I really hate the matchmaking in this game

Reset is problematic as there is no guarantee that these players wont land in same place or even higher as reset would be huge mess with games full of players from different ranks for weeks and months.

First rework of how placement works, then reset.

You keep doing this. Big deal. You climb from Bronze and throw off the entire game on your account.

Over and over! Weeee, i climbed from Bronze after throwing. How does that prove anything about the matchmaker for, you know, actual players playing the game properly?

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I was playing properly. I had to play over 190 games to get there and it was rather slow climbing process. I was even stuck in low gold for over 90 games not making new season high. So dont even try to talk about not playing properly . It was hard work. And thats what climbing is. You have to work hard to climb, invested time and effort into improving is essential.

And my climb is proof that climbing is definitely possible and you dont even have to play hero who can carry hard.

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This. This. This. This.
I have a picture set on my ps4 of almost this exact thing 18k healing in a game, a ton of elims, and 66% on fire MVP on Ana but we still lost.

So what lol, it doesnt mean abything ng when enemy team has someone better than you on support :slight_smile: you just had good stats in long game probably. Not every match is winnable too.

Wrong. I was the only healer on the board for anything. My team had 2 of the 3 on the board. It was a regular two round game on kings row. “So what” the matchmaker is just stupid. I literally just played a game with 4 diamonds on the opposite team and I had two golds on mine. I’m at 2600 this shxt is for the birds.

To clarify “matchmaking is working just fine” – that’s the statement you’re saying is a fact? If that’s what you’re talking about, it obviously cannot be a fact, since among other issues, “fine” is subjective. As for the rest of what you’ve said here, anyone that agrees that a GM can get out of gold isn’t making the argument you seem to be objecting to: climbing is impossible.

And your last statement isn’t a fact, it’s an opinion. Perhaps some percentage of players get “fair” matches, or perhaps not. Perhaps things are better at certain ranks, or on PC vs console. Perhaps some heroes are near impossible to climb with, while it’s relatively easier for others, maybe it’s harder to climb in groups, or small groups vs. big ones. Etc. No one knows.

Finally, because people are not saying that climbing is impossible, but is rather “unreasonably difficult” you can’t offer a counterfactual to that because it’s an opinion. “The matchmaker is fine” claims to know things about the matchmaker that you can’t possibly know: and so it’s just a subjective view of things. You may be convinced that what you’re saying is objectively true, but it’s clear that you don’t have the evidence to back that up. Anecdotal evidence or first hand experience clearly and obviously doesn’t = objective truth.


Not exactly. The fact was that climbing is possible and I presented video evidence where it can be seen with the hero well known for her low carry potencial. I climbed, so did others, thats a fact. So matchmaking has to be working, otherwise nobody would be climbing. Does is work perfectly? Of course not, every system has flaws + part of player base is manipulating their rating (SR,MMR).

I am not a GM, my skill with mercy is plat. And I showed my climbing from bronze and currently I am very close to plat. So it looks like its working, if you put enough effort and time, you will climb eventualy to where you belong. And I will keep trying to climg higher.

Matchmaker is trying to make fair matches, I understand that it often fails. That create possibly more games you have to overcome in order to climb. Sometimes you will have bad team mates, sometimes you will be carried by your team mates. Games can be pretty random sometimes, especialy in elo where a lot of new accounts starts. Key is to be consistend with your performance as even with maintaining 50% winrate in low ranks, you will climb by gaining more SR than losing if you keep playing above average for your elo.

Many people is saying exactly that, they say they cannot climb because matchmaker is rigged. You think its unreasonably difficult, I think it is just fine in generaly speaking. I can speak for ranks bronze-high plat. I climbed multiple times on different accounts. With different heroes, I can say that climbing process might be harder for some heroes, for example my climbing Journey with mercy. I would agree with you that it was unreasonaly difficult to climb from low gold close to plat. I could most likely climb 3x faster with different heroes. But thats not problem with matchmaking, thats the problem with heroes not being properly balance to have same impact on games.

I dont think climbing should be easy tho, you are not supposed to climb huge amounts of SR in one season. Players usualy progressivly climb over the several season and I think it is fine like that. Those who dont show effort to be better, will stagnate or even struggle to keep their ranks.

What hero did you climb with? :wink:

Simico tried to carry with a mercy too - and failed. Failed at brig as well.



Edit: You say you’ve done this on multiple accounts. This means YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM, not part of the solution. When someone like you decides to play against people who are just starting out - it only RAISES your MMR and lowers the lower ranks because they do not have the skill that you have…YET. So bragging about all your “carry” accounts isn’t helping your case. In addition - why are you making alt accounts? Can’t cut it past plat? Did you ever think maybe there’s a reason for that? It couldn’t be because Plat and above require teamwork would it? Chew on that for a while. And do us a favor. THINK before you post. Thanks.

