I realized exactly why I hate competitive

Any other system pretty much requires human interaction. There’s no way to understand wasting this ult stopped enemy team from capping, etc.

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I spent two seasons in silver unable to climb out (and part of the first season in Bronze). Plenty of history. I am not in plat and have consistently been in low plat/high gold for many seasons now.

You are not pigeonholed by the system as much as you think.

No one things the system is faultless, but it’s pretty good.

I don’t feel like the odds are stacked against me. I fee like I am exactly where my current skill warrants.


The only way to climb up is to actually over-perform than anybody else in the game.

Don’t expect to get easy games.
Don’t expect to get carried by others

Always play meta or throw a bunch of hours of daily practice and get good ( Insane good) with a hero in particular that can carry a game.

Flexing between roles will not help you to rank up.
Also having a good setup is mandatory to this game, on Diamond there are people like me who plays this game with a better setup, 144 hz , good mouses,keyboards sound etc.

I’ve been playing competitive since season 1, I was plat until Season 4 then I got trapped forever in low diamond until season 7 then I started to invest time in watching videos and following what pros play, picked a main and practice it for long hours, finally made it to Master and then in Season 8 I made it to GM.

Season 10 I played exclusively Doomfist and made it to Master.

I’ve been in your position and it can be frustrating but it’s completely possible. 30%solo and 70% running 2-4 stack with friends I climbed out. People talk about bad teamwork but honestly what makes you right and everyone else wrong ?

What gives you the right to blame everyone?

If you have a genuine reason why you think its everyone but you then maybe we can help figure out why you’re not climbing.

like fantasy football, maybe?

I am at 0-7 in my placements. :eyes:
Every match so far has been a lopsided spank-fest and the opponents have been working in a coordinated fashion, and the teams I’ve been on have been at worst, a thrower and 2 leavers, and at best, fun to play with and good sports.
Feel free to check my stats, I would love to know if there’s a reason for these matchups. (Totally open to the idea that I just suck that bad, but bad enough to straight-up sink 7 straight teams?) It’s starting to feel like a fever dream.

Clarification: This is a question about the match maker, although advice on how to improve my game is always welcomed.

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It’s entirely possible to go on huge losing streaks, especially when tilt introduces subtle, non obvious errors into your own play.

It’s worth noting that one close misplay can cause a “stomp” when players are bad at resetting. Both teams can be equally as bad at resetting, but the one who wins the first team fight will look super strong due to ult/numbers advantage for the reset of the match.

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Well you just stated your own problems.
You feel you’re bad at the game.
Perhaps even a generally new player to overwatch.
2 of these are not your fault. You cant control the level of throwers or leavers you encounter in a game. It’s unlucky on your path. And you also can’t coordinate and uncoordinated team on your own. Unless you decide to make friends and start playing accordingly.
But the last 2, those are the ones you can control. And it’s not gonna be a days job. Just keep working on your game and the more you play, the more you’ll improve. Learn to stick with the team, no matter how disorganized they may seem and just try your best.

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Thanks for the input. to clarify, I was asking about the match maker. The question was more about If I suck this bad, why don’t my opponents?

I don’t necessarily feel like I’m that bad at the game, I’m just open to the idea.
Note: When I compare my qp stats to these 7 games it looks pretty schizophrenic.

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I don’t quite understand your big words at the end there lol. I’m not even gonna bother with it.
Well if you are asking ‘why do I suck and why don’t my opponents suck’ in qp then it’s simple. Qp is a play ground for all kinds of players. Your team can range from bronze to GM in a single match in qp and so can the opponents. That is not a good way to judge how good you are. A GM genji can absolutely destroy your Winston in seconds and you’d think you’re bad but they are just that good. It’s not your fault. Don’t sweat qp too much.
If you are asking that in competitve where everyone is around your same SR, that also is quite simple and it can come down to 3 things

