I really hope there is no role queue in Overwatch 2

I think it would be kind of interesting to do a social experiment and switch RQ and OQ as the “main” game mode, put RQ in the arcade for awhile, balance for OQ, and see what happens. I prefer OQ, but only play RQ because I can’t stand the perceived lackadaisical nature of OQ and all other modes. I think it would be interesting to see how much of the “popularity” is due to simple mindset and mind tricks.

I think the issue here is personal balance (i.e. my games feel bad) is different to overall balance (looking from above, there are a lot of bad games).

Overall balance has massively improved. The number of possible team comps has gone down by a factor of over 1000. Now, they balance 2 tanks VS 2 tanks, 2 healers VS 2 healers. That’s more balanced.

You’re right, there are still problems, but they weren’t caused by 222, they were lessened by it. Going back to OQ would make them worse again. You’re complaining about tank balance, but before people were complaining about EVERYTHING balance. That and some other problems just arent solvable - the players cause them, not the game.


I absolutely agree, 100%.

Mathematically, I’m sure you’re correct. However, I don’t believe that game quality has drastically increased, and in some ways it has decreased.

Games have been a lot more one-sided since role queue. Especially with tank players (imo the most important class), you end up with people who only want to play their one favorite tank. You end up at their mercy whether you win or not. Most games I’ve had are stomps. Either my team is stomping or being stomped.

This also somewhat helps with the problem of leavers (which is still a huge issue). In open queue, you can remake your comp in the event of a leaver. Not so easy in RQ

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This is absolutely true. Personally, I played flex. Which ends up being something like 40%/40%/20% in proportion. In the past, I could swap between roles as necessary. D.Va shutting down our Soldier? I can go Roadhog and hook her. Pharah being a problem for our DPS? I could swap to McCree and see if a DPS could play whatever role I dropped (if not, off-2-2-2 is not that bad compared to getting destroyed by a problematic enemy).

Now? I typically have to queue as tank, and that means Roadhog or Zarya. Maybe Winston if I’m feeling trusting. Need a Reinhardt? Tough luck buckaroo, better hope the other guy can play Rein. Problematic Pharah? Sorry, I don’t play D.Va. Better hope our DPS can play hitscan or we might as well just drop out. That happens far more often these days.

And no, queueing as flex is not even remotely the same as actually playing flex. They should have called flex queue what it actually is, “random”.

What prevents you from playing in OQ instead of RQ?

Multiple severe problems were added to the game when 222 infested the game

excessive wait times is just the problem that gets talked about the most

Nah, I don’t want 5 dps players on my team.
Even if you don’t like it, we need role q


If 222 were needed to play the game, it wouldnt be possible for the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of players playing role-less queue mode matches to play those matches

222 is not now nor has ever been necessary

“If competitive were needed to play the game, it wouldn’t be possible for the thousands upon thousands of players playing arcade mode matches to play those matches”

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Yeah, I don’t care how much dps players who don’t want to wait the queues plays open q.
I don’t want 3, 4 or even 5 dps on my team, that is it. Overwatch is boring AF like that

the statement I replied to is “we need role q

we dont need it, and never have needed it

I get that some folks want it in the game, despite the stale metas, long waits, and all the other severe problems 222 added to the game…but this is want, not need.

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We don’t “need” open queue either.

In fact we don’t “need” Overwatch at all.

This is so pedantic.


the exchange system is bad, it stimulates extreme counters that require 0 ability to intimidate a player with a counter, it stimulates toxicity “just change change change” imagine the confusion of a beginner player having to change every minute without ever having mastered any of these heroes and in the end it is still false to report “my story”, open queue encourages Meta like GOATS or any stacking of resources that are offensive or defensive making it impossible to balance tanks or DPS, as we will never know how much damage a dps needs to cause or how much damage a shield tank you need to deny the enemy team, it makes it impossible to become better with heroes, because skill only comes with playing time and training unless you are a prodigy already familiar with the FPS genre eg widow players

every game needs a foundation to be balanced.

open queue and exchange system are horrible for this game.

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I dont see anything I stated as pedantic in any way

Yeah well that’s where you and everybody else differ

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This statement appears (to me) to indicate that you speak for all other forum members.

Can you provide me with a link that supports this claim?

How did I know you were gonna reply with this? :smile:

These little semantical details don’t matter my dude. You focusing on them so heavily only serves to create a tense and inflammatory environment.

The details involved when a given forum member clams to speak for all other forum members aren’t semantical


given the importance assigned to someone who has been granted that privilege, they certainly do matter

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

No, in the grand scheme of things they don’t my guy. You are one of the only people that I have seen on this forum to get caught up on stuff like this. As I said, it only serves to create a tense and inflammatory environment.