I report so many people

I’ve become so jaded with this game. Every game has throwers on both sides, not even sure what they’re doing, but they do.

I report the regular throwers, abusive chat, etc, but now I’m reporting lemmings. When people repeatedly run in alone feeding and dying aand continue to do so after being asked to stop and group up, I consider it throwing and I report.

…I get a thank you screen every time I log in. I get that screen so consistently that I’m starting to think it is literally part of the log in.


Way To Clean Up The Community


Um… this will lead to someone’s account being banned: yours! You cannot report people for trying but failing. We all do that! You included.


Blizzard needs to make separate queue pools for people who get reported for bad behavior (toxicity, sabotage etc) so they can all play together and screw each other over. As a result, Comp would be 10x better because matches would be fair and there would be less arguing, less shaming, and less toxicity overall.


If you try and fail a bit too often it becomes a major disadvantage to the team, so yes at some point, it becomes feeding, which by extension is now sabotage because they are consciously making a choice to ignore their teammates suggestions and warnings.

People who do that should reconsider playing Competitive and not leave their team at an automatic disadvantage from the start of a match.

Same goes for people with bad computers, bad internet and bad attitudes.


I got spammed with 4 Thank You screens in a row when logging in XD It was so fracking satisfying!!


Uh… no. If they’re your rank then you make mistakes too. Likely the selfsame ones! A bad game where they try is not a reportable offense. Abusing the report system is…


To clarify, I never said I didn’t make mistake. I just make less of them and I admit it when it happens and change my strategy or change my hero.

Big difference.

When a Reinhardt charges in out of LOS and can’t be healed by his team, isn’t in VC to announce his charge, cant hear the callout that “Reaper is behind you”, and he cant cooridnate his ult for combos because he can’t communicate or be communicated with, that is a problem for the whole team. Reckless Reinhardts force a team to retreat because now there is nothing protecting them from the enemy DPS. It costs a team valuable time and gives the enemy more ult charge when it could have been prevented.

Or when a Tracer plays into a Brig or a McCree who keeps focusing her and that Tracer complains they aren’t being healed, that’s their error. Repeating that same error over and over is their problem but it gives the enemy an advantage.

Making ONE mistake on ONE play happens. Repeating mistakes is just plain incompetence.

I see this sort of thing every day MsSysbit.

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You must look in mirrors a lot. You have how many more hours than me and are the same rank? You DO repeat your mistakes even if you’re unaware of them. Stop focusing on everyone else’s and worry about your own. That’s how you climb.

Throwing is an extreme case of using your abilities to hinder a match such as sitting in spawn or jumping off ledges intentionally, repeatedly. Making mistakes is allowed or every non pro would be banned by now! We all make plenty! At our rank: tons!


this guy has been on a roll lately, he thinks he belongs in gm or something :clown_face:


Me? Heck, no! I am a trashy, low Gold! And I want to improve that. I’m the last to say I’m good at this game!


not you, Derpy.
He’s burning up the forums.
You seem sane, actually.


I’ve been wanting this for so long. I think Gta 5 had a great method. If you went around grieving and killing you would get put into pools of people with who play like that. If you keep it up you stay in them longer. I think for each report you should have your queue time increased(low priority pool) and should spend 5 games with people who have been reported as well. If you leave the game early your time resets. If you get reported again your times should keep increasing or should reset your pool too. You should also have a mark on your profile only you can see so you understand you have been actioned.

Before any SJW warriors come in crying this isn’t fair think about it this way there are millions of accounts so this won’t effect the community in a negative way. IF people defend their right to be toxic you don’t deserve to play with people who don’t support your toxic behavior.


If that’s the case, then the algorithm used for dealing with reports is inaccurate enough that it actually does the opposite of what its made for… to deal with the ones who actually deserve the reports along the way. Why is that even a thing? Pretty sure the game’s still making alot of money that they can surely alot some of it to atleast beef up the staff handling reports to either check or double check the reports coming in to make it accurate.

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I’m the rare sort that comes to the competitive forums to discuss comp and tries to improve. I just wish more did that.

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If the person doesn’t say they’re trying if I ask in text chat and in voice chat I report them (If they’re feeding). If I can tell that they’re trying I won’t report them.
It’s hard to tell when someones throwing or if they’re trying to win most of the time.

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You think it’s obvious*

Had to correct that. Unless it’s blatant it’s often just a guess.

Might want to brush up on those reading comprehension skills there kiddo.

Never said I should be in GM. I deserve at least Platinum or low Diamond based on my mechanical skill set alone.

lol yeah you’re that guy ha ha

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inb4 "leavers n’ trolls