I really don't like the addition of Echo

This is the first time I’ve ever actually hated a hero :frowning: makes me sad


I’m going to quit for a few weeks and see what happens. Echo is not awesome. You’re just thrisry for an op hero which is sad in more ways than I care to consider.


Yeah she is.

Good. :wave:

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Your DPS hitscan aren’t the only ones that can hit a flying target.

Next excuse please.

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Wow, you really are sad. Nothing you can say in these forums can annoy me. It’s just funny that you are desperate Enough to keep trying.


I’m really happy actually.

I don’t really care.

I’m not, just stating the facts bro, Echo is awesome. Good luck on your next game :wave:


she can’t stay airborn for long, so it won’t be as big of an issue as pharah: torb turret can do some dmg to her or pick dva if she’s too menacing and hunt her down :slight_smile:

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You’re stating opinions.


Facts bro. Those are facts.

My only saving grace is she’s REALLY fun to spawncamp as Sombra.

My team is down the worst hero in game and still has Echo, red team is down Echo and slowly feeding me EMP, so our frontline just rolls over there.

…downside is it’ll only last a few days until they realize they have a freaking beam to spin and break hack with, and her flight is bugged and doesn’t get canceled by Hack.

I love how when I was about to kill Echo she turned in to Reinhart, ulted us and when she was almost dead as Reinhart she went back to normal and flied away.

If this isn’t a concept of a straight broken character I don’t know what is.


I really haven’t made up my mind on her, I don’t know if she’s OP or the heals make her look OP. I really need to see how hard they go on the cc reductions that Jeff talked about to form an opinion, those changes are going to define what direction they are headed in my opinion.

That’s only like 750-800 effective HP. Can be melted quick by a few people all focusing let alone with an Echo with beam off CD. Plus he is a big target. Should’ve saved nano for Primal Rage or a dps ult lol.

Yup, this blows my mind it was released.

If a new character had an Ult that for 20 seconds, if they were to die, self cleanses and gave them full hp/CDs one time, it would be one of the better Ults in game.

Echo’s is substantially better, on top of an already bloated kit.


Well, one assumes he used his bubble…

The fact is, it’s extremely unusual to have a tank go down that fast. And Echo, a fast, flying hero, should not be able to do damage to shame Reaper, who has a thousand limitations she doesn’t.

Her ultimate is definitely overtuned, for sure.

I disagree that her kit is bloated perse, Genji’s is just as big, but every part of it deals damage and I think that’s where a lot of people are finding issue with it.

Not all that uncommon, actually. I see primaling Winstons die really damn quick all the time in QP, let alone comp.

Yeah, she can basically combo all of it to do ridiculous burst damage. Not something a hero that can fly and flank should have.

I haven’t found too much of an issue with dealing with her.

So far I’ve found that hitscan feast on her. She’s deceptively easy to hit, especially when she flies up. She’s also begging McCree to ult her when she does that.

I’ve played both with, against, and as her in all three roles, and what I found most shocking was how easily we negated her value when I was playing tank. That might be because the people we’re playing against don’t know how to use her, but even if that is true it shows that she’s more balanced then most in this thread imply.

Overall I like her, though I’m 100% with the people who felt the next hero needed to be a healer.

Eh, I disagree. Tuning passes should help level her out, but I doubt we’ll see much change. Maybe a dps nerf to her excute (beam). Her primary fire is ok but kind of clunky. Her sticky bombs are effectively 30 dps if they all hit on cooldown (which they don’t).

Her flight and glide are fine imo; super fast burst of movement in the direction Echo is moving followed by omnidirectional flight at the same speed Glide goes, so in some ways better and in some ways worse than Pharah’s Jump Jets.