Most people in my rank already gave up. Almost every game instantly has a “GG we are going to lose anyway” at the start in chat. I tend to keep trying but no amount of positively will help. Since winrate doesn’t matter anyway I don’t know the point in trying hard anymore. Especially since this is the rank people want to come down to just to make fun of and ruin the match for you.
Focus on your strengths and work on your weaknesses. One thing that seems to hold you back is playing Ana with too much focus on damage, so your win rate with her is pretty terrible (33%). Either choose a different healer when needed or focus more on healing with her.
OP strengths are playing sombra…and playing sombra…the end.
Sombra is fun everyone gets that. Your lack of skill in character diversity is holding you back. The fact you are not able to play anything on the same level as your sombra. Plus the fact you are maining sombra (easily the most coordination dependant character in the most uncoordinated rank) in bronze. Keeps you in bronze.
Either accept that bronze sombra isn’t effective in your rank learn more stuff and change or accept that your skill represents your rank.
Hi! As someone who’s season high is only 2705 I wanna give you a tip that may or may not help, because I know what it’s like to want to just throw your overwatch across the room in frustration because people are unreliable and untrustworthy in competitive!
Make sure you are being positive
this sounds like such an utter GARBAGE tip, I used to crucify anyone who would try and tell me I needed to be more positive or think all those youtubers saying the best tip to getting better is to just be positive. IT IS the best tip you can get.
If you go into a game, especially on a losing streak, thinking “I don’t care, I’m just gonna play my main and not fill because no one can be trusted, everyones garbage, blah blah” You’re coming in negative, and especially if you convey that through your voice chat it’s going to make it even worse as well.
I’ve won 5 v 6’s before thanks to impeccable communication and simply playing like a team, and half of those games people didn’t think we could win but I did my best to say like hey, we CAN win this, all we need to do is concentrate.
Another tip is to find who you’re REALLY good with, and know when to switch off when your pick isn’t working.
For example I can absolutely ruin people when I play, Symmetra, Brigitte, Sombra, Pharah or any of my mains really. That’s why I play them. If I’ve been made to switch off, say I have to be playing a shield tank or something and it’s just NOT working out, I’ll see if someone else is willing to swap with me so that I can play a character that I know I can do work with. And if I’m doing utter GARBAGE on who I’ve picked to play, say I want to play Tracer today but I’m just getting ruined and constantly killed or not doing any damage, I’ll be like hey maybe I’ll try a different DPS, and if it’s not working I’ll see if someone wants to switch roles like a healer or something so I’m not being a detriment to the team and just refusing to switch out of stubbornness. You shouldn’t be afraid to talk to your team! Communication is KEY in overwatch, if you’ve got NONE you may as well just not play competitive.
I also suggest highly that you need to know how to effectively play at least one character in every category or more to get better.
The only characters I’m NOT good at are Genji, Winston and Doomfist, therefore I don’t play those characters (well I mean I’m ALRIGHT at Genji but I’m not gonna go pick him unless I need to counter a Bastion lol)
You need to be ready to fill for your team, even if you’re the only one willing to fill, you need to take it upon yourself to be ready to do it. It might sound boring! But I didn’t know I liked playing characters like Ana and Orisa until I was forced to learn how to play new healers (before Brigitte and Moira’s release) and a shield tank because I found myself being the only one willing to take up those roles. And yes, that SUCKS, being forced to play something other than your main? Do you have any idea how upset I get when I want to play nothing but Symmetra or nothing but Sombra or nothing but and someone either a) takes that character or b) takes those slots? I get ABYSMALLY upset. I’ll ask nicely if I can play that character but most of the time it doesn’t work, so I will then proceed to fill in to what the team needs.
Overwatch is a TEAM game. It requires communication and effort from all 6 members of your team. Doesn’t matter if you’re in Bronze or GrandMaster. You need to remember that everyone (excluding a present and garbage existence of horrible throwers) is playing to win! Go into the competitive scene with a positive attitude, be ready to play different heroes, make sure you KNOW how to play different heroes, and it will be better for you.
Also I’ll leave you with this.
Rank. Doesn’t. Matter.
Ridiculous right? But when it comes to Overwatch you shouldn’t be focused on your rank, you should be focused on winning the current game you’re playing. I started off just over a year ago in Silver and now I average high gold to mid plat, and that’s okay! If I was still in Silver that would be okay too, as long as I was having fun and playing to win and being positive.
Good luck with your games, I hope you remember at the very least to try and flex and be positive.
