I quit overwatch sorry to say it šŸ˜¢

Idk are you sure itā€™s not just a bug or something? I mean if it only happened yesterday they could be working on something. Ive seen this problem posted before in the old forums but Iā€™m not sure if theres a fix or not and I donā€™t feel like digging through the bug reports.

I mean if the issue fixes its self that would be awesome but currently Iā€™m trying to find out how much a pc would be to run overwatch because I know I wonā€™t have problems there because they will be able to see what I have there

I heard of a bug someone had where their widow preorder skin had disappeared from their xbox account. I think it was tied to a dlc they had to redownload or something. Maybe you should try signing out of your account on the console and then back in?

I understand the frustration though. Itā€™s just skins but I would be annoyed losing some especially if they came from a monetary lootbox purchase instead of ones dropped in game.

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You arenā€™t here to be judge, jury and executioner. Why are you being a jerk to somebody you donā€™t even know? Let Blizzard handle it and you stop jumping to conclusions.


They did, they told him he is not getting anything, which if he was being honest, they would have fixed the issue. Sorry if he doesnā€™t want to accept it.

I have too agree.

If there was no skins a lot of people wouldnā€™t be playing. The player count isnā€™t just retained through characters and map content. Its cosmetics, people work towards getting those things and despite there being youtubers with 10k gold or more not everyone has that kind of time too get everything and be able to save as well.

Visual enhancements too characters that people like playing is something that keeps people playing the game, whether you believe it or not it just is.


Sure you didnā€™t just sign in with the wrong account? None of this makes senseā€¦


do you still have the clip showing the alpine skin

They should really be concerned about their customers losing products theyā€™ve bought, that is some really bad PR theyā€™re going to get if customers cannot be refunded if their systems blow up.

Lootboxes are even going to be made illegal on some countries and suddenly some customers have lost cosmetics theyā€™ve bought via the gambling system and they canā€™t come up with a refund?

That doesnā€™t bode well for the game company and if I were you, I would continue to pester them till they actually do something.

Yea I do sorry I havenā€™t respond to anything I told my friends about it and they have been trying to cheer me up by playing fortnite

maybe you were playing on ptr? Many people complain about missing skins/emotes not realizing they were playing on ptr servers instead of live ones

Iā€™m on Xbox I donā€™t have ptr

Yeah, I thought that was weird too. If they got their account back, shouldnā€™t they have the items still ?

A year. A year after using loot boxes gained from playing and or money

I can understand the displeasure


Itā€™s not like itā€™s his faultā€¦

Not everyone has as much time to play games as you


For the part about only a few things being gone instead of everything I assume it was from the loot boxes that I bought because I usually buy 24 loot boxes at a time (I usually donā€™t have that much time to play) and I remember getting casual and alpine in the same 24 loot boxes and I assume that everything I got from those select loot boxes are gone Iā€™m glad it didnā€™t touch either of my gold guns or any of my mercy skins but I am upset that I lost those items

Thatā€™s insane. Sorry about what happened, that is truly disappointing.

You can always get them next year

Google Xbox clips thereā€™s a website where ou cans hare some of your potg wearing the skins :slight_smile: problem solved!

So you can post them either here or to a blizzard employee. Just show a recording with skin and then clip a few seconds of the character menu with the same skin locked! Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll fix it if u do that

Posting to come back later. Iā€™m interested in seeing how this turns out.

If this is real, sorry that happened to you op! Hopefully you get your stuff back.