I quit overwatch sorry to say it šŸ˜¢

The best I can do is use my phone to record and go into my Xbox and look at my game clips that load overwatch and show that the items arenā€™t there and I donā€™t think anything will happen due to the fact that both support teams saying that they both canā€™t see what I got out of the loot boxes that I purchased

That is very unfortunate OP.

Do you have any PoTGā€™s where you can prove you had those skins on at the time? Usually the Highlight reel has a lot of saved ā€œPoTGā€ even if they arenā€™t ā€œPoTGā€ (Itā€™s just a highlight they thought you deserved)

If you can post a vid where you had the Alpine Skin, Hanzoā€™s casual skin etc on and then film how the items arenā€™t there anymore, then Iā€™d believe you. Also, Iā€™d send that to Blizzard as well.

I can make a video proving I had some of those items because obviously I donā€™t keep everything saved because Iā€™d have too much on my storage and than I wouldnā€™t be able to record stuff. Also idk how to send it directly to blizzard


Yeah, like if you had any PoTGā€™s with those skins on at that time, then record it. I personally feel it would help prove your case more (NOT guaranteed of course. There are more than not, many liars who do this daily just to try to get ā€œfreeā€ skins from Blizzard when they never had them to begin with) Otherwise? I canā€™t really think of any other way that you can prove you had the skins you know? :confused:

Even if you had just one vid of you wearing like ANY skin from the WinterWonderland event and then recorded how they are locked again under the Hero Gallery, then it may help prove your case. Itā€™s worth a shot?

Again, I am so sorry if this did happen. I play on PS4, and have owned Overwatch since Beta (My other PS4 has that file) and I have never seen this happen before. I truly hope you donā€™t quit because of thisā€¦ These skins are yearly and will be back but again, I also understand your frustration as getting those skins are tedious and never certain (most people drop cash like I do)

So yeah, try to get that footage. Then send it in. I myself am not sure on how to do this so I would contact blizzard and ask them on how to do so.

Sadly I have only bad experiences with Blizzards support. They are never solving the issues. They are only replying to you with a statement why your issue isnā€™t in fact an issue. Even Steam support is better which is famous that you canā€™t even reach them. And I have a strong feeling that they will also ban me for this comment.

Not just that. Untill Blizzard is selling lootboxes for money, which contains only cosmetic items, the cosmetic items are also a merchandises. And because of that, they have value. Wether or not you care about them or not. So that you care about them, is just adding to the loss factor.

I made a video it called ā€œI lost some overwatch stuffā€ itā€™s uploading to YouTube right now my channel is my real name which is Gabriel Atkins so go watch it for the proof


Support has been nothing but helpful to me.

Yeah, Iā€™d definitely try to send that in. You did indeed have that skin on as proven and it was locked again.

Honestly? I am very sorry this had happened to you :cry:Did you say that Microsoft was hacked at this time? If so, maybe mention that when you send them that clip? This has never yet happened to me before (even when I had my original Overwatch copy since release which is also for PS4) and now I am a bit worried aha.

I wish you nothing but luck on this. Like I said, when you wake up (because it seemed like you were very tired) try contacting them and tell them how to send vids to Blizzard. That very much is odd and should be looked at. Good luck ok?

I just woke up lol. But ya thanks for the advise

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This is such an obvious bait thread itā€™s not even funny

Go watch the video I posted Iā€™m not baiting


i dont think your items would just magically disappear like that. sure, servers might have been down on xbox but when my psn servers are down i still have everything. what i find weird is that you said its only a few things.

Itā€™s ok hun! No worries! :grinning: Tbh, at least you have proof. Most people usually donā€™t (As most lie) so maybe they will look at this. I canā€™t assure or guarantee anything but this might help you. I wish you luck! I am very curious as to what they can do for you, if anything and (hopefully) at all.

He has a video on Youtube. You can actually see him have recorded clip evidence and then show it is in fact locked again.

you couldā€™ve linked it ,edit this in the original post.


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It probably because when I buy loot boxes (because I donā€™t always have the time to play during events) I buy them in bundles of 24 to see if I get what I want and I guess that it took away what I got in that specific bundle idk but Iā€™m assuming because I bought like $40 worth of loot boxes that the second time after I leveled up a bit and started to get duplicates again I bought that and got those items

I only had experiences where I got a reply to my support ticket quoting parts of ifferent Blizz documents. Even I opened the tickets with the exact information that these information are known to me and my issue is different.
As much as it hurts to say, and as much as I hate EAā€¦they are the only game publisher company who can manage a pretty good customer support.

Good luck op Iā€™ll drop a like if it looks legit!

Haha yeah looks legit, sorry for your loss, blizz try to rectify this!

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Hey Dark, I responded to your comment and reformatted the entire bug post I had made.
I wonā€™t change your choice of quitting the game if you choose to do so. However, I just wanted to inform you of my update and will continue to look into this for people like us.
Should you see this or my reply to your comment on my thread please get in touch if there has been any development. Or to simply just get in touch to talk about things if you wish to do so.

Click To Expand Link To My Bug Topic (I think I've shared it correctly, sorry if not)