I miss not having 2 cp maps

One of the good things about the overwatch beta. Sigh : /


Back to insta-leaving 2CP maps. Sigh…


I think this is the only community that actively celebrates getting content taken from them, and then will say “Where’s my content, blizzard!?!”.


I don’t mind them being there, I just don’t want them in quickplay tbh.

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It’s terrible content, and not good content. It makes a ton of difference.


I can’t vouch for others, but I’d be ecstatic if they took it out. Unfavorable content is more likely to make people leave than no content at all.


Kinda surprised they don’t cut the likelihood of having a 2CP map down by like half.


Indeed. This thread is pathethic and this mindset is everything I despise in mutliplayer games. “Me, myself and I”, nothing else around me matters…

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Back to reporting people that do so, hoping they get banned at some point.


The only 2CP map I enjoy these days is Volskaya. Used to literally hate this map


You know usually other shooters let you queue directly to the types of maps you want to play. Quickplay is the only queue the gives you an mmr. OW doesn’t have that. I would play control all day. But if we want fair matches we are forced into random maps.

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There would be nobody left to play the game if they did that. lol


You DO know leaving because you don’t enjoy the map ( outside of competitive ) isn’t reportable right?

People are free to leave arcade and quick play matches if they really want to.


And many shooters don’t. Maps are chosen randomly and people that would leave get warning strikes until they’re banned for leaving too much.

Relevance ?

We all have favorite game modes or maps but we don’t get to ruin a match for others just because we are selfish and don’t want to play a specific map or game mode. There’s a code of conduct on multiplayer games. Overwatch has one too.

If you can’t respect the game’s code of conduct, you shouldn’t be playing online games. Solo games are maybe more suitable for self-centered players like you.

That’s just food for thought…

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You can create custom lobbies for the maps you want to play, but it wont be balanced at all matchmaking wise. Something that makes quickplay an appealing option. Vs picking a queue with the maps or may types you want to play. Many people leave 2 cp and its very annoying to backfill into them. And playing them isn’t so fun.

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It is very much reportable when it’s done on purpose and repeatedly.

Which makes the game a worse place to be in, hence why the amount of players on Overwatch has been tanking the last couple of years (one of many other reasons but still).

It baffles me that Blizzard clearly abandoned the game to the point that the entitled toxic community thinks they can do whatever they want unpunished. It doesn’t look bright for the future of PVP if they let this getting worse.

I hope temporary and perma bans are back on Overwatch someday

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No one is obligated to like a map or play it. I myself play 2 cp very aggresively, its the only way I get any semblance of joy in that mode and it makes it quick.

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And I’ll miss not having 2cp maps…


That’s still better than leaving a map or game mode just because you don’t like it but keep in mind that if you encounter a player that does the same thing on a map you do like (and that it ruins your fun), then you can’t say anything.

If anyone ruins games to others, they should accept their games being ruined by others.

2CP ruins the game for others. lol