moved on :wink:

Both tactics worked.

But the Zen were there because Discord made him the strongest damage dealer in the team.

Moira couldn’t compete.

It isn’t that she wouldn’t be able to resist the dive, it is that you wouldn’t need to dive her in the first place :slight_smile:

These days he has less discord, so maybe the maths change.


Tanks and supports dictate the way the team comp is played, but it’s the synergy between tanks and supports that either counters or enable the top dps which dictates which tanks/supports are being played.

  • Season 2 bayblade with reaper, Ana rein zarya lucio all supported him.
  • Season 3 triple tank with Soldier, Ana rein zarya and d.va both enabled and mitigated him.
  • Season 4-9 dive with Tracer, d.va zen winston all enabled her.
  • Season 7-9 bunker with jakerat, orisa mercy enabled him.
  • Season 7-11 double sniper, mercy zen and d.va all enabled them, the days of pocket the widow.
  • Season 12-15 goats, the synergy between 3 supports and 3 tanks all working together to keep double sniper out of the meta.

Supports aren’t balanced at all.

But neither are dps.

I think I found the moment where your entire argument falls apart.

Stats disagree with you. Big time.

Also, it’s not just about balance. How many people are having fun on the various supports?

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Mei and Reaper are not meta enforcers, they are just symptoms. Both of them have a great deal of counterpicks and counterplay.

Cant use 200hp heroes when Hanzo/Widow invalidate their existance from distances away.

Moira needs a revert on her healing nerf and then subsequent nerf on her damage orb and lock on, mercy needs 60 HP/S reverted and brig should have a 300 HP shield

Supports arnt food for dive.

That’s the wrong way of looking at things completely and is typical of low level play.

Supports arnt food for dive. There are plenty of supports that perform very well against dive like brig, Moira, mercy, and Lucio.

Dive heros have the ability to run back to the backline. Which means they protect the backline well.

Why do supports deserve to take zero focus when they are sustaining the entire team?

Are supports only happy when they are under zero stress and get to free heal?

Definitely. Blizzard has a nasty habit of reducing resources or drastically increasing resources required without balancing recharge rates to accommodate.

I don’t think supports are balanced.

Baptiste is moderately overpowered.
Moira is badly underpowered.
Mercy is probably slightly underpowered.

No no no.

You can’t judge hero’s like this if the meta doesn’t favor them.

Bap can only literally only work in bunker comp. He’s the most over rated hero in the game rn. He’s trash with dive and brawl.

Moira is the best support in the game at avoiding death and still providing heals… Nobody is focusing supports rn so she won’t be meta.

Mercy is insane at keeping herself alive, best dps healer in the game by a mile, and requires little to no peel from her team.

The fact that a static comp is meta should not be used to judge other healers.

Not to mention Moira and mercy are still getting tons of playtime in the contenders tournament.

What? The Orisa/Sigma meta happened because every other tank was unplayable in 2-2-2. It’s why double shields are still meta in the upper ranks now.

Anything that’s not behind a shield dies instantly. That right there is a meta forced by DPS.

Also, Dive was a DPS-enabled meta. Want proof? Once Brig was released (who hard-countered dive DPS heroes), the meta died instantly.

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You can’t have an unbalanced support if you just delete her kit. The balance team is the worst.

Cries in support sym

Dive in it’s early stages was a dva forced meta. Dm lasted for days…dva was fixed.

Then it became a mercy forced meta. So support based. Mercy could heal everything through hell and back.

Discord could help cut through mercy heals and mercy could keep zen alive for days.

Zens orbs of harmony work best on agile hero’s that avoid alot of damage with low health pools. So then genji and tracer are in the picture.

I hope you were able to follow this and understand why in stage 1 owl it was mercy that forced the meta.

Eventually the game devolved to mercy solo heal with 3 tanks and 2 snipers bc everything else in dive got nerfed except mercy. The devs finally nerfed mercy after realizing the insane amount of healing she was putting out… While also being that hard to kill

However metas can be dictated by broken hero’s. That currently is Mei. And to a far lesser extent hanzo, doom, reaper

Dive in its earliest days didn’t even have D.Va in it lol. Dive was originally Winston/Zarya. Try again.

Dive always began with Tracer and Genji’s ability to jump on supports. Winston’s ability to follow up and Zarya/D.Va’s ability to cover him combined with Zen’s ability to amplify damage to the focused target completed the comp. Mercy was largely incidental.

Ya I know that meta. Wasn’t full dive. This is what Korean teams were doing s2-s3 while rein/zarya was meta na

Yup, those 4 dps are oppressive and with too small weakness.

Bapt is still overtuned.
Like hanzo being better soldier, bapt is zen with escapes…brain fart