Apophenia. I know it well, it often precedes delusion
This is really interesting. I want to believe in your conspiracy… but I can’t completely subscribe to it. I would need a lot more evidence.
If you find it problematic, I suggest you just get a new account now that you’re better, play with a friend, and get your “good anchor stats”. If you don’t want to lose funds to the game but your old account is trapped in low elo… You could get a booster, or sell your old account and buy a new one. However, this is against ToC and would probably get you permanently banned or something if they found out.
Getting better at the game and hard carrying consistently seems like a more legal, cheaper and realistic option to climb.
Its enough. I recovered from a rapid drop. Cant do it on my main. There is something wrong. I dont get why no one else thinks there isnt something in the background here?
What do you mean closed profile? I dont get what you mean there? Can I show my stuff online to others?
Aside, theres something in this game that keeps you low. Is it to keep people buying new licences? Probably. Do many people buy new licences for that initial dopamine hit and seeing them stomp people? Yes, its evident lol. I should probably stop caring about comp but QP games are literally disgusting.
Some level 4 Winston comes in and destroys everyone. So much for MMR? The game population has to be DEAD to allow that to occur regularly in order to keep game queues low.
That brings up another big problem doesn’t it? If the reliable way to climb out of low ranks is by doing stupid crap then once they do hit higher ranks and keep doing the stupid crap that carried them up, they get smashed back into the dirt and drop rank again.
The game itself is flawed. It doesn’t teach you to play the “correct way” or get better. What is best for lower ranks doesn’t work at higher ranks and what’s best at higher ranks doesn’t exist in lower ranks (teamwork/communication).
See the paradox here?
Once you reach higher ranks you suddenly have to, on a dime, completely change your playstyle and go against everything that’s been ingrained in you on the way up.
You wouldn’t believe (or maybe you would) the number of times I’ve seen supports / tanks flanking or running off by themselves and then at a point when they should be retreating they suddenly solo ult you.
They die right after, but they took you down with them. And because they have spawn advantage they get back to the fight sooner.
I NEVER see that kind of flanking tank/support panic solo ulting crap in higher ranks. Cause it’s a stupid thing to do. But in lower ranks it works.
Lol…. I remember you…. We’ve had this convo before (on a different rigged MM post).
I also started in Bronze and climbed DPS to Masters and Tank to Diamond the hard way (took many seasons to properly learn the game and mechanics).
As DPS you actually have to tip the scale. And because, to carry in Overwatch, you have to be so much more skilled than your peers, this is why “smurfing” appears to be so prominent when really it’s probably more of a question of teammates properly enabling each other.
Now that’s not to say smurfs don’t exist. I’ve boosted my share of accounts. But the times I’d climbed Bronze/Silver accounts to platinum/Diamond, you rarely encounter other smurfs.
As support trying to climb. Probably. But team composition matters more in regards to enabling your team. Sure Mercy/Lucio can work, but is it really best when your tank player is running Reinhardt?
He’s 74 games in. That’s a minimum of 12 hours of game play and he’s still 1500 SR over his other ranking. How much more proof could you want? Sounds like the answer is ‘play until you’re in Bronze and I won’t believe anything else’.
Also, this is the rating system that they definitively stated finds your rank quickly. Within a few games, it knows about your skill level. Clearly something is not right.
I’m not saying smurfing is/n’t an issue. But even the devs have stated it’s overly exaggerated. Most people just don’t understand the difference between teammates being properly enabled or a legitimate smurf.
What gives is this is a team based game, and you’re unlikely to climb without either a) stacking with a team or b) being absurdly better than everyone else.
This is not uncommon for games that are so team reliant – it’s hard to rank people based on individual skill.
I don’t see how me not being a “top player” would be relevant here?
This just says you unlocked potential that is all. In other words, you were handicapped.
You are also “unlocking potential” if you improve without a hardware upgrade.
It’s not as if the matchmaker could tell the difference between me getting better through a hardware upgrade, or through honing my mechanical skills and game sense and would try (or not try) to get me back to where I was, depending on the means that caused me to improve
Seeing an improvement through a hardware upgrade and actually being able to maintain the gained SR on a previously hardstuck account is pretty much the only prove you will ever need, that those “forced 50:50” and “anchor stat” theories are wrong.
There is an unarguable improvement and it reflects in my SR
It’s not a “conspiracy”. As I indicated its obvious flipping between accounts the quality of matches changes even in the same tier. Currently I have seven accounts, I am guessing you didn’t read all my posts on it, I made that clear why its obvious, almost predictable once you experience it enough. I don’t believe it’s necessarily intentional, but I think it’s a side effect of the way the MMR is coded. Everyone says quit and dequeue after two losses. Did you know that MMR gains on a string of wins is stacked higher? This is a fact. I believe the system does something similar now on losses to a lesser degree and it seemed to come in after the Pass system came in.
This is widely known and discussed since OW’s inception. In fact, PBSR only makes it worse (which is absent at I think Diamond up) because it emphasizes statistics over simply winning. In other words, just playing like a wild man but doing nothing constructive means that person gets better rewards than the person who depends upon strategy.
And you are 100% right, it’s noted how this is very flawed because it literally teaches players the wrong things.
I never said it was just hardware, but everyone just about sees an SR increase with a bump from 60hz. It does open the door to playing better no doubt, if for no other reason you may get a few more kills you wouldn’t which grants more time to execute strategies. Did you really improve, or did you just remove a handicap? I think its more the former, and FWIW, I too saw about a 200SR jump when I went from 60hz to 120hz Gsync, this is pretty common actually.
Coming back in, I’m now 2680 or 2682 I’m posting offline on that account. SO yeah. Something is busted and I’d love a real answer now I’ve maintained rank.
I dont think we are gonna get answers, I’ll just ressurect this post with updates and that does no one no good but yeah - something is really wrong with the system.
Everyone is like “you wont do it solo blaaaah youll go back bronze” - nope, thats the opposite of whats happened here. Im leaving it though. No point. Im gonna conclude that I reckon something is amiss to get people to buy more licences to make new accounts - money money money money money.
I can’t disagree with you about any of this. This is why many professional boosters will not boost ppl out of bronze - it’s just an unplayable elo. Weird and funny things happen in bronze - both in game play and in text/voice chat. Things that should never be allowed to occur.
I see several issues.
Your mmr on your bronze account is perma-messed up and it’s making it very difficult for you to climb out of anything because you’re being matched with the worst ppl in the game - literally.
The people on your team are doing very weird stuff, making it impossible for a support hero to carry in most instances. You would literally have to play dps moira, zen, brig, or baptiste in order to carry your team and your aim would have to be impeccable. And even then, it’s not guaranteed.
I always tell ppl that if they fall to bronze - just make a new account because fixing bronze mmr is, although not impossible…extremely difficult. I believe blizzard should not let ppl into comp until they are at least level 200 just because of this issue. I am sorry that you have to deal with this. It is indeed a nightmare and a waste of ppl’s time. I hope you climb from that plat account.
Just make sure that you are consistently getting above average stats for the heroes that you play in every game - regardless of win/loss because that’s what will help your mmr climb and that’s what gives you good teams.