I miss not having 2 cp maps

Ehh I am just happy I get the map I like and not a backfill 2 cp.

same here.
such a terrible mode. im not even asking to remove it. just let me pick what modes i play in QP. thats all. some people hate KOTH. let them not have to play it
give me a mode selector blizz. ill wait longer Qs. but dont pull me from an arcade mode i enjoy to play freaking 2cp. i hate it


I wish they took away all the control maps instead. KotH brings out my inner troll more than any other mode.


For real. I genuinely miss horizon and Paris simply be cause it’s atleast a diffrent map in the pool. I’m tired of playing Nepal, oasis Nepal, junkertown, Nepal, oasis junkertown, junkertown, Anubis Nepal. It’s really old playing the same maps back to back


That is what makes it so fun.

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No … it isn’t.

Well that’s a shame for you but you can’t force people to continue in maps or modes they don’t enjoy if the game doesn’t give them an alternative.

So wanting to have fun in a game that is designed for people to … you guessed it. have fun and not play maps or modes the player deems unfun is entitlement now is it? Ok. Just checking.

Just incase you wern’t aware. Bans still exist in overwatch. They’re just handed out to people that deserve it.

False bans such as “Wahhh that player is playing a hero I don’t want on my team Wahhh!” or in your case. “Why are people leaving the match and ruining my fun!” will never have action taken.

This tbh.


they can and should be reworked into other game modes. they just feel really awful because the mechanic they added to improve them is not displayed anywhere in the UI, and so it ends up making them worse. when attackers outnumber defenders on point, respawns slow down; the more attackers outnumber defenders, the more it slows down to a max 3 person advantage. when your team does not know this, or worse tilts at you for telling them while they don’t believe you, it makes the map worse.

they wonder why the enemy is respawning so fast and meanwhile the enemy rolls onto point in the attack round and you get rolled because they were on point and we weren’t on our attack. it’s incredibly frustrating to wipe the enemy, have 4 of you alive, 1 of them respawns to contest, and only 1 of the 4 is contesting, so you get no ticks because respawns are instant.

i wish they had put a UI indicator of this mechanic, maybe it would have been salvageable then. but they put this 2CP defense respawn nerf then turned off the lights, left the building, and locked us in here all alone and scared.

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I just like how different the 2CP maps made the game feel. Right now, every single game mode is just shoot, shoot, shoot. Like both side have to do the exact same thing to win. With Attack/Defend, the different sides have to think about the game differently to win.

I’ll never understand why people prefer push to 2 CP. I’ll REALLY never understand why, during a content drought, people would prefer less content. yeah, I understand the mentality of

But people forget that this is a matter of opinion. I’ve personally played more SWAT in halo than I care for, I’d much rather never play it again, but I wouldn’t celebrate the whole gamemode being gutted out of Halo.


Well the thing is 2cp is bad content.

Content is not welcomed if it is bad.

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If you look to the comment above yours, you’ll see that I’ve already answered this.

Besides, no one can tell me why its bad content. Everyone says its all chokes, but no one has a response when I point out that you don’t have to stand in the chokes. You can just press W and force people off of their positions on maps like HLC and Paris.

IDK, I think the worst part of 2cp is the people who’s playing it, and not the maps or modes themselves. The idea that an entire mode is being taken out sucks enough, but to then say “NOW WHERE’S MY CONTENT, BLIZZARD!?” is silly.

There’s your content. Look in the trash…you know, the place you demanded blizzard put the content?


I 100% guarantee you that the presence of these awful maps has caused several times more people to drop playing the game, than people who were upset over people leaving said garbo maps.


craziest thing is that Blizz could just turn off the rest of the 2cap maps at any moment, like they did with Paris and Horizon, and just don’t, because some like seven sickos like them.

It’s not a map volume thing, we’d still have more maps without 2cap than we had at launch.


I don’t mind 2CP.

In fact, I don’t mind Paris and HLC either.

Bring on the hate.


No, what they should do is enable people to opt out of certain game modes. I’m genuinely curious to see how many people would stick around for 2cp if they had a choice in the matter. I know, if 2CP was just dead given that, I’d stop suggesting they ignore people telling them to remove the mode.