I dont know any Simico :slight_smile: I am just average high plat player who several times peaked Diamond with few heroes. Majority of heroes I play are at plat level tho.

I climbed with many heroes on my alts. My recent climbing progress with Mercy is here:

To play differently, to learn heroes mostly. Its is the way how I enjoyed game so far. But I stopped using all my alts. I use only this only account and I am not touching any other of my accounts anymore btw.

I was in Diamond several times, I could probably go higher when I fix some of my issues and most importanly when I would sacrifice my hero pool and playstyle, which I dont want to. I usualy just sometimes try hard but not always. I play mostly after work for fun in a way how I enjoy the game.

Which problem? I only explained that matchmaker is working and climbing is possible if players actualy improve at the game and put some effort into climbing and learning.

here in lies the problem you are responding to a solo player yet admit you climbed out with a mercy. The game changes when there is coordination.

I dont follow. I climbed as Mercy. I was grouping up with 1000 SR bronze DPS for the first 61 of games and played rest from high silver to 2470 solo with exception of few games here and there when I stayed as group with people.

Even if I would be grouped up whole time, so what? Are people forbidden to group with others lol? Its your choice if you group up or not so dont make some kind of unfair advantage from it for the climbing.

If I would played solo first 61 games when I was at 1303 SR, I would obviously climbed too. I was grouping up only to do experiement if I would be able to climb in duo with player who is stuck in bronze.

I don’t think any reasonable person would say that climbing is impossible. But your next statement “so matchmaking has to be working” is a leap in logic. If an OWL player can win 100% of their matches in gold, does that prove that the system works well for the average gold player? Of course not. And “working” is subjective. A player who’s 10% better than his gold peers will eventually climb, but it will take an unreasonably long time – this is what I think most people are complaining about. I don’t understand what’s so controversial about this.

“Climbing is possible” and “the matchmaker is working well” aren’t one in the same. In fact, I have every confidence that if you sat down and watched 100 players play over the course of a month, you could select 12 players that would have a much closer match than what’s typical with the current matchmaker. But the one thing I and others argue is that you cannot assume that Blizzard has any intention of making the fairest matches possible: in fact that cannot be their goal since matches aren’t randomly created. And considering the number of absolute stomps happening on any given side, something is wrong with matchmaking, but none of us can say what matchmaking is even optimized for: hell it could be optimized for the fastest queue times possible and NOT match fairness. Because there’s so much you don’t and can’t know, “matchmaking is working well” is nonsensical. You don’t even know what it’s optimized for.

I don’t disagree with this, but I and others who criticize the matchmaker don’t feel that matches are optimized for fairness, but rather for grind and engagement. Question: if Blizzard found that matchmaking grind increased engagement, without an equivalent decrease in player retention, do you think they would optimize for higher engagement stats/grind?

I think with the number of low effort players infesting Overwatch at this point, it’s made spending considerable time and effort trying to climb in Overwatch a fool’s errand – it cannot be a productive use of someone’s time. Individual skill is diluted worse than ever at this point, and an MMR reset would probably do a lot of good, but Blizzard would never do that; it makes more business sense to keep things as they are: I see the same people on my friend’s list still grinding away. And I see others with new accounts several hundred to 1000+ SR higher than their hard stuck account.

I saw how hard it was to win consistently in silver as a 2900+ plat player. I ask myself how in the hell a silver player could do it, and I feel sorry for anyone foolhardy enough to try to accomplish that.

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My own anecdotal evidence is that since role queue went in, the balance of matches has improved by a very large amount. I still experience “good” and “bad” nights in matchmaking, but now it’s that I lose 4 close matches in a row. I don’t get stomped 6 times in a row like before RQ.

It’s important to distinguish what can be measured vs. what can’t be measured. You can’t ask the matchmaker to help your teammates play better. You can’t measure awareness, or how well someone understands the interplay between roles. Someone can have a great game as Junkrat but the stats only show he had 9% accuracy…ok well he was doing awesome crowd control, he wasn’t hitting anything but he was keeping the other team contained. Great play, but how do you measure that? So now you have a ton of X factors that are very difficult to account for.

I’m not making any excuses here, I’m just saying that any matchmaking algorithm is only going to be able to account for so much. Sometimes you are just gonna get your butt kicked. Just like sometimes you get to be the butt kicker.

Unless Blizzard decides to tell us exactly what the MMR rank includes, there’s not a whole lot we can do to suggest improvements.

yoo that’s exactly what happened to me too! i have a friend who was plat at the time of me starting comp, i placed low gold and then i slowly crept into bronze and was confused because i thought i was doing well but was getting placed with players above my skill level.

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The community has been saying this over and over again for years but Blizzard keeps turning a blind eye. Hopefully they do a deep rework of the matchmaker for overwatch 2.