I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

I will tell you what is going on. When you get to far from 50/50 winrate the game is trying to put you back on your place.

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But I never have winstreaks like this! Just losing streaks and 50/50!

Then you don’t belong in that game, and your skill doesn’t meet that requirement. And you get bumped down.

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But it never happens! I just lose and lose and lose and lose!

There is no way I’ve maintained a 50% winrate for months… It feels like about 30% or less.

That means that the matchmaker is trying to reevaluate your skill. It’s going to bump you down to where it feels you belong. If you keep losing games it will continue to do so.

I think the flex queue has something to do with it.


Losing streaks are such an anti-consumer practice, they wouldn’t want to implement a system that makes their consumers feel bad without a pay to win mechanic. There’s simply no reason for it to exist.

I don’t think it’s a forced loss streak on purpose. I think I’m triggering anti-smurfing protection, or the system is ‘challenging’ me to determine if I should be higher, or something like that.

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This is why some games seem to go flawlessly and others are a struggle. Some games I have a team where we all move with or in accordance of each other; we back up together, we flank together, our foot work in opposition to the enemy is more or less symbiotic with one another… Our aggression is matched with one another…

Other games it is a complete disaster, and no one seems to be in sync at all.

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You may be on the unlucky side of the Priority Pass learning curve.


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My tactic is if i win games then i lose once, then i stop playing ranked or at least on that card. If i havent won but lost twice in a row, then the same applies.

I also think there might be something wrong with the matchmaker. I’m not sure why but starting 2 weeks ago I suddenly dropped to a sub-10% win rate. Most days when I play I will play about 10 games and kept finishing the night 0-10 or 1-9.

I only have 11 wins since Dec. 9, despite playing almost daily and it is weird just how sudden and prolonged the loss streak was. Even if I did suddenly wake up basically Bronze skill level, I feel like it should have taken less than the approximate 70 games I would have played over that time period to adjust.

Yesterday was the first day I started going even again.

Eh. Finally won a game but I was pretty much hard carried by my team. I think I should probably take a break and come back later.

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yea this season i have had more losing streaks than winning, its a bad season lol. i kinda think its all the new accounts going around and i for 1 minute dont believe bronze portraits especially the really low ones play so expertly

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tbh some times they are really rigged, legit versed a 6 stack of smurfs yesterday prob has a 5 stack on my team idk and idc.

just gotta know how to take ls and enjoy the game tbh.

and if you really don’t want to lose you got to abuse broken heroes like hog/echo and anna and boy do i hate playing those heros.

zarya/junkrat and bap are also broken.

i went from 30 win diff to now 10 due to the many alt accounts that was given for free by the pro teams (i am still mad about this) and the returning players who are also playing on many alt accounts with their friends.

many alt accounts sadly.

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there’s a 3.75% chance of losing all 5 games in a 5 game session if the chance of each loss is 50% which it should be in a balanced and fair matchmaker. That’s approximately 1/25 sessions of 5 games.

However, this doesn’t take into account player psychology. If you lose, you become very frustrated, even fi you don’t necessarily realize it… this makes it far harder to focus on playing well, for example remembering what it is that you’re trying to improve on (whether that be aim positioning or ult tracking etc)

Being tilted can also insidiously affect the quality of your coms with your team to be passive aggressive or throw people under the bus in ways that can jeopardize the whole team morale and chemistry VERY easily, often resulting in a loss.

It also doesn’t take into account that if you randomly win a game, you will be in a harder next game than before because of the elo system the matchmaker uses. So if in one session of 5 games you win every single one (for what would in isolation be something like 3.75% chance) you would have in the following session a far higher chance to lose more than 50% of your games.

That is, UNLESS you have actually improved your gameplay.

Remember that the sr distribution across the playerbase is a normal distribution, so for you to climb 100 sr and actually stabilize 100 sr in a range like low plat for example, marks an increase in skill where you have surpassed hundreds of thousands of players.

So even if you feel yourself improving but keep losing, its really not that deep. Keep grinding, keep improving even more, eventually you will win streak and get it all back and a lot more, trust me

Also look after your mental, it cannot be understated. Take breaks, call your mum, eat well, rest your eyes, and if you’re addicted to the game but are tilted between comp games, just hang out in a skirmish and vibe. Works for me to just explore maps in a low stress low intensity environment


It doesnt force you to lose or set you up for it. It’s the mmr system in action. It’s designed to give you better/worse opponents as you win/lose in order to keep matches even.

When you climb you get put against increasingly better (higher ranked) opponents. Unfortunately you dont need to be better to beat these players and climb. You can quite comfortably beat these players just by having good teams, playing unusually well, the other team playing worse than they normally would, etc. If this repeats and turns into a win streak you can suddenly find yourself in matches where you’re quite frankly outmatched.

This will inevitably lead to a huge loss streak when you stop being lucky and then you’ll fall back down to your correct rank.

The opposite can also be true. You can fall in rank for the same reasons but due to the opposing teams good luck instead of your own. Then you’ll stomp your way back up once the luck ends.

The issue is also compounded by it being a 6v6 game and not 1v1. So these issues can apply to every single person and if you’re unlucky you’ll get a loss streak unless you’re already underranked and able to carry.

It’s just the way a ladder works and there isn’t much way to fix that. Generally it’s best to ignore your wins and losses and instead focus on improving. You’ll climb if you consistently perform at a level about your current rank. Otherwise you’ll just fluctuate over a couple hundred sr.

it’s the problem with handicap based matchmaking.

if you want to climb you always have to play at 2 times the skill level of your current rank. 1 skill level just to be better and deserve promotion and another 1 skill level to overcome the handicapping and hard carry your dead weight team mates and overcome the gatekeeping created by smurfs, alt accounts and people playing in stacks.

most people cba and that is why around 80% of the player population is within 1000 sr of each other.

One of the things I’ve noticed is this often happens after I play late into the night. I wonder if I make up a ton of MMR beating sleepy/drunk people (I don’t seem to be affected by that) and then lose it the next day. Or something like that.

It really doesn’t feel like it’s my gameplay that’s the problem, though. A team that gets stomped into spawn and camped feels like it has greater problems than one person being slightly subpar. And some of these games, I do great personally, but my team just can’t function.

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