For all of those who don’t know what ‘>’ means, it means that the thing on the Left is Greater than the thing on the Right. I don’t want your Illiteracy to Devolve into the Illusion that you’re right…
Anyway, the Main Argument I hear is that 5V5 is Easier to Balance, or it takes Less Balancing to work.
Bastion, Doomfist, Orisa, Sombra (twice), Roadhog, Mei, Cassidy, Symmetra, Zenyatta, Echo - plus more I’ve probably forgotten about - have all gotten some kind of Rework, either Changing one of their Abilities or their entire Kit.
Even Wrecking Ball is Alluded to be getting a Rework and Ana might have 2 Entire Abilities be Weakened against Tanks because Solo Tanking is a Pain because of her.
ALL of this Time and Energy could’ve been put into 6V6, but instead they just went with 5V5, Messed everything up AGAIN and now they’re just Doubling-Down with all of these Reworks (and it’ll still take them until at least Season 9 to actually Nerf Ana god dammit).
eventually the 5v5 idea will fall or they will make a 6v6 mode to make everyone happy but still they are kinda idiots.
I’d change that Comment a little, I don’t want a Fellow Chad 6V6 Enjoyer to be lost to the Blizzard Hivemind.
They can go back to 6v6 but I don’t think anything gets better. Even if tank counter swapping is fixed. You just go back to long dps queue times, supports being heal bots, and nobody wants to tank still, and the ones that do are a majority off tanks.
On top of that we’d still have a the battlepass, you’d still have the same exact monetization as we do now with the shop, heroes will still be in the battlepass, and the matchmaking will be the same too, and comp is the same as it is. We don’t get a better game just because we go back to 6v6.
as you wish my fellow 6v6 brother
The game will generally get better if they go to 6v6 and some problems that 6v6 had are also solved like tanks needed to play sig or orisa cause of cc so they didn’t wanted to play tank : fixed, q times : fixed cause of the new matchmaking allowing a bigger difference in ranks, tanks synergy not really a problem imo it really depends on which tanks like rein zarya are fine and winton dva also fine the double shield would get melted by ram and maui so that’s that, and those are like some of the biggest problems from 6v6 solved easily, still think that cass should get his stun back to deal with tracers and stuff like that in order for us to avoid buffing supports besides that just make doom a dps because he kinda lost his identity when he got reworked and, but, even if they don’t go back it will still really good and of course way better than 5v5, no need to say that the 5v5 problems would also get fixed.
That’s even more Explicit. I agree, but you’ll probably get Reported by a ‘Lesser Life-Form’.
The reality is that 6v6 isnt returning.
Ok so ideas to replace it?
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it will eventually it’s a matter of time, but, don’t worry they will keep 5v5 too
Nah it wont. Game isnt designed for it anymore and its not worth the development time tbh.
You can still make it in workshop and invite the 7 people who would still play it though
yeah it’s still more designed to 6v6 than 5v5 just look how many reworks they have to make to fix this mode, unless you count hero stats then a lot of heroes were of course buffed to fit 5v5, but, even so they have all the old assets and code waiting to be used!
And also blizzard wants the money so they will make ow classic to get the money eventually.
I think now it’s better and more acceptable
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oh ok I, I didn’t though of that… thanks. 
The amount of Reworks Required just to make 5V5 even Playable (except for the Tank Role) is Stupid. All of that Energy could’ve been put into Fixing 6V6.
Instead, they went the ‘Easy Route’ for Short Term t Solving, only to make Tanking Cancerous, Supports Over-Tuned and DPS Redundant.
Also reminder that Double shield wasnt really a thing by the end of OW, and it was solved anyways bybthe Orisa rework, also Sig, Rein isnt a really valid comp it has no synergy
yeah at end there was a lot and I MEAN A LOT of rein zarya, not that it’s a bad thing just pointing that out
6v6 was a cesspool of extreme mechanics that enticed a lot of hatred against particular mechanics. It was partially tolerable because the general solution was to put the tank on duty for whatever awful mechanic was in the game.
Literally in short 30-50sec segment on Bastion Geoff is talking about why a Bastion rework even happened. When Bastion was meta and was not obscenely overpowered, people are instantly rebeling against the idea and concedes that Bastion needs a rework.
Then ML7 is like, “Ah, that explains the doomfist rework”. Doomfist is another hero that wasn’t overpowered, but he was an awful hero to play against with his triple CC and higher lethality with lower skill floor and equally wasn’t performing well. The new rework has made him amazingly viable in top 500 multiple times on tank in OW2.
The exact same thing with roadhog. People hated how low skill floor Mei, Cass, Brig, and the others were for skill floor on their easy kill conditions. These heroes were going to get a rework at some point or another or some type of compensation change.
Hell, even Pharah is getting a powershift to make her less polarizing to deal with arguably. Her high air time makes her easy to kill with hitscan, but makes her almost impossible to deal with on projectile heroes. A pharah that spends more time to the ground is more equally killable both for her to kill enemies and them to kill her back. Its a more balanced situation.
These sort of reworks were going to happen and I feel they are easier tin the 5v5 format.
I could MAYBE see a Ramattra Sigma Comp Happening to Replace Double-Shield, but then again Ramattra can just Punch Through and Mauga can just Burn them and get Crits (he doesn’t right now, but he should).