Would your opinion change if you found out that the silent majority preferred 2CP to other modes? Or, at least, they didn’t hate it enough to never queue for it?

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True. This forum has a memory of a Goldfish. That’s why I love this forum because it makes even someone dumb like me feel smart. :relieved:

You’ll tell yourself that when people start leaving your games because they don’t like to push a payload or a robot or because “capturing a point is stuuuupid” (KOTH), or who knows what else.

When you enter a game, you’re asked to follow the rules or not play at all. Choice is yours but you can’t do both.

I swear to heaven you guys are so entitled that you remind me of my 8-year old nephew when he convinces us to play Monopoly or any other type of board game and eventually wants to stop playing it as soon as the game doesn’t go his way.

By leaving games, you’re making the whole community have a horrible experience on Overwatch, plus wasting people’s time (when leaving in the middle of a match). Backfills are running rampant because of selfish entitled players that can’t think of anything else but themselves.

Grow up.

P.S. The game does give you an alternative : Don’t log in until you’re mature enough to accept the game’s rules.

Well it’s clearly too permissive when they let a community boycott an entire game mode. Removing 2CP won’t change a thing 'cause then there will be another scapegoat mode sooner or late. It’s not the game that needs changes, people’s mindset does.

Completely irrelevant unless it’s disruptive gameplay (and it’s allowed to report that, devs said so in many posts) but this is something very specific, for instance, picking a hero and getting hard-countered all game and overextending every fight and dying alone without minding your team (and being toxic when called out about it).

Picking a hero when the player does their best but still get hardcountered is not a reportable offense. And tbh, hardcountering doesn’t really exist per se since the game is slowly abandoning the counter-picking hero system so, what you’re saying is both out of touch and speculative.

That’s the game’s rules. In order for people to play together on a team-based game, it requires all parties to follow certain rules or else there’s no game.

Imagine, I would purposely afk on a map I don’t like or decide to never commit to a fight with my team and shoot from afar because of who knows what stupid reasons, how would you react to that ?

According to your reasoning (if we can call it that), everyone is allowed to do whatever they want to disrupt a game so I guess that if I don’t like a game mode you like, you’d accept I left when we’re close to the match being won ?

If you do then I guess you just like anarchy and never take a game seriously which brings me back to asking myself how can people have fun if they don’t follow any rules the game requires…

I guess you’ll then agree when people state that Escort, Hybridm, Push or KOTH ruins games for others too (if I follow your logic). What happens when different people start boycotting every existing game modes…

What then ? Will we be playing “Leaving match simulator” ?

Horrible take considering you’re the one with the selfish me myself and I attitude trying to force people to spend their time in a way they don’t enjoy for your own benefit.

It pleases me greatly to know that by this time next year 2cp will no longer exist and we can all be free to play the fun modes while you’re stuck on TF2 playing on 24/7 dustbowl servers.

Not for my benefit… For the benefit of the game so it can work as the multiplayer game that it is.

Are you for real ? Have you ever played a board game or to put it simply, Uno (card game). Do you think people would still want to play with you if you don’t follow the game’s rules or leave as soon as you’re starting to lose ?

Unbelievable… Now I’m selfish because I expect people to respect the game’s rules to Overwatch so that everyone has a great time.

And FYI, there are a lot of maps I don’t especially like (even game modes, for instance, I don’t particularly like Escort), but I’ve never left them because I do care about players that do and that don’t want to play backfill.

That’s not what I would call selfish…

I don’t play TF2 and don’t worry, there will be another game mode people will boycott after 2CP and it pleases me greatly to know that it might be your favorite one.

Quote me again in this thread to tell me how thrilled you are when maps or game modes you enjoyed no longer exist because some people arbitrarily decided it wasn’t fun (and we all know most of them simply parrot what some pro players / streamers say in their videos).

the real problem again is blizzard. Since they were unable to make the mode work they just did what they’ve been done so far and remove it.
They removed hero stacking, they removed role stacking, they removed a tank, they removed cc and removed an entire mode.
For a time they even randomly remvoed heroes from competitive for a bit because god forbid players have any control over the gameplay.
Next they’ll probably remove a healer because the concept of balancing healing and damage numbers is foreign to them

it’s all so tiresome


Well they already said they may make those maps into another mode for ow2. So there’s that.