I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

The main issue I believe people have with Mercy is that she got a rework that their mains didn’t ask for and it was more to appease the people complaining about Mass Rez (which historically made her underpowered - C or D tier), and then afterward she got hit with nerf after nerf so her mains had to work with some new limitation every two weeks or so.

Then, they had decided to try to compromise and suggest that they either nerf her output or buff other healers’ outputs. Instead, they did both when in reality, only one of those was probably needed.

Ironically enough, there are plenty of abilities and ults on live that can counter Rez.

RIP-Tire, Self Destruct, Molten Core, Minefield, Hack, EMP, Shield Bash, you get the idea.

She went from a healer that was underpowered but unfun to play against to a healer that is balanced but unfun to play as for a lot of people. She’s essentially back to her beta build, just with a few bells and whistles attached. Her healing was buffed to 60HP/s before because she couldn’t keep up with Ana. So I don’t think her healing was an issue.

Then there’s also the fact that those Mercy mains want her to have some impact on her own. That’s why they tend to not accept statements like “X hero is a buff to Mercy” because they want her to be more than just a pocket. If anything, she shouldn’t have to just pocket the carry DPS, but “pocket” the entire team, so to speak.

It may be “small” compared to how many people play this game, but it’s still a large enough sample size to see some trends - that pockets in each group, not just Mercy mains, but other support mains, tank mains, and DPS mains all believe that Mercy is unfun to play as and needs something. Still doesn’t change Blizz or pros’ thoughts, sure, but it showed that it’s not just Mercy mains that think she’s unfun.

There was some fun in the swing potential, sure, but I think the -10hps nerf was the last straw for many because her healing output was never an issue in the past. So why nerf something that wasn’t a problem? And now, with her 50hps, she’s in the same boat as the other sustain heroes like Bastion and Soldier. Ever since dive fell, it’s just been burst, burst, and more burst. The game doesn’t have a place for her and the other sustain heroes anymore because the past few metas have been nothing but burst.

Her interactions with Ana changed since her rework too. Before, in S2 and S3, you could play Mercy and be fine. People preferred Ana, but if you could only play Mercy, the team worked around it. You were able to climb with Mercy just as well as you could Ana despite Ana still being meta.

But now? On ladder, the mindset is very much a case of “You better play the meta supports or you’re throwing.” Back in dive, nobody wanted an Ana and if you picked Ana you were throwing because we need that Mercy/Zen combo. The same thing is happening now. People generally don’t want a Mercy on their team. They’d want Ana/Zen or some similar combo because that’s what is meta. When before, people didn’t prefer Mercy, but they still worked with her. But that mindset is probably an issue all on its own.


I dont know of any valid statistics that back up such a claim.

I find 50HPs/s to be fine, and I almost always get gold healing when there is a second healer on the team - any healer

Most of the videos I have watched of high level mercy play do not involve a pharmercy combination. These players are succeeding with Mercy played as a main healer, healing the team as a whole, not focusing on any one teammate

Many of them are rising playing Mercy, and I dont think that’d generally be possible if their winrates are below average

Putting aside whether the 4% figure is accurate or not, a 4% pickrate (or any pickrate) does not mean that Mercy is being used in a certain way. All it means is Mercy is being picked with x frequency, not how she is being used once picked

And yet, players are succeeding and even climbing with her in the highest ranks…with or without Pharmercy…I think thats a pretty clear indication that she is a viable character at those ranks

I just hate how E rez makes you sit there while at the mercy of the enemy team.

I have no issues with Valk.

Factually, Mercy is not required to “sit there” while performing rez.

The player piloting Mercy can indeed choose to have her remain motionless, but this isnt a choice I’d recommend under most circumstances

Let me rephrase:

I hate how E rez heavily restricts your movement.




I agree. Mercy goes very well with bunker comps in which she can safely rez key targets to keep the fight in her favor and boost the main damage dealer.

Bastion might just become meta with Mercy and Baptiste working so well with him considering Orisa got a significant buff and she’s the most adequate tank for this type of comp.

Heroes that also do well within bunker comps like junkrat and somehow McCree also received buffs so we’ll see how this goes but I’m fairly certain Baptiste and the other PTR changes are gonna do wonders for Mercy.


Yet Mercy’s original rework was based on how unfun it was to play against.


As a Symmetra main i think that i should understand Mercy mains, but for some reason i can’t.


And they did the same thing when they said they would never add a Deathmatch or free-for-all mode. Yet they did.

So, they can change their minds.

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No literally count how many Mercy players are happy with it. Its too easy to use even by Mercy’s standards and thusly makes it boring to use so Mercy has no ultimate to look forward to. People will tell you, but pistol is great!.. How many people that play Mercy want to use her pistol? They play Mercy so they don’t have to. Its mockingly called a DPS ultimate, because at this point it is one.


I’m a T500 Mercy one trick who thinks Mercy is pretty balanced. I think in and of herself she is pretty balanced, but other heroes are just too strong (ex- zarya). With the massive amount of changes coming to the ptr, Mercy will definitely be in a better spot (it’s hard to be in a worse one in this meta). Very damage-boostable heroes are getting buffed, and tanks have received nerfs over the month. This will bring more dps into the meta, and this is good because the current tank-dominated meta isn’t good for mercy to be healing. Especially with the addition of Baptiste, Mercy will be in a great spot (imagine rez with immortality. Scared?)

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oh my god junkrat is a buff to mercy guys lets pack our stuff everybody’s happy now

edit: your post just validates your statement in the title

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Lets see…

  • Poorly distributed power budget, her kit isn’t really about balance it’s mostly about making sure Rez isn’t overtuned due to it taking up an insane amount of her power budget

  • This plays into the first one but Valk doesn’t really have that ultimate feel other ults do

  • GA is buggy at times

  • Baptiste being added to the game sure doesn’t really help since he does everything better than her but mobility, he’s got some strong AoE heals, proactive protective ability which is very nice, interesting ultimate which is a pretty unique mechanic to have in the game while also having some good damage potential.

  • Just flat out overshadowed by the other healers but PTR changes might help somewhat.


“Ashe is a buff to mercy”
“Baptiste is a buff to mercy”
“Junkrat is a buff to mercy”



Remember that if a hero a person doesn’t use gets curbstomped, they’re “balanced c:”

If it helps at all, I dislike these “character x is a buff to character y” lines as well


Thanks, at least we have something that we agreed at.

thats happened twice tonight

I need to get a lottery ticket fast

Then buy it, i hope you win something.