I Refuse To Touch Tank Literally Ever Again


Peak 6v6 was more fun. But that was 5/6 years ago. People don’t want to play tank. They want to run and shoot people. Or hide in a corner and shoot people.


Fun fact: One of the reasons why they swapped from 6v6 to 5v5 was due to queue times for DPS and Support, which were much longer since there were fewer tanks queuing up for matches during the Overwatch 1 years.

So if 6v6 does come back, the people who are pining for it and think it will improve everything are going to be in for a rude awakening when they get into fewer games, because I guarantee you none of them actually want to play tank.


I’d gladly play it. But I’m not sure what it fixes.

Longer queues for the same cheaters, trolls, leaver issues. The same players are playing the game, so the same mistakes that lead to 1 sided games will happen.

I enjoyed playing with a tank duo, but the inconvenient truth is, the games healthier with 5v5 and theres been no significant drop in match quality.

This one I don’t get. Hog hooks you, shoots you in the face and barely dents your armour with the 1 shot he gets before you are back to blocking. I find people switch Ram to counter hog, not the other way around. Maybe it was different before Ram got 350 armour every 7 seconds or whatever ridiculous value it is.

I do find it funny that we have got to the stage with countering that nobody will even mirror any more. If I mirror the other tank they will switch to a counter. I switch to mirror them again and they will switch immediately to a counter.

I like mirrors because it is a skill check, but nobody else seems willing to take on that challenge and just immediately go the easier route and switch to the best counter.

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not reading all of this, but yeah tanking is trash now. supports who can’t support and dos who can’t get picks. with bad matchmaking it makes it even worse.

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Hog is effective against Ram for 2 reasons.

  1. Hog does more damage up close than Ram does and is built around dealing damage up close (has significant damage falloff once you attack something more than 30m away).
  2. Hog has a self-heal and can trash Ram in a battle of attrition.

And because of Hog’s self-heal, the only real advantage Ram has over other close range tanks, which is his ranged poke, is completely nullified, as Hog can just heal up any damage that Ram does to him.


But at the same time Ram can just block and get healed right back to 100%. You are imagining a scenario where hog vs. ram does not include any external healing. That is not a normal scenario. When you add in supports, and you add in nade (which is ALWAYS present if you play hog) then Hog can do very little to Ram except when he is out of nemesis. But even then it takes hog 5 shots or more to get through the shield without help and by then Ram has nemesis and 350 armour back and hog can do nothing to him again.

I used to find the hog vs. ram matchup fun, but with the armour changes that is no longer the case.

You realize it would only do that if there was a 0% increase in tank players right? Do you really think nobody is going to start playing tank for 6v6 when there’s been endless social media posts and comments about tank mains quitting the game cause 5v5 sucks and you literally can’t even play the tanks you enjoy and are forced to mega flex the entire roster? You do realize 5v5 deleted an entire role right? The off tank? That plays COMPLETELY different than main tank? Do you actually think that will bring back ZERO players?

Immediate red flag low IQ detected.

It’s a well known fact that 5v5 and 6v6 play very very different from each other. To think it’s just nostalgia that makes people want 6v6 back is no different than thinking people who prefer Fortnite over Apex is “rose tinted glasses”. They’re different games bud. It is entirely logical for people to prefer one over the other. But I’m sure you never thought of that right? You just hear things and repeat them without thinking, like everyone else.

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Nade is not ‘always’ present when you play Hog, especially in Quick Play. Unless Ana is one of the support heroes that is picked by the enemy team at the start, you’ll often find that in QP support and DPS never swap unless they’re getting bullied, and then they’re only swapping to gain some advantage over the bully, not because they’re wanting to counter someone on the enemy team.

Errr… okay, but any Hog shooting Ram’s barrier instead of walking around or through it to shoot him in the face isn’t doing their job correctly and should turn in their license to tank.

Yeah, and you’re dreaming if you think 6v6 is going to create a surge in people wanting to tank.

Again, one of the reasons they swapped to 5v5 was because the number of people wanting to tank during 6v6 was low, and that created longer queue times for DPS and Support players.

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Ram can only block from the front, so Hog pulls Ram into a position where he has to choose between blocking Hog and blocking the rest of his team and then he’s in serious trouble if Ram’s team can’t bail him out. Then add to that that block is entirely susceptible to further CC and debuffs such as bionade, sleep and discord, and a tough matchup becomes even tougher.

It’s no coincidence that Ram icons in t500 went extinct in the wake of the s10.5 patch as Hog’s star rose. It’s only as Hog has been nerfed that Ram’s reappeared on the leaderboards.

Not true at all. I only play QP and play a lot of hog and it’s about 1 in 15 games I get no ana on the other team after the first 1-2 fights. They always swap unless I’m not having any impact on the game (for example, their tank swapped orisa so they don’t feel the need to swap unless I am killing their orisa).

