I really hate the matchmaking in this game

You give me these amazing teams as healer and give me these wins and then just out of no where u give me a horrendous streak of one sided matches that are unwinnable. I don’t expect to win every game or lose every game I’m just confused is all. Why is it I’m good enough to be matched with these teams that work together coordinate etc then just decide naaahhh u know what let’s take u from playing with diamonds to gold smerf accounts that don’t care. Like whhyyy.

What happened in the span of the last game to the new game that was decided in the system that u know what this guy is doing good and climbing let’s ruin that and put him with ppl who don’t care and throw. It will never make sense to me. There’s only so much I can do as a healer I can’t cover the other 2 roles as well. It feels like a punishment tbh. Okay you’re doing good and because of that you need to be put with horrendous players for no reason just cuz.


I have a bit of a story for you, but first let me say - I have had the SR/MMR system explained to me…I’ve read it over and over from Google…etc - I’ve read Mercer quotes…yadda yadda - and I still don’t understand tf going on. Anyway - my story and then my reply to you.

When I first levelled to 25, a “friend” of mine from another game told me he would take me into comp match and group with me to walk me through some things. He was a high plat at the time. I had no idea what that meant because the game doesn’t give any details about any of these things to new players - but since I took the tutorial - I know how to crouch! (joke). So I placed with a tank at 1720 - Silver. He told me that was about normal and that I was doing well. Over the course of the next 20 games, I lost 1000 SR and deranked to bronze because I’d been put up against his level of players. Again - I had no idea wtf was going on because again…this game comes with no warning or info about it. I’m sure I’m not the first nor will I be the last to experience this utter horse sh.

So I’ve been trying to get out of “elo hell” as people around here call it. And I’ve been faced with playing ppl that aren’t my level now for over 4 weeks - smurfs…and every other kind of cancer in this game. And I’ll be honest - because of that, I’ve gotten exponentially better at the game overall because of it…but it’s unfair to me (and others) because although I am climbing out of under 1000…slower than molasses. You’d think the matchmaker would at least try to determine how I do against people that are actually at my skill level…not someone who is on a bronze, but with a diamond as a main.

I cannot control what my team does, so the best thing I know how to do is try to adapt and help them in whatever it is they are doing (as long as it pertains to the objective) - but that’s not always possible. So in those instances, I just try to focus on my own skills such as “lets see if I can get less deaths this round versus last,” or “can I improve my aim this match?”

Bottom line - I really really don’t understand this matchmaking system and being brutally honest - I don’t think Blizzard even understands their own creation because none of it makes sense. None.

I hope you get better matches. Just know you’re not alone. I completely understand and agree with everything you’ve said.


Interesting and thx for sharing ur story. I agree that the game needs to determine ur own skill over the teams. Just random over exaggerated example. If I’m playing say Mercy and I have 60,000 healing 40,000 damage boosted 600 kills (all golds) Only One nominated and am on fire the whole time but still lose because of teammates, why is it that the next game the teammates seem to be even worse? Shouldn’t the stats I got from the game I just lost be a sign that hey they shouldn’t be playing with people like that. Based on that game they should be matched with ppl of equal skill and so forth.

The game feels more like oh ur team did bad and lost even tho u pulled ur own weight??? Well because u lost and they did bad that must mean you’re bad and don’t deserve to climb. Instead of taking my own stats into consideration. But like I said that’s just what it feels like, not saying that’s what it is.


I was talking to some people on my team today that have mains that are top 500 on consol. I’m a ps4 player. And they complain of the same thing. They get put up against people who are absolutely horrible at this game (in addition to all the smurfs and throwers…etc) - who probably boosted to get to Plat or Diamond…and it’s not those ppl that get punished. It’s the good people that get punished (like your example).

I really don’t understand it. It makes absolutely ZERO sense. Has anyone actually asked Mercer wtf is going on?

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Yea I’ve noticed that as well ESPECIALLY with the throwers or smerfs. They will do horrendously and the next game their on the enemy team getting hard carried meanwhile I did good or great that game but I get stuck with another team that just doesn’t care. Make it make sense. Reward me punish the bad player put me on the hard carry team lol

It also seems some how the matchmaker has gotten worse? I’ve seen waaaay more posts lately about horrible 1 sided matches people have been getting for no reason. Idk if they changed something or what. I’m sure the whole quarantine/lock downs are a major cause in the increase of bad games since more ppl are home.

I wish I had the answer because I’m one of those ppl that just don’t understand and it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth to experience. I guess we are at the mercy of something other than ourselves…and have to adapt…but it really is one of those things that make me look at other games.

Yea sadly nothing can really be done. There’s only so much u can do on a team of 6 lol

This might help:

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Because your team mates are still random. With only having ± same MMR as you . Luck is big part of matchmaking.

I think what we’re asking for is more draws.

The Matchmaking is the #1 problem with this game.

If you want to burn your players out, and end up with a dead game… definitely keep moving the goalposts on them. Let them think they’re doing good, then pull the rug out from under them with a string of the worst possible games you can find. I doubt this is the intention, but it IS the result of using MMR/Handicapping to create matches.

At this point, all we can do is hope that OW2 has some major changes in store.


I climbed every single time on my accounts, matchmaking is working just fine.

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We’re all entitled to our opinions, and that’s what these qualitative assessments of the matchmaker are: opinions.

Its not opinion, its a fact. Climbing obviously works. If player cant climb, problem is with the player not playing good enough for higher rank. Matchmaker is not perfect, but it works well enough so climbing is possible if you invest some time into it.

werent you the one that made about three threads about how bad teammates in low ranks were? I can confidently say that plat players will have a very hard time climbing out of gold.

I was. What does have to do with matchmaker? And I climbed anyway, with a damn mercy, i am close to plat now. Climbed from bronze.

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So its hypocritical of you to criticize this thread since you did the exact same thing… 3 times.

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Extremely narrow minded and ignorant view. Hey, Covid is fake because i didn’t catch it.

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I was talking about players who provide less value than expected. It happens on both sides of games. It has nothing to do with how good matchmaker is.

Can you prove it? Of course you cant prove your claim. I can prove mine because I have my whole climb with mercy from bronze to 2470 recorded. You can see there that if you play well, you will eventualy climb.

And your comparison is actualy funny as you use same logic when you are constantly complaining how is matchmaker is rigged

I am not climbing so matchmaker is rigged. But of course you dont have proof.

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“Maybe reset isnt that bad idea after all, these people need to go down in ranks.”