Don’t get caught up in rank/sr. It doesn’t even matter. Just play to have fun. Or just pick Brigitte and you will climb to diamond easy by holding left click and running away with your sheild up.
The focus shouldn’t be to climb anyway. Focus on improving and you will climb naturally as a byproduct a without being salty if you lose.
ur chances of climbing are probably increased by playing heroes that fit the team comp or meta at the time i guess, doing thats the only reason i went from like 1400 to 3200 peak in a season. heck i one tricked sombra for 2 seasons but when it didnt work no point forcing it
^^^ This is the right advice.
OP, think about this. A diamond+ player could battle mercy and carry your matches. What is the difference between them and you?
If you want to climb out of bronze, you should focus on your fundamental FPS mechanics. Movement, aim, etc. That alone is enough to climb out of bronze on any hero.
My guess if you have some fundamental flaws with how you are playing the game, and don’t even realize it. Maybe, for instance, you left your mouse sensitivity on default 30. (Which is WAY too high).
If you want the secret pro-tip on how to improve: record your gameplay and post it for review. 5 minutes of watching you play will let good players pick out your biggest issues. Once you know what to do, it’s a lot easier to get better. It’s much harder trying to figure it out on your own.
I got a boring weekend ahead so if you record a couple games and post them to this thread I’ll personally review them for you. (Been GM every season and have coached a little before so I think I can give good advice)
I’ve got four accounts, ranging from plat, to masters.
Even at masters, getting teams to coordinate to EMP is almost impossible. It happens sometimes, usually though coupled with grav.
Only at the very very high end of play can people coordinate well enough to use her ult optimally.
Sombras uzi is terrible, the damage output and spread makes it a tickle at best.
The ONLY reason you are stuck in bronze is because you one-trick Sombra.
Park Sombra, learn a tank, another DPS and a support. You’ll at least be in plat before you know it.
Pick up Sombra again diamond and above, you’ll start to get some real use out of her.
Simply not true at all. You think a GM Sombra would be stuck in bronze if they only played Sombra? Obviously not.
FriendlyFire already offered, but I’d also be willing to look at one of your vods. this account decayed to diamond cause ive been away all summer but im masters/gm.
You’re entirely missing my point.
This person is clearly not highly skilled anyway, they need to learn more of the game.
Playing Sombra, with low skill, in bronze. That’s never going to work.
There are many hero’s which can perform far better for people of low skill and can actually contribute far more than a low skill Sombra can.
I’m being cruel to be kind:
If they learn more hero’s and stop one tricking Sombra, they will rank up.
Reason about 1000 that ‘niche’ characters is just an excuse for what is a bad and not balanced character.
Sombra technically should have a chance on any map in the game, since she’s available for any map in the game. But she’s not, and it’s kind of sad, as mentioned, given how much fun she is to play.
Add about 10 more characters to Sombra’s list. I’m not saying from my point of view but look at the streams and high ranked play and it’s pretty obvious what the go to characters are in any season.
I wrote a guide: Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide. Take a look, especially at the psychology section.
every time you think about picking Sombra, pick Tracer or Reaper or any other flanker.
that will help more than any gameplay tip. Sombra is trash w/o good team communication. Half the roster will kill you 1v1 even after a hack. Her gun is horrible.
Its not good advice anyway. Suppose they stop playing Sombra and rank up using whatever easier character. A one trick Sombra obviously loves playing Sombra. So now that they are in a higher SR… Anytime they choose Sombra they are even more detriment to their team than if they just played Sombra at a lower SR and improved there. So they can either never play Sombra again… Their favorite character… Or play Sombra and drop back down to where they belong in the first place. Neither are better options than just playing their favorite hero in the SR they belong in the first place.
sombra probably holding your rank down id play a better hero high communication an coordinated heros like sombra dont do well in low ranks at all. i coached 1 of my friends to play dva an he climbed from low broze to silver in 1 night
Dude go Reaper if you deserve to be out of bronze it will take no time.
I love these posts They’re such cries for help. Well, DO NOT WORRY CITIZEN, FOR DUBBY IS HERE TO SAVE YOU!!!
Alright, here is everything you need to know to quit quitting and quit being a quitter…
- #1 - This is a game, and you should be having fun!
- #2 - You’re not as good as you think you are, and there is no ELO Hell.
- #3 - Each rank signifies the learning curve that you must achieve in order to progress. Bronze indicates that you need to practice your fundamental FPS skills like aiming, moving, ducking, dodging, diving…
- #4 - If you can dodge a wrench, then you can dodge a ball.