I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

I disagree, at least on mid tier ladder.

Maybe at the very top of the ladder games are won or lost by the top performing player, but most of the ladder is decided by which team has the worst, most team play unfocused, player.

5-6s are TOUGH to routinely overcome, and just having 1 person refusing to group up or trying to make “hero plays” is often enough to cause a steamroll.

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Well, the other thing, too, is that most of the games today were frontline stomps where my tanks never achieved any kind of space at all the entire game. As a DPS, I couldn’t do anything useful in those situations.

It really could be. I’ve always found late night matches to be incredibly inconsistent for climbing though.

One of the biggest signs that someone is over ranked and/or stuck at a rank is the inability to understand what they as an individual could have done to have won the match. There’s always something.

I mean, if I routinely go out and get a couple of picks in a teamfight, it feels like I’m doing my job, you know? Usually what seems to happen is their tanks just stomp my tanks every time, often because my tanks picked idiotic heroes like Dva Zarya.

It depends when you get those picks, who they picks are and what you invested to get those picks. Just getting picks doesn’t actually mean much. Sure you could be doing great and are getting unlucky but if this is happening over extended periods of time the luck excuse starts to be less convincing.

I’m confused. Do you mean something closer to unavoidable rather than deliberate? And are you playing during the same time of day? Depending on what time of the day you play you can get more inconsistent players. The real sweaties tend to play late at night and early in the morning. Some people might be off for the holidays as well and these normies tend to be more inconsistent.

You might also want to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and I find if I lose three or so games that it’s probably best just to log off and try again later since it will put me in a mood that makes it more likely for me to lose more games.

Its how it is for me. Massive win streaks followed by massive loss streaks. A normal Matchmaker would yield like,


not L,L,L,L,L,W,W,W,W,W,L,L,L,L,L

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I think there is something in the matchmaker that does this as a function in software, but I do not think it was deliberately designed to give losing streaks out of spite or something.

My best guesses is that the system is ‘challenging’ me to see if I belong in higher MMR or I’m activating anti smurfing protection.

No, you’re wrong, your opinion is wrong, and you should get a 1000 year ban from the forums for even suggesting this. It’s just a coincidence that everyone has close to a 50/50 win rate.

I mean, a properly functioning matchmaker should end up 50/50 after all. But I think something is up because I can reliably predict bad games when this happens - if it’s random, I should not be able to make testable predictions.

Right, it’s just a confusing way to say it since those are synonyms. As far as I’m aware, or at least it’s worked like this in just about every other competitive game with a matchmaker I’ve ever played, the more wins in a row you rack up the more elastic your SR/MMR becomes to try to mitigate smurfing if that’s what you’re meaning. I’m not sure that’s what’s happening here though if you’re getting long streaks of losses. That should only account for a couple.

If your SR/MMR stays roughly the same though then that is a 50/50 on the macro level. it might be hard to see it in the moment when you’ve lost 10 games in a row or whatever, but it if your rank doesn’t move over the course of a week or whatever then you ended up making those losses up. It was probably just less noticeable.

This is all in QP so I can’t actually see my MMR.

Nobody can.

The MMR system only serves one purpose, but it’s not the only thing at work.

For me in mystery its very obvious, the mm places low gold~bronze/non regulars/new accs on your team and diamonds~masters on the other and you get lose streaks, on the next day the opposite happens you get the good players and the other team has all the low gold~bronze ppl and you steamroll them without putting in any real effort.

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Jefe Kaplan, this name keeps coming up over and over and over again, every day jefe’s mail is getting sent back to me jefe kaplan jefe kaplan i look in the mail AND THIS WHOLE BOX IS FULL OF JEFE KAPLAN

ah the classic evolved argument, from “its my team” to “its the enemies”.

I would say it’s a combo of luck, the new priority pass system currently adjusting a lot of player mmr for people ranked too low/high and maybe you just had an off day. It be like that sometimes.

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I thought that people would know this by now lol

Personally, I wish this game was wins only for rank up. Not performance based. Because performance measures only measurable actions and does not consider other effective ways to win.

It should only retain your rank for the purpose of placement for each season.

Kind of to late to do it this way though.

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Believe it or not, even 50/50 odds can lead to terrible streaks. How come nobody ever comes on here demanding that the matchmaker be looked into because they won 8 matches in a row despite 50/50 odds? Obviously in such cases it’s all player skill and could never be the law of averages paying you back for the times you were unlucky.