I’m not sure what game you’re playing, but if Ram is standing right in front of hog and putting his shield close enough for hog to walk through when not in nemesis form then it is the Ram that needs to hand in their license to tank. As hog, if you walk up to the Ram through his shield then you are standing in front of all 5 of his team and taking damage from them. How is that going to work out for Hog?

Seriously, your takes are some of the worst when it comes to describing scenarios vs. reality.

Coming from the person who just said this:

You’re pitching stones while living in a glass house.

Step off.

There is no reality where all 4 members of Ram’s team are standing right behind him and can unload into Hog’s face the moment he steps through Ram’s shield. Especially since they don’t need to wait for him to do that and no Hog player is stupid enough to open themselves to that much damage.

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Do you understand that tank plays COMPLETELY differnt in 6v6 and adds an entire new role? The off tank? That plays completely different than main tank?

Think of it this way. There once was a role a lot of people enjoyed and it’s all they played in overwatch. The devs then deleted the role from the game for 2 years. And soon it will return with 6v6 testing. Do you really think all those off tank mains wont return? It’s going to bring in a truck load of tank mains. You watch.

The tank role is in such a crisis right now that top 500 is diamond 5 on pc and plat 1 on console. You need to understand that reducing the tanks required per game from 4 to 2 only works if enough people are still interested in playing tank. If you have 10k tank mains in 6v6 and then switch to 5v5 and 7k tank mains quit cause it’s miserable and not fun, you have a bigger problem than you ever did in 6v6. Therefore reverting to 6v6 will more than likely increase the tank population enough to fill out the extra slots plus more, resulting in a much healthier tank population and healthier game overall.

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I’ve played since OW1 beta. Yes I know.

Role queue was introduced because not enough people picked tank (and the meme comps caused imbalances and all that jazz).

Queue times went up because less and less people wanted to play tank.

6v6 was all sunshine and rainbows.

The 6v6 tests will be interesting. I wonder how much is a cynical ploy, the timing where they are looking to do them is suspiciously close to a certain Marvel games release date …

But, they’ll need to massively increase the numbers of tank players for it to work. Something they’ve been unable to do for the best part of 8 years now.

I enjoy your hope and optimism.

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i understand this is about tank, but in masters+ ranked on pc, this is every role in every single match

its just how the entire game is played anymore. ive played this game since ow1 beta, and its literally never been this counterswap oriented. its painful, repetitive, predictable, and boring


It will :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s obvious you don’t understand the tank role at all and that’s why you feel this way. You don’t understand what was taken from tank mains. Giving that back to us is going to have thousands of tank mains returning. It’s really no different than if WoW deleted the Paladin for 2 years and then brought it back.

And the reason they’re bringing 6v6 back is because the number of people wanting to tank in 5v5 is so low that it actually threatens the games life. Their tank shortage in 5v5 is much worse. If it wasn’t they wouldn’t be devoting several months of work to get 6v6 running smoothly on the engine.

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Er, we had a tank crisis back in OW1, too. Some people enjoyed off-tanking but it wasn’t a lot, or we wouldn’t have ended up with 122.

There will be a short term boom as curious people queue up for a taste of something different, but if the mode sticks around for months instead of days, then it’ll probably go the same way as it did back in 2019 and be throttled by a tank shortage.

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Sure buddy, whatever you say.

Again, if tanking was such a popular role during Overwatch 1, why was its population one of the reasons Blizzard shifted the format to 5v5?

Because that’s one of the specific reasons that the transition was made to 5v5, because tanking in 6v6 wasn’t popular and queue times were longer for everyone else who didn’t tank.

No it isn’t. Not by a long shot. Especially since, as has been pointed out to you, bringing back 6v6 cuts the tank population in half.

Let’s say, right now there are, 10,000 people playing tank (there are more than that, otherwise queue times would be a lot longer than they are, but I’m just using that as an example). If Blizzard swaps back to 6v6, the effective tank population cuts to 5000, doubling the queue times for everyone as there are half as many games being made.

In order for tanking queues to stay at the same times they are now, which are far superior to what they were during Overwatch 1 (something Blizzard specifically pointed out in the blog post where they discussed 6v6 being considered), you’d need to double the number of people wanting to tank, up to 20,000 (which as stated, is effectively cut in half with 6v6 being a thing).

In order for them to vastly improve and ‘outshine 5v5’ you’d need to increase the tanking population even further, up to 30,000+

And that just ain’t happening. It wasn’t happening during Overwatch 1, it’s not going to suddenly start happening with Overwatch 2. The ship sailed, hit an iceberg and has sunk, there’s no dredging it back up and making it better than it was before.


I think imma start a series of these

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This is an especially good one because the Tracer would probably have mulched her even after the medkit, and it was still enough to get the Sojourn to switch to Sombra. :microbe:

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