I see matchmaking is getting worse and worse

I had Gms and top500 in my plat games over the past two days…

Now…I thought same thing happened again…I was about to roll my eyes because I saw someone with GM title…

And I checked everyone’s profiles…It was a full on 3700+ game. I’m plat 1. GJ Blizzard!

  • BuT YoUrE MaTchED oN YoUr MmR So It DoeSNt MaTTeR. WoRKinG as InTEnDeD

  • THe ONlY ConSTAnt BeTWEen MaTChES Is YoU

(except for the constant throwers, the constant leavers and the constant underperforming teammates. Those are also forms of constants too btw. Constants don’t have to be the same specific individual. But i guess we ignore that to further the false argument)

-Probably some blizz dev


Once you hit high Plat, the game just throws you into high elo games.

Quite a few GM/Top 500 and Masters have ended up in my games too.

It’s like the matchmaker doesn’t understand the massive skill disparity between Plat and GM.

We may as well be playing different games.


Same thing in bronze. Nobody I play against is actually bronze. Their new tier system not being tied to SR just makes it all seem wonky.


Rank decay made the Bronze situation even worse.

I decayed into Silver myself. I got out in 5 games but I didn’t feel good rolling those lobbies.

Same with low Gold tbh, but at least the playing field is a bit more even.

Decayed from what rank? This season?

It’s so hard to get reliable information when most profiles are hidden and everybody is looking at scoreboard titles. They need to bring ranks back to the scoreboard when they stabilize SR next season. Whatever their intentions in hiding them, it just didn’t work. When people can’t see what the matchmaker is doing they assume the worst.


I dropped from Plat 1 to Gold 1 on my own (string of unwinnable games) before the season ended, and then to Silver because of Season 3 decay.

Dude…please…you’re giving me a headache at this point.
I checked all profiles in this game, only 1 was private. People in higher ranks don’t hide their stats so often.

I didn’t assume the worst. I checked profiles, most of them were not private and I asked in chat. When I asked if there are any plats in this lobby I got laughed at.

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Blizzard is telling you belong in GM you hav been fooled by ow1 sr all along, your as skilled as gm players in mmr and have been let down by teammates :relieved:

A lower than expected player counted + Blizzard desperate for reasonable queue times has killed match quality and balancing.

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I’m not calling you a liar, I can believe that genuinely awful matches do get created sometimes for whatever reason. But most of the community has no insight into what’s happening and just makes very pessimistic assumptions. I think the majority of stomps people are reporting actually did have balanced MMR as far as the matchmaker could tell.

I hope they stick to what they said:

They said “remove all current and past seasonal rank decay”. I think what this means is that there actually will be a reset in S4, but that it will be to a stable rank that’s closer to your MMR.

They also mention ways to provide information about matchmaking quality. This could only refer to seeing ranks, but it could be an aggregate team rank instead of individual.

I think they made this decision to not show ranks to loosen the matchmaker and get faster q times.

This is probably their new algorithm in action, where if all else fails, they match an x rank tank against an x rank tank, a y rank support against a y rank support etc. I don’t think such a massive discrepancy within a team should be allowed though, even if the other team has a matching oppenent in the role. Like, iirc the game itself doesn’t allow this if you try doing it with a friend.

“the matchmaking isnt rigged” :rofl:


I don’t think this is issue of being rigged as much as lack of quality and player numbers in q.

When I get placed into a game in 20 seconds, I don’t believe that it’s because the matchmaker gave up on putting me into a balanced match. That doesn’t make sense, they would at least let it take a minute or two before it compromises quality. From everything they said in the matchmaker blogs, I think their stance is clear: there is no switch they can just flip to make the games closer. They’re aware that the community is furious about matchmaking and they want to stop the complaints. Don’t you think they would have tightened it at least a little by now?

I think they definitely would have tried something but whatever they did doesn’t seem to be working, i also think running mercy mains the wrong way before a season launch wasn’t the smartest descision when you have got bigger issues like matchmaking which could be a lot due to support numbers lacking.

This is unacceptable. I’m mad right now. Their matchmaker blogpost was a lie. The matchmaker doesn’t look at MMR at all. I’m mid master and constantly getting in a lobby with gold players. Legit gold players through out OW history. No decay shenanigans. Like WHY??? These players are so out of touch and toxic too. It’s unbelievable. Match quality is horrible. Worst of all this, the game doesn’t even tell me what lobby i’m playing. I’m expecting a master rank game and play according to that but the match is a gold rank match. There is no consistency. I’m discovering from chat or after match profile inspection that these are gold players. What is the damn point ???

Their matchmaker blogpost… It’s all deception and lie.


I’ve experienced the same. I see master+ people in just about every plat game Ive played this weekend. I suspect they’re doing it to help GM+ que times, just a guess.

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