It’s good advice because the player has respectable stats and a positive winrate with Sombra.
Except in some niche situations, without coordination Sombra is only half useful.
Almost certain that the player would easily rank into silver or low gold, if they chose Reaper or Tracer instead.
Meanwhile they are still a bronze level Sombra. You’ve addressed nothing that I said so I don’t know the purpose of your reply.
wouldn’t it take a long time to get my tracer skill as high as my sombra skill though? Wouldn’t I lose more games trying to play another high skill character when I already play a super high skill hero? And as that one person said, if I just stopped playing sombra until I get to a high rank would I still even be good with her once reaching that rank? I have a friend in masters that had a 65 percent winrate with widow when he was in gold but stopped playing her until he got to masters, he then picked her up and again and completely sucked because he stopped playing her because “she isn’t good in ranks below diamond” I always thought you ranked with your based hero pool not your worst. If the only reason I am not climbing is because I main sombra with a winrate teetering between 60 percent and 57 percent. I know when to switch off of her when I get heavily countered. I play at least two heroes in each category. None of them are anywhere as good as My sombra play except maybe my D.VA but since is so popular she always gets instalocked.
It’s simple. How a GM ranks out of bronze to Diamond isn’t by using GM strats, but by taking liberties and of course exploiting mistakes.
Now the tools that this player is using to maintain a positive winrate with Sombra are likely to be the tools that other heroes have. But those other heroes are better at it.
And as everyone else has said before, the tools that make Sombra shine don’t work well at all in middle and low-rank pub teams.
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i would play more self reliant heroes that can frag/punish mistakes like dva and Birgitta. moira is another good hero also
Join the club.I got bored and less motivated because of having to do the same thing every season which is to carry everyone and do all the work.
With the new LFG system.I’m able to find good people to just have fun while laying decently.I even made a friend an ana main that I call mom.Together we could climb and have fun but we didn’t really care much about Winning.We both realised it and we play with people I LFG to make more friends and just have fun…
Me tryhard = high plat = season 3 - 6
Me depression = hard stuck gold = season 7-10
Me dont care = can be high plat but lazy and unmotivated = silver but with fun
Dude, you practice in QP and arcade with characters that you’re not good at. What are you doing using them in comp?
stick with sombra. flex less.
i have like an 80% win rate in 2000 SR and can’t break 2400 with her…
he thinks that widow is only good past diamond and his skill deteriorated?
more like he was never even a plat level widow to begin with so of course he got smashed for pulling her out in diamond.
Similarly, the reality is if the poster wants to get good at sombra he may as well do it now than anywhere else.
My only recommendation is maybe consider learning a bit of winston and mercy on the side but only swap to them in situations where the team desperately needs a healer (0 healers on team) or desperately needs a tank (enemy choke/setup that the team can’t get in on). Meanwhile focus on your sombra and mechanics. get a higher level player to critique your vid. Preferably a sombra main/one-trick but if not at least someone who is plat or above, since anyone at least plat could carry their way to gold on sombra with no experience on the character using mechanics alone
Why do people think like this?
Bro he isn’t a GM sombra, if your a silver sombra IN silver you won’t carry games and you won’t get that much value out of her. If your a GM sombra IN Silver you one clip everyone because nobody moves, you example is so flawed like someone above said a GM can also battle mercy and that’s true a GM can carry with everything
You are missing the point entirely. The retort is that the ONLY reason someone is stuck at the rank is because of the hero they are using. This is clearly false. Arguing against that is not displaying much intelligence on your part.
So you need to be 5 ranks higher than your current rank to make a hero work? Good advice bro. Quick fact: OP is in bronze and wants to climb, since he isn’t a GM smurf his aim and game sense, positioning won’t be good enough to make certain heroes work and his team isn’t good enough either to take advantage of him, sombra is definitely not the right choice to climb from low ranks where things like Phara and junkrat does far more because people can’t avoid that dmg
He can now practice like mad with sombra to get little value out of her because the biggest factor for sombra to be successful is the follow up from his team wich isn’t doing it and he can’t practice his team to learn that, he can climb with heroes who fits his rank until he is in a rank where people know how to take advantage of sombra wich will be much easier to climb
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This person is clearly unhappy in bronze.
They clearly want to rank up.
If they want to rank up, they need to stop playing Sombra in bronze.
It’s as simple as that.
Stop pretending my advice is sub par to your own, what I’m saying is common sense.
Edited response.
Sorry I misread what you wrote.
I thought you were arguing in favour of him keep playing Sombra in bronze, but having reread what you wrote I see we’re completely in agreement.
If I think and type this.Then it would mean nothing but if I work based on actions for the past seasons than its practical.Its not my dunning Kruger effect or self bias.Its the gameplay.The gameplay is such that it had to be forcefully played that way to gain SR.
LFG made things more friendly and competitive.I choose fun gameplay over carrying bad players.
Honestly, if you manage to stop caring about the outcome of the game or ranking up, you’ll find fun in just playing the game. A burden will be lifted from your shoulders, and you’ll probably rank up due to it, since that’s how these things tend to work out.
I think it’s a bit like finding a relationship and falling in love. People that want it and try really hard to make it happen will not find it. They’ll remain single. Once that person stops caring, they’ll meet someone and it will happen.
I think the idea is that once you no longer force things, good things happen.
NOT TRUE! As long as there are @rseholes ruining your games on purpose to make troll youtube videos of your rank you will never enjoy yourself.
yes, give up on climbing, and focus on improving.
side effect, you will climb.
Vaas Montenegro said it right, do the same thing over and over again and expect different outcomes? that’s the definition of insanity.
that’s what you do if you “try to climb” without changing anything about your playstyle
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Well 27% accuracy on sombra says otherwise. Work on your aim and positioning. With your stats it shows your engaging at the wrong time and trying to do to much on your own without helping your teamates and taking down the proper target at the right time. Half on comp is getting your teammates to work with you or working around them. This is a TEAM SHOOTER.