I strongly expect them to revert role lock

Honestly the thing that’s killing the game is the balance situation, and the current meta. The current meta is the most restrictive ever, it isn’t fun, and unlike previous metas it’s affecting all ranks and even QP. Double barrier is poison, and they need to kill it as soon as possible.

You forgot the /s at the end.

They won’t revert it. The furthest they’d go is add Classic Competitive mode lol. But then they’d also add more incentives to playing role queue probably.

That’s why “Casuals” shouldn’t play competitive. Stick to quick play classic if you wanna wanna play dps so bad.

People on my friends list were quitting WoW back during Cata and Blizzard didn’t change anything. They keep on that same path and look where they are now.

That said, I personally still think 222 is better than before. It will take time to smooth out adjustments with heroes and so on. If they don’t speed up balance changes then I expect things will go down hill.

Do you have any factual and feasible evidence of this?

Because according to actual, official developers comments, the majority of the player base clearly very much enjoys 2/2/2 role - lock as shown below:

And especially right here:

So you know what else is common sense concerning casual players in almost every single online game out there? They don’t play Competitive in the first place, which means they’re more than covered by Quick Play/QP Classic, which are both great options and the most rewarding they’ve ever been.

And even if a percentage of them plays Competitive, then they would most probably play in a low/mid rank, where the queues are most of the times completely normal.

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Give me another source to earn golden weapons, and I would never touch comp beyond the qualifiers to earn my free spray/icon. Unfortunately, if I want to gild my heroes in gold, I need to play comp now and then because match volume earns a lot more CP.

The only major thing that changed in the last months is role lock. Anyone that is quitting currently is either directly because of role lock, or because of the ripples role lock created (double barrier meta, queue times, death of flex play, etc).

Even Sigma is only strong because of role lock. In QPC he is overwhelmed by 3+ DPS and can’t cover all angles, making his shield unreliable to stand behind to hold your ground.

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Here I am sitting firmly in reality and my friends list has seen more people come back to the game, your experience isn’t everyone’s but sure we’re just idiots in La-la land :man_shrugging:t2:

I mean it is just incomparable for me, where is OW and where is destiny2? It is niche game for me, even if they will add tons of content. The fact that pure ow fan can stop play this game when it takes that much time to find a game…

We’ll find out in the next big balance change in about 10 months won’t we!

I decided to play qpc because i didnt want to wait 6 min. Got a match, 5 instalocked dps. Said yeah screw this and went back to role queue.


Not everything happens at the drop of a hat like you want it to, and just because they haven’t acted doesn’t mean they won’t or aren’t considering it.

Role lock made me lose interest in the game after over 3 years.

First they limit the heroes. Then they remove your ability to switch. GG OW.

This is not fun anymore.


Overwatch died - just buy Overwatch 2! :smile:

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I was playing last night, and so was everyone on my friends list that was online. It’s actually still very popular.

Good riddance.
There is role lock qp.

So the main argument is that casuals don’t want to wait too much in ques to play their fav hero.

So, remove it from QP. Keep it in ranked. Problem solved.

So nothing changed.

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~20 people on my friends list quit around the time of the Mercy rework and Dva matrix changes in 2017,

people were vocal back then and nothing was reverted, I doubt this is anything different.

Not that it matters, but my kid and his three friends have all quit.

Yes, they only play heroes where they can pop off like Reaper and Hanzo and Widow. Yes, they were bad and didn’t care about team comp like at all (though they have sick aim, they are mostly hard stuck silver). No, they don’t want to wait 10 minutes to play Reaper in QP.

For me, a support and tank main, it hasn’t been all that great either, but probably better than it was.

I’ve also quit because of role lock.

Edit: I think part of what made 222 such a disaster was the elimination of the “defense” category. Your mileage may vary.

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Lmao are these people high or what? Majority of players aprove role q, reverting it will be a suicide.