I Still LMAO When People Deny Forced Loses

solo q is a coinflip if you duo the games are going to be more balanced and less random. you just got unlucky it happens.

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So I get what you’re saying here but you actually describe a conspiracy to keep you down as you go.

There’s the conspiracy… or plan… to keep you down. If your SR out paces your MMR the system as you say will force losses to bring them back in line. The grand plan. Tho as you later point out it also works in the opposite direction to give you free wins.

When a system calculates metrics to dictate where you should be, MMR, rather than just letting you free climb/fall based on W/L then inherently the design of that system is going to have to feed you W’s and L’s. Eventually on all ladders with such systems you will become hard stuck because you have hit your skill plateau and the MMR will act as an anchor.

If we’re going to sit and constantly regurgitate the mantra of “Fix your mistakes and PBSR will set you free” and not acknowledge that our mistakes become baked into the matchmaking decision making. Our mistakes are reflected in our MMR.


It’s not a conspiracy to keep you down, are you that narcissistic? It’s designed to keep you where you BELONG.

I have a half dozen accounts within less than 100 SR, you think that happens by accident? The system is incredibly consistent and efficient at keeping you where your stats say you should be.


You continue to prove my point. It decides where you go.


Based on what YOUR PERFORMANCE says it SHOULD go. What is so hard to understand about that?

Your stats–damage, final blows, eliminations, objective time, offensive/defensive assists, ult shutdowns, sharpshooter kills, environmental kills, etc all affect your MMR. Do more of that and it’ll decide you get easy wins designed to nudge your SR upwards.

You’re only upset about it because it has decided you belong lower than you think you should be. That’s like stepping on the bathroom scale and getting mad at the scale because it says you weigh more than you want to. Lose weight and the scale will say what you want it to. Or in the case of Overwatch, get good and the scale will say a higher number.


The difference is though that it decides where you should go by adjusting your sr gains and losses below diamond (and above diamond too if it sees your team as heavily favored or unflavored).

It doesn’t see you as being higher or lower than where you belong and say “let’s rig it so they win/lose”. Yeah not every game can be won but not every game can be lost either.

Not arguing against it calculating your performance. I also never claimed that I was upset with where I am. You’ve made assumptions that are blinding you from the actual conversation. You have mixed emotion into your response rather than actually understanding.

We both agree that the system interprets your performance and will match make you accordingly to where it decides your performance belongs. I am not taking a negative or positive stance on this. I am simply stating that any system that will calculate metrics to place you “where you belong” will inherently have baked into it forced WINS and forced LOSSES. You said so much yourself.


Which equates to rigging. Forcing some performance-data notion of “fair and balanced” is 100% statistical rigging. That’s not someone’s interpretation or opinion, that is the technical jargon for it.

The only way you provably avoid rigging is by unbiased naive random sampling. You hide sr and mmr from the matchmaker and ship matches FAST. Queues are another sign of rigging. Gameplay would be streakish, but over the long run admit an average difficulty backdrop of whatever tier you’re pooling from. And since elo hell supposedly doesn’t exist - there would be no chaos, the best would rise up against the average, until they’re matched vs. a new average.


What i find funny is when you Google “Rigged Matchmaking”

After clearing cookies and everything, i get…

Overwatch more than any other game.
League of Legends
Clash Royale, some app that of course is going to use modern algorithms to scam people into playing longer.
World of Tanks.

Congrats, Blizz. Lumped in with scam phone apps and League, which is known to be an infuriating experience. It’s almost as if actual random matches are the most fun in the long run. The most fair.


I’m also down 800sr. I, however, realised that I couldn’t play well in the hog meta on anything but tank.

Stop looking for excuses for your losses. It isn’t a good look.


I’m not looking for excuses. I’m looking for a game that doesn’t use a dynamic difficulty matchmaker to rig up what it thinks are even matches. It will never happen. All they had to do was make truly random matches, and they’d naturally become even. We don’t need a matchmaker that REACTS to your recent play.


Truly, think about it for one second. What are you saying?

Are blizzard forcing you to lose? What makes you think they’re out to get you?
Are blizzard forcing everyone to lose? What exactly would be the purpose? Literally no one would rank up, however, people clearly do.
Are blizzard forcing some people to lose? If so, who and why them?

The whole concept of forced loses makes no sense what so ever. It striaght up doesn’t happen. It’s just a coping mechanism people come up with to explain away their loses to avoid responsiblity. I am not blaming anyone for this, the human brain doesn’t like failure. Getting a lot of failure in a very short amount of time, like a loss streak, will cause the brain to do silly things. I am not immune to this either.


Oh ya, been here since beta and there are nights you can tell someone is stacking the decks.

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It is funny that you put OW in first place when there is a lot more clash and Lol links.


Not sure if Google is catering searches. I just googled it, OW is number 3 behind League and Hearthstone of all things. I dont even play it so not sure.

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that would actually be a nice mechanic for a new support hero :joy: the „friendly„ hook

That’s the opposite of what the OP is suggesting. They’re saying if you post good stats i.e. improved MMR, you get harder games, so the system is working AGAINST your MMR to maintain your SR. Anecdotally I feel this is true - after a few good games you’re required to hard carry.

People asking about possible motive. Could be to discourage solo queueing and promote the social functions of the game. That’s clearly important for Blizzard.

Or, less conspiratorially, it could just be a side effect of trying to match both SR and MMR.



It has been proven many times than not that Blizzard does not actually care for their low elo let alone them rigging matches in the said elo. Blizzard first of all cares about money, second the OWL and third streamers and whitelisting them. You being stuck in Bronze does not touch Blizzard at all.

That being said, I have been following the Comp forum and most of the topics posted about how one is stuck, how everything is rigged, how awful the teammates are etc. etc,. comes from Bronze players. I was also Bronze. I am not much better today, but I have never, ever blamed anyone or anything but myself for being where I am.

I have not seen a single topic posted by a GM or T500 saying how matchmaking is bad and they have the most smurfs and boosted players than anyone else. I just watched an Emongg Youtube video where he lost on Route66 and Flats (his duo) pointed out how their Mei/Soldier bought their account since they were not playing as a GM. Everyone below Masters believe they belong higher. Everything is always someone else’s fault, whether the system or the teammates. I have posted a topic on how to improve or how to improve certain aspects of one’s gameplay and I had like 2, 3 people reply to it. No one cares about improving. It is all about how someone, something is out to get them.

I can with a 100% certainty say that those people who post such topics never even take the time to look at their own gameplay or invest time in improving, because it is much easier and less time consuming to blame everything else on why you are losing than actually working on your own shortcomings.

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Yes, that. But also.

I still laugh at anyone that can lose 15 games in a row, and think it’s somehow the matchmaker forcing them to lose. lol.

I was gonna say “the matchamkers fault,” but it might be the matchmakers fault. In the sense that you’re just ranked too high.

What he means is that it’s just most likely this kid’s bad gameplay that’s making him lose. Not 15 games in a row of teammates running off cliffs.

I had one season where I was something like 40-50 win loss record, and hit my season high. You can spit whatever nonsense you want about forced losses or whatever you’re on about, but I was performing really well every game, and therefore climbing in rank. So yes, PBSR will set you free.

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I agree and disagree with this. I 100% agree that getting good and practicing is part of the climbing process and is a very big factor in your games. That’s the reason why I practice every day so I can get better and climb higher. However there is something going on with the matchmaking that is defiantly not right. For example I’m plat right now and recently played a game where the enemy team had all plats in their team which is fine but I was the only plat in my team where rest of my team was unranked gold and even 1 silver

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