I Quit (RichC) đŸș

As sad as this is, its kinda sad that posts like this get more attention than posts about issues with the game

Wow, another one leaving

Goodbye, Rich. We will all miss seeing your posts here.
I hope you have a better time elsewhere.

Die with glory

You realise posting on the forums means you still care about the game? If there was no chance of you ever playing again you wouldn’t visit the forums. Hence you have not quit.

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Hey RichC,

I understand the frustration as it does sucks that your favorite hero is infected with nothing but bugs and more bugs.

I agree with statement that you made in the video about Blizzard has this tendency for taking one step forward, two steps back and it sucks.

The overall health of the game is declining, and many people don’t want to admit it, I am not saying the game is dying, but the enjoyment is and that alone is an issue for players who been here since day one.

Overwatch has so much potential
 so much, but I feel like too much attention is going else where and not in the game itself. I completely understand why you are leaving
 trust me, I understand more than anyone as my main Sombra is just not cutting it.

Wish you the best, and I would have comment on this thread earlier, but I was too busy sleeping in :sweat_smile: Hope we stay in contact my man.


“Quitting” does not eliminate returning as a possibility. You can still quit and then come back.

I quit Overwatch on October 21st. Does that mean I won’t come back when the game fixes itself? No.


I appreciate the positive and respectful tone of this post. That said, it’s surprising to me that bugs would be a reason to quit because I really think Overwatch is the best online game there is when it comes to bugs. I almost never notice a bug that really affects my gameplay and I’ve been playing since beta, too. It’s definitely the least bug-ridden game I’ve ever played (especially in the FPS genre). To each their own, though.

(ah my friend) good luck and die with glory my friend as (I will not give up the fight) cuz (There’s still fight in me yet).

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some people never experience a lot of bugs or almost any. But a lot of players especially rein mains deal with bugs basically per match

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Rein is my most played, too, for the last couple of seasons and I play at high masters/GM level. There was a time when Earthshatter had trouble with parts of the environment blocking it, but I haven’t had that issue in a long time. /shrug

That wasnt my point
 Friends, sports, education, reading etc. evolves you like a person and dont give you any money.

Games are just withdrawing your soul. So its more like smoking and some other addictions.

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If this doesn’t get a dev response soon due to the state of the game I don’t know what will.

Freakin’ A man.


Good bye old friend. May his bugs and other bugs be resolved in the future, and hopefully you shall return when they are. Until then have fun and eat a lot of currywurst and drink a lot of Beer! We will miss having you in the cafe drinking all the beer and singing Hasselhoff.

Die with Glory old friend


You see? You’re only kidding yourself. Did you make a thread when you “left”?.

“Kidding myself”?

I don’t think 10 months of inactivity is “kidding myself”.


There’s nothing left for me to say other than what all the awesome people here said.

It’s sad to see you go, you were one of the few positive people in the forums, and alot of people including me genuinely care about what you have to say. Hopefully you’ll make another thread about your return in the future.

“Live with Honor
 Die with glory”.


I’m actually really freakin’ sad to hear this. :frowning: I understand and respect your decision, and you certainly have valid reasons for it. :heart:


The game has been getting a lot more buggy lately. Sound effects missing, sound volumes inconsistent, sym teleporters randomly exploding, hit noregs, rubber banding, latency, it’s pretty bad and doesn’t feel like it’s getting fixed or even looked at. Some days it feels like the game is unplayable.

Not to mention I STILL haven’t gotten my OWL Final sprays or tokens, even though I commented on the finals here in the forum megathread as the matches happened and Twitch notifications show I got 81 drops on Finals day, yet support grandmasters say they can’t do anything.

After a point I can totally understand frustration and wanting out. You do you. Hopefully Blizz gets their priorities straight and starts fixing their game.

I mean, he thinks “realize” is spelt with an S. Not sure how much you want to give their poorly founded opinions. Like, no shade
but they clearly made their mind up about their opinion before they stated it and there is no point in trying to sway them of it.


I’m so glad somebody thinks fixing the bugs should be a priority instead of “i think brigitte needs a rework” or something.

But at the same time goodbye and good luck, i’m not sure how much you’re actually quitting though because that’s how much i’ve been playing lately too lol.

Die with Glory

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