I strongly expect them to revert role lock

That’s how Role Q works…

You and I seem to be complete opposites, I play tank significantly less due to Role Q/Lock and I am immensely dissatisfied with 2-2-2

You were never a tank player. You only tanked because you had to. You are a dps player that was forced to tank. All tank and support mains love role lock.

Have you ever played with me? No, you haven’t, so stop assuming m8.

Are you trolling?

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Unlock your profile please.

Why? Why is it so hard to believe that I am a tank main, huh?

Considering there’s been multiple more dramatic crises in the past where years of grief could have been avoided by simply reverting and going back to the drawing board and they never reverted those, don’t count on it. Team 4 does not make mistakes.

Besides, by all appearances, Role Queue is still preferred by the majority.

Any complaining about it without offering any solutions is just an attention seaking rant.

If all your mates have left leave too. Don’t enjoy the game, leave.

Or stay, get over yourself and just have fun playing.

You’ll be disappointed. Role lock is a blessing to anyone who takes ranked at least somewhat seriously. No one wants to be at the mercy of whether or not the matchmaker puts them with anyone who plays a tank or a healer by choice

Listen id seriously sympathize more if i actually believed you. Im not trying to be an jerk, i just literally dont believe you actually main tanks or healers if you dont like role queue. Ive never met a single person in game thats a tank that wasnt overflowed with joy when 222 came out. No exaggeration. Not one single time, not one single tank or support player. Not once.

Forgive me. Its just incredibly hard to believe that a tank main would hate 222. Thats why i ask you to unlock your profile and let me check out your play times. I could respond appropriately and ask the right questions. Im sorry. I dont believe your tank claim at all. Its easy to prove it and wont hurt you at all. Just unlock it for a minute and let me check you out.

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Insert dirty joke here. :smile:

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So the existence of Role Q forfeits the opinion of any tank main from having their own opinion? If you want to see some tank/support players that don’t like Role Q, go to QPC and you are bound to see some.

I don’t see how it is so hard for people to have their own opinions. Not all tanks are apart of a hive mind.

I stopped playing because there was nothing happening in the game for new content since Sigma. I mostly play during events or new hero additions.

That and I have other games to play. It always amuses me when people think Overwatch is the only video game to play. Why do so many only play shooter, or only play RPG? Why not have a mic of interests? I enjoy Overwatch and Borderlands for shooters, but then I also enjoy Zelda and Mario and Pokemon, and The Last of Us and Kingdom Hearts and Skyrim.

Right now I’m playing Borderlands 3, but I’ll probably hop back onto Overwatch for Halloween, November hero, and Winter Wonderland. By then I’ll have the new Pokemon games to play, and when those are done The Last of Us Part 2.

On top of all that I have 8 hours a day to work 5 days a week, errands to run, a house to keep clean, and other interests such as movies, TV shows, books, and I’ve been cooking up a novel in my head for a while I need to sit down and write.

The same thing happens to Destiny 2 for me. I didn’t get the game at launch, but waited until Forsaken and played through ALL of the built up content. Then I stopped, and will jump back in sometime soon for all the stuff Shadow keep added and the stuff built up over a year. Nothing wrong with dropping a game for a while.

Sadly Overwatch doesn’t do big story updates or new events, so the jump ins for me are a bit rarer. Comp is too stressful for me to do ALL the time like some do. I’m happy to be high Platinum as a tank, even if I used to touch Masters.

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I will admit i was wrong and my eyes will literally be open if you really are a tank main.

As an Orisa and Ana main for years i cried, really cried tears of joy reading about 222 coming tonthe game. Playing tank was a heartbreaking task for me personally. I did it because i fully believed that playing tank would make me an over all better player. I respected my team mates and wanted to give them my best. I felt disrespected when nobody else would tank or heal for our team. I felt alone, like i was the only one that TRULY cared about the outcome of the game.

Coming from my own experiences and hearing about the experience of others has shaped my opinions today.

If yoy truly are a tank main, then you are truly the ONLY tank main ive ever met that is against role queue. Ive talked to hundreds and hundreds of people in game. Not one complaint from a tank main.

I love 222 and the gift blizzard gave to us. I feel its one of the most respectful thing a video game company has done in a very long time.

So again forgive me for not believing you. Maybe you understand better where im coming from and you understand why id like to see your profile. At this point it would be incredibly irresponsible to believe such a wild claim without any proof whatsoever. If you prove it though, you would 100% change my opinion on 222

What game modes do you play?

I see it more of as a betrayal

Could the claim of the person I primarily duo queued with serve as enough vindication?

Eh I pretty much support all the time and I stick to QPC now because meh role queue.

Ok so if you cant prove you are a tank main, please dont be upset at me for not believing a single thing you say.

Faith is for the fallen

Is this proof enough for you?

I strongly expect OP to be sorely disappointed…

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Let’s imagine a scenario where they took away role queue from the game. Now you’re going to get team comps that you’ll hate even more than Orisa/Sigma. Imagine playing against Rein/Orisa/Sigma/Sym.

Yes. When they revert mass Rez, symm 2.0, and brig lmao