I’m sorry but these hog changed are unfair

Here…we…go. I knew this was going to happen. I called this BS that people were going to be thinking that he “OP” again. Their are plenty of ways to counter hook. trust me hook still breaks you were not behind cover enough and got pulled And honestly if he hooks a 200 hp hero that’s still in line of sight he honestly deserves to kill them.

But if your still having issues here is a list of counter for him
1 .D.va DM
2. Rein shield
3. Orisa shield / Fortify
4. Mei
5. Reaper (But don’t just face charge him bait his hook first)]
6. Junkrat (Get easy ult charge off him)
7. Ana Sleep dart / Nade
8. Brig Armor pack / Shield bash
9. Widow ( if you can aim)
10. lucio Boop
11. Sombra Hack
12. Zen discord (Expecially if your team focus him he’ll be gone in seconds)
13. Mcree Flashbang
14. Zarya Bubble