A weaker Mercy with an impactful ultimate is what we want. All those limitations like having no E ability made her unique and also incredibly strategic at master/grandmaster.
The difference between a good Mercy and a bad one is still huge, otherwise you wouldnt have these awesome GM Mercy mains who zip around with mobility that makes even Lucio blush and 900 iq rezzes that happen when you give them the tiniest of windows.
Thats objectivelly wrong. Mass Ress wasn’t “a press Q to win” as people have PTSD feverdreams about. It punished wasting ults, and it required thinking because if you ressed your team, they would all be out of position, primed to be killed again, and if you used it wrong and ended up dying, now your team is getting staggered, because they will respawn with -1 healer. It had the same chance of being valuable or wiffing as any other ult, and required thought to use AS ANY OTHER ULT.
That doesn’t change the fact that they are part of the rework. You can’t just ignore them because of their origins. They are a pet of her now, regardless of where they came from.
Factually, Mercy can move while rez’ing. The player piloting Mercy can choose to have her remain motionless during rez, but I wouldnt recommend it in most circumstances
In general, the more powerful an ability is, the more limitations that must be placed upon it to balance it
I consider rez to be the single most powerful standard ability in the game, and as such, it is fitting imo that it be severely limited, including but not limited to the lengthy cooldown
I’m with you, but I just said “screw it” and started playing other heroes. I hate playing Mercy these days, I’ll only really pick her to pocket hitscans or Pharah.