I really want Devs to explain to me how Sym is supposed to win any 1 vs 1 duels

Shes great on maps with tight spaces, been playing her the past week.
Teleport is quite useless but can help get through choke points if the enemy team isnt paying attention.
I spread her turrets on 3 different walls and points (high, low, corner) so that if someone attacks me they wont have time to destroy all 3 giving me a higher chance of killing them.
Her Ult is okay, iv found it as a very good counter against Ashes BoB!

Her primary fire needs to pierce armor.

Secondary fire should charge up slightly faster (0.8s vs 1s).

Turrets need to fly and deploy faster.

And NO her secondary fire is not “really strong” like forum trolls would have you think. It’s just okay and one of the best parts of a weak kit.


that’s not how this game works
for any hero
you do realize that Brigitte can kill any 200 hp target with ease, not just Symmetra, right?

again, this isn’t a 1v1 game…

I could say what she could use to her advantage if buffed a certain way.

But Sym never seem to be buffed that direction is beyond me.

Every “Buff” to Sym gotten have actually been like QoL changes because due to how other heroes were buffed around the same time. She would likely even be worst to play.

Edit; If I said 6v6, your team is forced play around you which makes everything worst.

Launch a turret behind them, Hit them with a charged secondary fire, finish them with primary fire.

and your team needs to protect your Zenyatta, otherwise he dies?

like, what game are you even playing?


yes, she needs tweaks, we all agree to that, that’s still different than her being fundamentally flawed, because she’s most certainly not, and especially not just because “muh dignity” for dying 1v1

Sure if you don’t die in 2 seconds, your turret isn’t destroyed and you’re able to actual charge the primary.

I am tired of arguing with your false claims.

No one wants a Sym on their team.

By the time the turret flies to the surface, hits the surface, and activates, you’re dead. Her kit is just too damn slow across the board. Every single aspect of her kit needs to be sped up.

just because you’re wrong doesn’t mean everyone else is incorrect when they tell you why you’re wrong

you were the one to make the post trying to cry about not being able to 1v1 with a hero in a team game

be sad or tired or what ever else all you want, but don’t say other people are incorrect for stating facts about why your own “false claims” are wrong

literally what i’ve kept saying and what EVERYONE keeps saying is that she needs tweaks

she is not fundamentally bad for the game in what she offers, but it’s that she can’t offer what she should be able to offer due to them not fine-tuning her issues

if you want to ignore what people try to tell you, then you can’t be helped, but don’t go to the forums and make an ignorant post just to get mad at people for refuting your absurd statements

I think it would hit the middle ground. If you use Photon Barrier, it gives you the opportunity to escape.