I Still LMAO When People Deny Forced Loses

That power is called matchmaking bro. I agree with your 30-40-30 rule except it fluctuates. On some days I can’t find a single game I will win no matter what, instead I get those lose no matter what more than 30%.
If I try to derank its reversed then I can see your 30%.
Its not magic the game checks your performance and matches accordingly so it’s either carry harder than before or lose.

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yes it’s called algorithms…when you’re winning or even win just one game the system puts you with people who have been losing thinking you can bring them up…it’s possible to get yourself with 5 others who have been losing a lot. No matter how good you are, in some ranks you can’t carry 5 bad players


Odds of having 5 bad players while enemy team have 6 good players is extremely rare.


agreed…but having 5 bad players while enemy has 2 good players is a lot less rare


I really dont know where are you going with this. Matches are created to be balanced for two teams. Yes, sometime its chaotic if there is more people from different ranks or smurf but thats all.

What did you mean by system placing you with players who lost? Why would system do that? Tpo what purpose?


What u don’t see is that u also have forced wins. Examples: u have a smurf, enemy team has a thrower or a Moira main. So yeah don’t focus on games decided in the hero select, focus on winning the balanced and even games thats what matters. :slight_smile:

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Haha it’s you again shadow :smiley:
You and me against competetive conspiracy theorists, ppl need to see that getting good is part of the climbing process


I still LMAO when people get hardstuck in a rank and blame everyone but themselves, only hardstucking themselves further.


These conspiracy theorist fail to understand one simple thing. They are not fighting ladder full of AI bots. It is not ladder vs them. Its whole community vs you. You cant except to climb by not stomping those who are higher than you or in your elo.

Matchmaker doesnt need to stop you from climbing. Better players will do it.


Ppl be like “I have gm skill because I watched 2 hrs of ml7 (no offense) streams, why am I still Plat???” like nOMEGALUL u don’t


Matchmaker is even helping to those who are playing above average in bronze,silver, gold and platinum, helping them with PBSR to climb faster.

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It’s always the same. People who reached certain ranks will tell you they don’t find it hard to climb there, heck I did it in 15 games on a new account. It’s honestly kinda scary even how good the ladder system works.

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My main is stuck in gold, but I just placed at Diamond with new acc, its proof that system is rigged. I deserve to be diamond when I was placed in it and kept it few games!

:rofl: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I remember back in Season 4 I played 1 game on a master buddy’s account and actually won it and held it up as proof that I was a master player. His plan backfired so hard lmao.

Still have it recorded too.

But he gave the account to me after that and said ‘fine, it’s yours then’. 2 weeks later it was in plat.


Am I talking to a top 500 lucioball player here?? :joy::joy::joy:

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Imagine expending all your energy finding out what everyone else did wrong the entire match. Sounds exhausting and fruitless.

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Forced losses are real but it isn’t because of some conspiracy to keep you down. It’s because your stats indicate you SHOULD be down. When your SR exceeds your MMR, you get forced losses. And your MMR is determined by your stats. Do more damage, get more elims, more final blows, more offensive/defensive assists, shut down more ults, and your MMR will raise and you’ll get literally free wins because forced wins are just as real when your SR is lower than your MMR.


The whole “forced losses” thing is a myth made by people to feel better about being hardstuck or having a bad day in competitive.


This is the post i searched for…

“No matter how hard you play, the enemy will always be as good as you”

The matches are handicapped, its a mathematical rule with the MMR. Hidden or not, if you have a high one for your SR your teammates will have a low one, ALWAYS. It is needed to maintain the forced 50:50 winrate. If you are a good player, matches from low diamond (or even high plat) can feel the same for you, up to masters.