I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

Yep. I usually run a 60% winrate on dva, but it must be much higher when I’m climbing, because I reach diamond every season, then drop to gold, then climb back to high plat just in time for the end of the season. I should probably stop playing every season once I reach diamond, because the game starts throwing golds in my games for me to lose, and there’s literally no way to carry gold DPS in diamond if you’re playing Dva. Currently back down to 2500 and expect to spend a couple of games in gold before the game finally turns around.

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Over 1000 accounts were automatically claimed by bots from the justice giveaways. these accounts are being sold and/or used to cheat. If you’re not cheating, that means there are 5 other possible cheaters on your team, but on the other team there are 6.

In the last week overwatch became far worse than i’ve ever seen it when it comes to cheaters

I know how you feel, man. I had a game in quick play the other day. And you could tell just by how it was going, that something was off. We were attacking on King’s row, and the enemy team had us basically pinned in our spawn for almost the entire match. Funny thing is, you looked at the enemy team, and outside of one player, the highest level I saw was like 70.

And, it’s not like my team was just emoting in spawn or anything like that, they were genuinely trying to push and stuff like that. So was I.

Now, I’m not going to say we were playing perfectly, including myself. Because we weren’t. But that situation is still fishy. Whether it’s Smurfs on the enemy team or if it’s very loose matchmaking so the enemy team were higher rank players than we were, or whatever, it made the game almost unplayable.

I don’t expect a perfectly fair and balanced match. Especially in quick play. But when the enemy team can basically keep you in your spawn, even when you’re trying, something’s wrong. Whatever the reason that happened, it wasn’t a good game. It’s not something that should happen to anyone. Not when your team is all trying to play the game to the best of their ability.

Things like that happening in OverWatch is one of the reasons why I find this game so frustrating. Especially when you’re playing in a competitive environment. Nothing quite like playing in comp, And you see some level 20 player playing doomfist like they’re trying out for OWL. That stuff’s unreal.

There are times when this happens. I can understand. Anyone who says “the only person to blame for your loss is yourself” is objectively wrong. But what I’m saying is that you’re never going to be able to prevent these situations from happening if you’re not looking to improve.

As OP said: they’re not willing to improve upon themselves (their words, not mine) because that’s not the reason theyre losing games. And my response is that then you shouldn’t be surprised to be on these losing streaks. If you continue to make these mistakes, then you’re gonna keep getting steamrolled. The system doesn’t take 10+ games to determine if they’re pushing you too hard, all they need is maybe 3. So stop blaming the system. If you’re losing 10+ games in a row (and, as they said, have a win rate at 30%) that means that the reason you are losing is because of your unwillingness to improve.

I keep going like 30-35% winrate every single time I play these days on streaks because I get silver reins versus minimum master smurf widows with a pocket and teams where battle mercying is more effective and teams where my main tank and main support choose to throw winnable games by feeding or swapping from winnable comp to something very poor. But they’re new players I need to apparently carry, so it’s on me.

I literally can’t make this up, I can personally force enemy smurf widow to back off behind the wall by clipping her with headshots on mercy and avoiding her shots, but my moira can’t take two steps without getting headshot, so my silver rein gets plowed over by theirs.

2.5 hours and 11 losses and 4 wins where only 2 of the wins even felt deserved and most of the games are just me trying to herd my tanks, some of who choose dive tanks on numbani despite not knowing how to dive a bastion.

Do I seriously need to coach my tanks nowdays so they like, don’t funnel into small rooms with a dive team? Do I need to coach a dva that they matrix a bastion and we pile on it and hanzo dragonstrikes the bastion to force them out of sentry? Nobody asked them to go dive, but why would they go dive tanks if they don’t even know the smallest amount of how to play with mobile tanks?

One game is where I got tired of my ashe and widow pocketed not being able to kill enemy widow, so after ressing a widow, I just walked out of my cover and oneclipped both the widow AND the mercy behind her who just stood there dumbfounded I had just done that to her widow. I even got it on highlight. That was a game I barely won on overtime because I went to kill 3 people with my valkyrie during overtime and escorted payload with bob. It makes me wonder why do I even play mercy and dmg boost people.

Then I get so many new players on my teams versus experienced ones on enemy team it’s not funny anymore, I cannot carry everyone.

Then I win game or two later where my team magically just spawncamps the enemy team and I don’t need to do anything to win. The game deigned to give me a master support on my team instead of bronze, silver and gold and newbie teammates. Then another game on Paris where my team just facerolls enemy team yet again and I barely need to do anything besides playing bait to doomfist as zen. My whole team gets all the cards naturally.

Ok game. I see how it is. Guess I just need to get carried instead to win because I cannot win on my own merit anymore. I will only win based on whether the matchmaker feels like I should win. I can try to do everything on my power to win and still lose, or I can just afk and automatically win anyway. Doesn’t seem to matter either way.

I probably should just start leaving games where I see enemy team running Rein/Zarya/Ana and we don’t have a single shield tank. Especially with rein being overbuffed, it’s automatic loss.

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Well Activision did patent pay-to-win matchmaker… So… Not out of realm of possibility… Got to buy more of those lame lootboxes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The thing you don’t understand is that in a game with skill based matchmaking, you cannot ever stop losing about half the time, no matter how good you get. Unless you are one of the top players in the world, playing better just makes you play against better people, and likewise, playing worse just makes you play against worse people.

