🌌 I still stand what I said about this game having enough maps for map select/vote system

Im actually getting so done how bad maps in ranked had been for me & how im getting 2cp’s more than 3-6x’s a row, etc…
It’s just like even the map pool’s been against me this season aswell.

We seriously should get some kind of map pool/select/vote system…

And get rid of tie’s. It’s extremely annoying to waste your time for such useless thing.

I’ve actually done thread how map select would look like & such but idk.
I dont wanna wait ages to seeing this such as scoreboard on this game finally…

Edit: Jeff’s also been talking about map pool’s & such with Seagull in his stream.

I never realised that there was a Milky Way emoji until now.

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Ive noticed OP. That you lose on Assault maps alot

Yeahh but I cant really blame the maps for it.

It’s cause of how unlucky my game’s been due to getting either throwers, toxic players, how players doesnt know how to play their heroes/game at all & such.

I know the feeling…

Instead of Map select, I’d just give everyone a single map ban.

I mean, I guess it could work the way you’ve explained it in your other thread… Could also open up an opportunity for Blizz to look at what the least picked maps are, why that may be and maybe pulling them out of rotation and reworking them.

I don’t think anyone should have the opportunity to opt out of an entire gamemode in comp tho.