I submit proof that ELO hell can exist under a very specific set of circumstances. I am the most egregious gold smurf in the history of your game. And it was completely unintentional

You are a kid aren’t you. I feel bad. Okay, it was a compliment, a higher percentile is better not worse. So saying you “mess around on Hanzo” in quickplay and sitting in the 97th percentile, don’t jive - you obviously try, or you would be ranked MUCH lower. I am ranked below you, but it’s not by much. My crit is a little bit better, but that’s negligible after 10% really.

Pro players don’t have that much better stats, you’re talking about 5% additional crit or less in almost all cases. 24% widow crit is GM standard. It’s the aimbots that have made it seem like it isn’t. one in four shots being a head shot, is damn good accuracy.

You kids all think the best of the best never miss any shots. The best in the world still miss half their shots, and they miss a lot more than that when those shots are hard shots. EVERYONE misses more hard shots. This whole

you have muscle memory so you should never miss

is pure fantasy.

The best in the world MISS. It happens because we are human beings and we make mistakes - a lot!

Tell yourself that when a team that has 2 healers and a Roadhog gets Silver heals and Gold objective time.

If the ROADHOG has silver healing and there are 2 healers then at least ONE of those healers isn’t prioritizing healing.

Just had this very situation yet again.

I was Roadhog on Nepal. I had Silver heals the entire match. Silver medal for heals was 2650ish. We had a MOIRA who was DPSing off point during team fights.

Yet again, the HEALERS who aren’t supporting their team with HEALS…are complaining about the tanks and DPS when that MOIRA has made the POOR choice of chasing the enemy Junkrat through the right side building and being out of sight of her entire team.

it is situations like this one that DISPROVE the 'git guud" and “your just bad” mentality. If I can see that other players on my team are making fatal errors that effect the team cohesion I am NOT the problem.

If you put a GM widow in your gold games they would have in the ballpark of 75 % scoped acc and likely 30-35% scoped crit acc. I know it’s difficult for you to understand just how different the ranks are but to them it will look like everyone in your rank is standing still hell it looks that way to me when i watch it.


Not really. I consistently run him as a fifth, or even sixth DPS. I over extend to go for targets that I’m practically suiciding to get. I do cheesy stuff, I’m having fun.

And they are playing against other Pro’s and GM’s, not gold’s. If they were against gold’s, they’d be a lot higher.

Correct, but they perform like this when the enemy knows how to mitigate damage, position etc… It’s a lot harder to hit a GM than a gold

But they aren’t doing this against gold’s, they are doing it against other highly ranked players. These are two totally different worlds, and if they are in gold they absolutely pub stomp. Hell, I’ve had games where I had 57% accuracy on Hanzo in gold.


No. Individual games can be completely out of your control.

Your season, though, and your rank, are down to you.


Well, I am going to join on this conversation unexpectedly. Here are what I like to say. Firstly, you believe that just because your stats are “pro” compared to your peers make you an automatic above average rank. Well, I will give you an example with a game that I am 100% sure you have played: CS and you have to evaluate it. Imagine a scenario where you, a silver 2 is fighting against other silver 2s. Then let’s correlate what you are saying to this scenario: your stat is clearly above average, so that means that your mechanical skill alone is comparable to a global. HOWEVER, you then complain about how you actually belong in global because of your stats. You hop on the forums and complain, then other people, who are higher ranks than you consistently proves that you do not belong in global; you are delusive to the truth and continue to stray away from it through bullsh#t excuses such as “my stats > your stats, therefore I am global.” Shut up and if you cannot accept your rank, then learn to climb, not complain.


First of all, overwatch is unlike any other FPS. It honestly shouldn’t even be labeled as such. Its a first person moba.

If you have masters or GM mechanical skill, you can get yourself to plat on aim alone. But if you have plat aim and terrible game sense and positioning, youre going to stay where you are in gold.

There is no elo hell. There is no forced 50-50 matchmaker. Trying to compare your stats and accuracy with those several ranks above you is fundamentally flawed, as in higher ranks targets are harder to hit.

You are obviously vastly overselling your own dps skill in a game where there are about 4 or 5 real aim dependent heroes out of a near 30 hero roster. And even then, your aim is irrelevant if you cant position well. And its not particularly good aim either. I cringed at your widow and all those missed shots. You have what looks like run of the mill average aim compared to a master’s player’s aim like myself.

I guarantee you I get on your account I have it to mid plat by this evening without breaking a sweat. And my aim isnt even very good. I just know how to position and initiate team fights and ult track. There is no elo hell.

If you wanna get out of your rank, stop blaming others and nonexistent variables and realize you are the problem. I know its hard for players in your elo, to realize they aren’t as good as they wish they were. But once you’re able to make that mature development and stop doing mental gymnastics to defend your ineptitude, you will greatly improve. Realize your mistakes, and climb.


If the ROADHOG has silver healing and there are 2 healers then at least ONE of those healers isn’t prioritizing healing.

The Roadhog could be taking unnecessary damage, using Breather in cases where he should give the healer the ult charge, or one or both of the healers are getting dived constantly and can’t put out as much healing as they should.

Stats don’t mean anything at the end of the day, and blaming anyone for losses is counterproductive.

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I can flick shot a target flying through the air in the head. What kind of magical movement wizardry are you saying these players have? There is only a finite amount of ways a player hitbox can move. Are you trying to insinuate that I can only hit targets that bot out in straight lines. You value your Overwatch SR far too much.

Overwatch didn’t teach these concepts to me, I already knew them - and much more about movement and positioning than you learned in a your overwatch video on youtube a whopping two years ago.

Don’t make me laugh dude. GM’s in this game would get dominated by Global Elite players. RAN THROUGH, effortlessly.

Secondly, I like to stop with the “I am better than everyone” mentality. You are not better than everyone, in fact you are barely scraping average rank https ://www.esportstales.com/overwatch/competitive-rank-distribution-pc-and-console


We already have Plat Chat, can we start saying Gold Chat just for this guy :thinking:

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Air targets are generally considered the easiest to hit, they have limited control and move in a predictable arch.

An actual impressive metric would be being able to hit someone properly ADAD crouch spamming with any sort of consistency.


This comment is perfect. It is quite literally if he were a silver 2 player and he had say 45% accuracy on other silver 2 players. And then he went online and checked and saw that Globals had 45% accuracy, therefore he deserves global and complained about it.

No dude. You have 45% accuracy against silver 2s. You have the accuracy you do against golds in overwatch. Do not attempt to claim you deserve to be in a higher rank because of your accuracy being equal to those of higher rank.


Dps Moiras that provide no healing.

Same goes for ANY healer not supporting their team.

Your arguement is invalid.

I’d say his own quote describes him perfectly :smile:

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The enemy has to deal with the same thing you do, they don’t magically get all the good players. If you are better, you’ll off more advantage to your team and be putting the odds in your favor.


In what world is 52% scoped accuracy, and 24% scoped critical hit accuracy not good aim?! POSITIONING IS NOT UNIQUE TO OVERWATCH.

Show me your master skill, show me YOU popping off in the first two hours of playing a game session starting with your warm up from cold, I want to see non stop head shots - when you’re barely warmed up. Show me, don’t tell me.

It honestly sounds like you need a GM widow to 1v1 you and put you in your place. You are delusional if you think you have peaked in terms of aim and that anything better is “magical movement wizardry.”


Your QP is 16% and competitive is 15%.


And you are delusional if you think widow hours stack up against AWP and rail gun hours. Or even matter.

It’s not about a peak, you can always improve on something. It’s about having stats far beyond the capability of gold and platinum dps players. Nothing more. Nothing less.