I miss playing ow1

The tank duo’s and synergies, 6v6 being inherently better than 5v5, 2cp maps like hanamura and anubis, skins not costing $20, unique heroes like doomfist being fun to play, heroes not being reworked for the sake of 5v5 and its terrible chain reaction balance issues, and just the overall vibe.
Sadly I don’t think we will ever experience this type of overwatch (the real overwatch) ever again.


i mainly miss mercys old movement and the UI of overwatch 1. the new ui looks like unfinished dogcrap from the overwatch 1 beta.

quick, spot the difference!


legit what I miss most. I was an offtank main for OW1, had a mystery heroes game the other day where I was Zarya, with a rein on our team, was pure classic bliss for the whole game, snapped straight back into the playstyle


That e ability was one of the worst changes ever made to a character


shame we were forced to play this 5v5 trash.



Fun fact, Mercy was actually my most played hero in season 2. She stayed in my top 5 each season while I learnt other heroes. Then moth meta dropped. I had to one trick her essentially for season 7. Then dropped her completely, coming to just despise the hero. I hate her current kit so much man, I acknowledge I post about mercy quite a lot, but it’s justified imo. Her kit feels so lazy now.

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I for one greatly preferred OW1 over the game being called OW2, mostly because the game being called OW2 is a pay to win game whereas OW1 was not


AND A CHORE ITS SO FRUSTRATING. i loved her movement in OW1 because it felt so smooth and not frustrating to face, you could genuinely tell a good mercy from a bad one. ever since moth meta dropped, shes just felt like such a chore for pocketing since shes been nerfed so hard to the point her only value comes from damage boost, since E-Rez is both boring and kinda niche.

idc if somebody hates mercy, but i just miss her old kit so much. i feel like mass rez could’ve been easily balanced, but they just didnt wanna try. instead they gave us the terror that is E-Rez. hell even the valk and rez swap in the ExC could’ve worked, if they were able to continously balance it. reducing the ult cost was a step in the right direction, and some more changes would’ve made it felt great.


Yeah, I would rather both play and play against the OG mercy kit, than the moth meta remnants we have now.

Her GA is kinda op the omnidirectional buff she got, to the point where it really is that easy to use that you can’t really develop a skill check with it. It’s like imagine Lucio being able to climb up a wall or move along a wall in whichever direction he wants just by looking where he wants to go. It would be too strong.

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Same thing for us doom mains, you could tell the difference between their rollouts and tech to secure certain kills.
Now there’s no need for any of the tech and tank doom is super easy to play.


They’ve dumbed down the kits of multiple heroes over time it’s getting annoying. Torb would be another one, although he is still fun. Orisa rework has gone from tactical positioning and a slow methodical playstyle to Oonga Bunga hold w and spam abilities.


They love gutting unique hero design to appease certain players.


Idk if you play console, but man, those unique heroes had some hardcore mains. There’s a guy on Xbox called SlugTheBeast, literal thousands upon thousands of hours on Orisa last time I ran into him in game. Of course most of those you can’t see anymore.

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the omni-directional buff was stupid. players say “oh well she feels more fun!” yeah no kidding because its broken. superjump was easy enough to do, plus lowkey better since you sinked in the ground and avoided damage, so there was no point in changing it for “verticality against tracer”

I agree with you. They don’t have the talent-and being free to play turned it into complete garbage.

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Some tanks were made to be the offtank-doomfist should not be a tank.

They made doom a tank to say “look at this exciting NEW reworked tank hero guys”

I paid for OW1 and I can’t play the game anymore.


If you wanted OW1 to continue existing where were you years ago when we were campaigning for that after we learnt that it would be a forced update?

You should’ve spoken up back then…


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