I miss playing ow1

the omni-directional buff was stupid. players say “oh well she feels more fun!” yeah no kidding because its broken. superjump was easy enough to do, plus lowkey better since you sinked in the ground and avoided damage, so there was no point in changing it for “verticality against tracer”

I agree with you. They don’t have the talent-and being free to play turned it into complete garbage.

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Some tanks were made to be the offtank-doomfist should not be a tank.

They made doom a tank to say “look at this exciting NEW reworked tank hero guys”

I paid for OW1 and I can’t play the game anymore.


If you wanted OW1 to continue existing where were you years ago when we were campaigning for that after we learnt that it would be a forced update?

You should’ve spoken up back then…


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Jeff said it would be separate when they announced it…
I shouldn’t have spoken up “back then” because it wasn’t a thing back then lol.
Also it wouldn’t have changed their minds as its bad for business and money which is all they care about :man_shrugging: a lot of the playerbase wouldn’t go to ow2 which loses them money.


Yeah, I miss that too. Even the OWL skins cost $10 each, but but now evey single OW1 skin costs as much as OW1 itself.

Oh, I wouldn’t count on that. I fully expect “Overwatch Classic” in the next 3-4 years. They’re gonna be advertizing it as “relive the original experience” and all that. They might even have it be with hero stacking, like the game was when it launched. You know, the time when it wasn’t an e-sport and people were having wacky fun with 12 Reins.


they wanted dps to be uncontested. they made dps uncontested. they arent going back. enjoy dps watch

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They still exist in open que,

Nope it constently lead to one way mirror match comps that nothing could compete with leading to the mass nerfing of nearly every tank in the game. (Also A good chunk of supports) And was really unstable.

5v5 does not have this issue.

you had to pay that much to get a enough boxes to have a chance for a new legenerday skin to drop. And that was about a 1 in 8 chance of doing so. Also you can pay 10 for several skins adn other goodies.

Oh man, so true. It’s been said a thousand times.

Not to mention that back then a fraction as many people were cheating.

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I miss 6v6. While I’ve gotten more used to 5v5 and like more now than I did back in the OW2 first beta. I still prefer 6v6. The size of the maps feels more like they were made for 6v6 than 5v5. It feels a little bit more empty having 5 players on each team compared to 6.
As someone who mainly played tank in OW1 I prefer OW1 because of the tank synergy. I’m though a big fan of the Orisa OW2 ability changes and find Orisa to be even more fun now to play compared to OW1.
Personally I would like to have a 6v6 mode with some or all the OW2 Orisa ability changes.


This is what happened to me. They announced OW2 would be a PvE-focused sequel. I didn’t care about the PvE so just completely ignored everything about it: why would I bother to keep up with the news on a game I knew I didn’t want?

just all of the ui in general, it looks so ugly

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the first stage: denial

I would say that’s what all the 6v6 pushers are in at the moment.

After seasons of the same thing happening over and over again, where two+ stack with the help of the occasional support.

And completely dominate the entire game, with rather extreamely limited comps vaible comps.

And yet somehow people think that their was all this variety and ways to play.

Yeah I wish they had left the old movement as an option. I legit can’t play her anymore after 5 years of muscle memory. I always fly into the enemy and die when i meant to superjump


i never got the issue with mass-rez in the first place

okay, reversing a team-wipe is annoying, but at the same time that’s literally what an ult was meant to do.
change the tide of the game in a drastic way

plus, if the enemy team all waste their ults in one go and have non left when mercy used rez… who’s fault is that?

it was definitely more common then, but it’s super rare to see a full team-wipe in one go nowadays too

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Ok before I say anything: what I am about to say is purely opinionated your welcome to disagree this has nothing to do with balance mostly sorta.

This is something I’ve actually thought about allot, old doom was fun to play but not so fun to play against. New doom isn’t as fun to play and still not really fun to play against.

It’s a difficult road but I think he needs at least a power shift, I get his gauntlet is like his thing but having a charged punch have a super long stun even when not fully charged is not fun to play against. It goes back to the ow1 complaining of people feeling helpless against him and his combos or punch

This is the reason why all of the good tank and support players left. If you’re not playing a DPS, you’re playing a punching bag

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