I love comp but i am getting tired of carrying people

How do I make sure you guys see it?

I have no life. I see all the new threads in the comp section

It is not, check your settings.

And to you. watch it and weep ghey boiis 2WTGAP The best echo player alive in Bronze

Stop that negativity; you should be in the OWL.

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You didn’t lie there. You played that ballzy Reinhardt melee range with both Echo and Soldier. Maybe not the optimal range, but it’s about making a statement, and I respect that. No roast.

And yes, I wept <3

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Bro… That’s the whole reason I came to this forum to hear

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Hey buddy , thanks . Your kindness makes me feel a bit embarrassed about how upset I got. But do you have any advice for me to gain SR? I just played another game on eichenwalde gold elims 49 gold dmg gold objective kills 10 deaths and I lost that one.

Check your thread. grash0per posted a proper answer, I’m just memeing around :frowning:

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If you’re doing everything yourself, depending on what tank you’re playing, you may actually be feeding.

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You are only 3 years late here buddy :slight_smile:


I became stupider after reading this thread.


Well that has to be a new low because stupid doesn’t get any lower. You can get dumber but you can’t get stupider. That’s like saying I’m getting worster

Toxic much?

The only thing you’re carrying with that arrogance is your own massive ego.

How would you know if he’s carrying or not? Him being Toxic and him being dragged down by halfwits are most likely related. Him outperforming his teammates regularly and being nice to them isn’t.

why tf are you necoring these post

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please anyone report this guy for either spam or trolling

how do people even find 3 year old threads

I hope you mean 5 kills per round and not 5000 damage per round.