I really hope there is no role queue in Overwatch 2

Yeah but even then sometimes you want to play a dps or healer. Then both roles get instalocked or others refuse to switch and everybody wants 2-2-2 but most wont enforce it then we get toxicity because X player wont swap. Or the tank gets fed up and goes dps.

It really wasn’t just the 5dps comps it was the abuse of swapping of roles or forcing others onto roles because if they didnt without a tank it was likely a loss. Not a gurantee and 3dps or support or tank comps were good fun. but not nearly enough fun or not working often enough for it to continue.

Open Q has a huge amount of issues which is why RQ was created and made the main way to play the game and it’s been very successful so it’s not going anywhere. If you want to play OQ you can still do that, they even made a ranked mode for it so there is no need to remove one or the other.

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You also know of no evidence that “thousands upon thousands of players are playing open queue style game modes every day” yet you repeatedly state such things.

If you are going to repeatedly ask for evidence from other people, i suggest you first supply evidence for your own claims.


The PvP is going to remain unchanged for the most part until anything else is announced.

Indeed. Do you think that if they are sticking with role queue they must have good reasons for this?

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Role queue has a huge amount of issues too, I mean, we basically just traded 4-5 dps comps with queue times, otherwise, the issues are exactly the same.

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Huge? No, it has very few ACTUAL issues. The only real problem RQ introduced were longer Q times for DPS.


It has the same issues as open queue because all it addressed was 4 to 5 dps comps. What issues are you imagining were exclusive to open queue? Please, elaborate.

And now people are no longer playing the roles they enjoy playing which results in even worse games. Have you see how some people are 1k higher or lower in some roles than they are in others? You really want to be in a match where someone is diamond on support but then FORCED to change to tank where they are gold skill?

Role queue allows people to play the role they want to play. Before it was added I never got to play the hero or role I wanted to. I was always forced into the “flex” and playing support heroes because no one else would.

I don’t mind playing support but some days I’m just not in the mood. I just want to play some DPS.


No it doesn’t.

Please watch the video where Jeff explains those issues, there is no need for me to write them down yet again.

Exactly, you can’t. Great discussion, thank you for proving my point.

I just told you were those issues are explained in detail and you don’t want to face the truth, that literally proves MY point.

  • Tanks do not need to be balanced for 1/4/1 AND 3/3 with locked 222.
  • 222 removed bad quality solo healer/tank games.
  • QPC means people feel forced to pick tanks/healers when they didnt want to and didnt choose to beforehand.
  • 222 removed many of the old “i can tell we’re gonna lose before we even left spawn” games where 4 people all decided to throw because they couldnt all pick Genji.

Open queue drastically lowered game quality to the point where you were likely to only get 1% of your games, at best, to be of the same MMR quality that you are guaranteed every single game of OQ. I can demonstrate this with math if you prefer and to get 1% it requires rounding VERY heavily in favor of OQ.

I am sure that you believe that, but I do not and you are clearly incapable of refuting my claim or you would have done so already. The alleged reason you will not is because it is a waste of your time, and yet here we are, 3 posts deep with you responding to me with literally nothing of substance, so convincing.

I refuted your claim, please reply.

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It’s the factual truth.

I already did.

I never said that, it would just be easier for you to watch the video but you don’t want to because you know I’m right and now you have no choice but to attack me. Why are you so afraid of watching the video?

No, you restated what I did three times and added that tanks do not need to be balanced for other compositions. I completely forgot the “it will be easier to balance” argument given that a year and half in, we have yet to experience this. However, I will contend that you are correct. Hypothetical easier balance and 222 compositions were the only changes, my b.

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Well, if you want an example of balance:

  • 1 tank VS 4 dps needs a very strong shield.
  • 3 tanks balanced to fight 4 DPS are very powerful VS any less than 4 DPS.

Same with healers - 1 healer against 4 DPS needs to be outputting massive heals. 3 healers doing those massive heals would be superpowered.

3/3 comps weren’t really that surprising.

I’m looking up through the thread and i cant see where you addressed the other points?


  • 222 removed the impact of high variance in skill levels between main roles and non-preferred roles.

Between roles? Yes. But it didn’t solve the problem, I literally deranked to silver this season (one tricking Genji as a hitscan main) and I am starting my climb back to my original rank. That is my major point, the same problems exist, just in new ways. 222 tank balance, for instance, is extremely bad on ladder. We were promised better balance and that is HIGHLY debatable.

The inherent issues with the game were not solved by role lock. Role related issues were. Which makes sense, given that is literally all that changed.