  1. they have a better team comp
  2. they are switching to counter your teams comp. Example you’re genji. There’s no way you’re gonna destroy your opponents Winston because he is your counter. You’re the same skill level and Winston beats genji every time if the players are both the same skill.
  3. they are communicating and your team is not. And because of that, they are more organised than your team.
    So you might not necessarily suck but the enemy team is gonna destroy you if they have at least w out of these 3 things in check.
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That makes sense.
What I meant by schizophrenic is that my overall effectiveness plummets, my k to d more than inverts, etc.
As an aside; Three of the matches I have been teamed with “shotcallers” and in the name of cohesion and I have tried to take their cues, and one of my favorite moments in overwatch was during one of these “spankings.”
On Ilios we (immediately) lost the first round following every move the guy asked for. I decided to mute the guy and swap back to Dva (my main) and patrol the high ground and peel.
I dueled a Mcree a few times and actually ran some people off of the point. We had about 35 seconds of blue on that round.
That was the deciding point however, and we lost.
The “shot caller” entered team chat and cried about how he had three little kids on his team.
The enemy McCree responded in team chat, “I’m a twelve year old kid, you got killed.”
Ha ha ha I’m still dying. (I lol’ed in the match chat.) I even gave that kid my sportsmanship endorsement. :joy_cat:

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Yeah I’ve had matches like that too. Where it feels like you’ve done what you needed to do to help out, turn around and they’re all dead. And it was me who didn’t have the healer. I understand.
Sometimes you’re clearly the best player on the team and you don’t win cos well the rest can’t pull their weight. But you’ll never progress like that.
Me personally I’m trying to stop giving a F about my SR and just playing. It’s never fun when you lose but my consolation comes from knowing even top 500s don’t win all their games. So that’s the best thing you can do. Overwatch is dump yard these days. You’d be foolish to care anymore. Just play well and leave the rest to the system.


Thanks, that is great advice I can happily take.
Thank you for being so generous with your time.

Please don’t make it sound like I have something better to do. It’s like 2-3 minutes to reply. But you are welcome regardless. :sunglasses:

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Sadly about 80% of the games are out of your hands. Unless you’re in LFG. Suddenly the game shoots up several notches and closely resembles proper Overwatch as opposed to trickle watch, feederwatch or death matchwatch.

The skill level in Overwatch is actually quite shallow. There’s even no aim heroes.

Trouble is that you can be doing everything right and it just takes one idiot team mates to ruin everything. Such as DPS Moira, on bronze heals behind Lucio and Hog at match end. Or Feeder DVa that just constantly flies in 1v6, demechs, dies, respawns, flies in, etc etc all game.

If you can avoid idiots, your chance to win shoots up. I was 6 stacking with an average 1.8k team in QP. One guy was 1.4k. Enemy 6 stack team was around 2.3k. Out of 4 games we beat them twice. Good teamwork can trump a lot of pure mechanical skill. But one idiot ruins everything.

TLDR: Try to create a solid 6 stack team to climb with.

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Aim is not the only kind of skill.

Winston requires a lot of skill and is not an aim dependent hero.


I don’t ever feel like I’m carrying, I do try to play with my team and stay flexible, however.

Maybe somewhat bad example. Better example would be that by following simple rules such as group up, don’t waste ults, etc, can be worth several hundred SR before improving anything else.

But, even if you know all that stuff, if you’ve got 1 or more feeders on your team you’re screwed.

Even with LFG it’s difficult to find a group to climb with, since a lot of people have a complete disrespect for others in this game. I’ve had teammates from LFG that just refused to change their DPS heroes around, despite the fact that they didn’t do a very good job at killing things.

Competitive is completely a lottery, and in many cases you have nothing to say on the outcome of the match, it’s all in your teammates’ hands.

… You’re Bronze. Bronze you just need to learn how to generically play a FPS game and you should climb. Why don’t you try instant-locking some DPS and get good at it. If you have an idea of how to play an FPS game you should be at least Silver, probably Gold.

Take a one-trick mentality until you are within the average player base rank. A Blizzard post from February says that the average player rank is Gold. - Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

After you reach Silver or Gold look for a role that you really want to play or small selection of heroes that you like. I personally have 3, Winston, DVa, Roadhog. Explore the heroes learn about them all. You don’t need to go in depth, just enough to find what you like.