If I were to improve until I was a GM, I should in principle still have the same winrate (although it goes up a few % for statistical reasons, it’s less than 5%). Improving is not a solution here. I’d just be having losing streaks against higher rank players.

YEs it can, when factor of randomness > than your stability/consistency/tiltresistency

No… that’s not how it works.

If you win a game, it doesn’t automatically bump you up to another rank. It bumps you up over time, very slowly. Those wins will continue until you start to reach a 50/50 win rate, in which case it will slow down and stop bumping you up.

The same applies for getting bumped down. I’d you keep losing games, the system will move you down, and keep moving you down slowly until you start to win again.

If you were to improve up to GM, your so rate would be 70-80%+. And would only stagnate once you reach GM.

Yeah, but if I were to improve, it would eventually level out. Pretty soon really.

Also for various reasons it’s not realistic for me to ever be GM. I’m too old and I have about 100 ms of latency I can’t possibly ever get rid of.

How do I improve when my teams have two completely new players who swap from good, winning comp into a bad one and keep swapping around so they don’t build ulti charge? And then charge into 1vs6 every single time which they didn’t do on the first round?

How do I improve when my team’s Zen literally wastes two ultimates in a row for nothing?

How do I improve when my dive tanks choose dive tanks but don’t know how to dive or play into bastion on numbani? And instead walk into small room and play like they’re reinhardt instead.

How do I improve when enemy has a master smurf widow with smurf pocket mercy versus silver reinhardt and my moira is dead in 5 seconds each time she walks out of spawn so my poor silver rein who’s only holding up his shield gets decimated by enemy team’s more experienced rein and our second tank is so nonexistent I don’t even remember what he played?

How do I improve when I legitimately get new players on my team half the time who just keep feeding because they don’t know how to play this game? Do I need to carry new players now as gold border player? Is that how I’m supposed to improve? Not by fighting against better enemy players but having zero impact teammates because they’re still learning how to press wasd?

When I can only win games when my team is vastly better than enemy team and basically spawncamping them so I can just afk, it makes me not want to try my hardest anymore because I will lose anyway.

Read this quote of mine in that exact same post:

If you keep having these matches, then that means that the match maker has determined that that is your skill level. And if you “afk” when you are winning, then that probably has something to do with it! The MMR is individual, and AFK’ing is still gonna hurt you, even if you win.

Yeah I know.

But you haven’t leveled out yet. That means that the system has found that you are still too high for your skill.

It’s been months of this, though. If the system doesn’t drop me fast enough that’s kind of a problem itself.

I never afk even if I am winning.

But I might as well, because my team can spawncamp the enemy team regardless of my contribution.

Meanwhile the harder I play in my games, the worse teammates I keep getting. But then occasionally when I’ve lost enough games, matchmaking gives me pity matches where I am slated to win super easily without doing anything.

I do try pretty dang hard, but it’s not going to matter if my teammates are legitimately throwing, feeding or yes, afking.

Let’s put this on paper:

The only times you seem to win are when your team hard carries you.

The only times you seem to lose are when your teammates DONT carry you, and you have to actually contribute.

:thinking: Can you understand where I’m coming from? This sounds like it’s a problem about YOU as a player and NOT the system.

I will admit there are some games where I feel like the matchmaking is subpar or downright idiotic.

But I think that’s a bad coincidence. I don’t think there is any sort of algorithm that the game can make to intentionally give you a team that will shaft you where there’s hundreds, if not thousands, of variables that have to be put into place in order for it to intentionally do that.

I could also show you the games. I went 11-4 yesterday and I can remember only one game where I won where I was legitimately contributing a lot. It’s to no surprise that battle mercying contributed into winning a game on overtime.

The other games my team basically just ran the enemy team over without sweating. Most I did was playing bait to doomfist. My team gets all the cards too because enemy team gives up.

First game of the day is 5minute game on Doraro with 52% offensive assists on mercy and then it’s just downgrading from there.

Lost games were basically super long games where I try my hardest or enemy team just facerolls us instead. I cannot exactly improve when it’s silver rein versus smurf widow who’s apparently killing everyone and we can’t even move the payload around first corner on havanna.

Maybe I just need to forget healing and pewpew the widows myself instead and then watch my tanks die to their tanks because moira is dead again or something equally funny.

The matchmaking will never be perfect because there is no such thing. Competitive activities specially team oriented ones will always have a degree of uncertainty that is impossible to control. The important thing to understand is that the game doesn’t set you up for defeat as much as it sets you up for victory. There will always be matches that you cannot win regardless of how well you play, and matches that are impossible to lose no matter how bad you play, that is something that will never change.

Yeah, but I’d like someone to look into why I’ll get 15-20 of the “cannot win” games in a row fairly often.

I never, ever, EVER get 15 “cannot lose” in a row so it’s hard to blame statistical streaks. Also, it’s a very predictable thing, the games are absolutely horrible for a while and it stays the same unless you stop playing for months.

Like if I play today I will get trash games for sure. I know.

Also, it doesn’t work across roles (like if I queued tank or sup I’d be fine, only DPS is in a streak now).

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