Very valuable input there thank you!
Out of curiosity, this is really a thing?
I think so - way back when I was a true noob on my main account I joined high level friends who were really good and I got catapulted into their MMR. I think its been a weird decline since even though I am now better than said friends.
Yes. MMR is a hidden matchmaking number that Blizzard will not let you see.
Blizzard’s excuse for not showing us what’s under the hood is that they don’t want players abusing the algorithm. The more likely reason is probably because they know it’s **** and they don’t want everyone to find out lol.
Why bother defending what they refuse to show? If the system can be gamed by them being transparent and letting us know how the game calculates MMR and how it affects matchmaking, then it’s probably not perfect as some people make it out to be. Hence ‘play 10000 games to get your accurate SR.’
Speaking of which, those 10000 games ain’t gonna play themselves, so get to it.