LFG was a soft entry to this and it proved to be a waste of resources. However a guild system would be nice since it’s a basic thin game in most all online games.
You have the matchmaker, which gives you a soft role queue, and if you choose to fill often you’re guaranteed your prefered role in the next match.
And then you have clubs which can help you arrange a 2-5 stack, as well as an unrelated invite system to anyone from your friend’s list and your friends’ friends lists.
Most people queue as a premade, and then fill the remaining with the matchmaker. Eventually, you find a solid group of people to queue together and never solo queue.
Despite having the reputation of the most toxic community, League’s queuing system doesn’t end up being a point of contention ever.
League has exponentially more players online than a paid game like Overwatch. The game is free to play, so there’s never a shortage of people for soft role queue, and both the guaranteed role and champion diversity are huge bonuses that people are all pretty much accepting of the matchmaker.
Most people will eventually settle on premades, even with the good matchmaking, and use the matchmaker to fill empty spots if and only if friends are unavailable.
Says who? I know you won’t hear that from the LoL community. I see constant complaints on the League of Legends forums about dodges, toxicity, and getting autofilled.
All of those have nothing to do with the queuing system. There’s no complaints about the system, the system is open and gives players freedom. There ARE however, complaints about how people abuse the freedom they’re given. But even then, many times those things you listed are praised, Especially dodging.
Soft role queue, no rank limitations, guaranteed role, friends of friends, invites determined by party leader, Blind/Draft/Ranked separation, alternate fun rotating game modes, modest queue punishments that are an inconvenience but not a deal breaker…
League sections off dedicated spaces for people that have differing opinions on what the experience should be and offers no restrictions on those specific spaces.
What are you talking about? I just listed a major complaint about the system; getting autofilled. People hate getting autofilled so much that they’d often rather dodge than play an unwanted role.
It’s literally what people asked of Role Queue when they first started proposing the idea… They drew parallels to LoL’s implementation and then Blizzard delivered with LFG.
Autofilling in League is actually preferred if you play ADC, it guarantees you an ADC role the next game.
As a Jinx and former Tristana main, I loved getting the role confirm, and playing support became my next favorite role because of it. I otherwise never would have played Morg or Blitz, and now they’re some of my fsvorite champs.
It’s not the straight downside you’re painting it to be.
I know that you’re guaranteed to get a role you do want in the next game, but you still have to play an unwanted role before you get that guarantee.
I’m just pointing out a simple fact of LoL as it is now: people dodge on a pretty regular basis because they got autofilled into an unwanted role.
People can be very impatient and very stubborn, and you can hardly blame them in this scenario; slogging through an unfun match playing a role that they hate is not the reason most people play League of Legends. So a significant portion of people just say “screw this” and dodge when they get autofilled.
Dodging is not seen as a positive for most people, because every time someone dodges, that’s another five minutes or so that you have to spend waiting in queues and sitting through a draft phase instead of, you know, actually playing the game.
Complaints about autofill are a strike against the game’s queueing system, and autofill caused a dramatic increase in dodges when it was implemented.
CSGO and DOTA have 24 hour timeouts. Overwatch and HOTS have increasingly longer penalties the more it happens which is even worse, LoL’s system is the most preferred of all of them.
Which exists to address long queue times which is even worse.
There isnt a better solution or else we’d have seen it across the entire eSports gamut… we’re living the long queue time in Overwatch right now, and it’s a significantly worse frustration point.
Small things add up quickly when you play multiple matches every day, and dodges happen in half of them.
That’s a matter of opinion. Again, there are constant complaints about dodges and autofills on the League of Legends forums. There are upsides and downsides to both systems. Saying it’s objectively better is patently false.