I love comp but i am getting tired of carrying people

why do I have to play it at 2AM to get games that don’t have people so bad they might as well be throwing? why can’t i play the game at 8AM before I have to go to work? Why is that too much to ask?

like seriously dude i am at my wits end, can we get a pay in mode that moderates the useless trash out of our queues? i will pay $20/mo to remove dps that can’t average at least 5k/round, tanks that don’t know when to push/dive and healers that never heal from my queues.


How do you know you are carrying? Maybe you’re getting a lot of kills/damage, but they’re not translating into securing objectives.


Unless you are 1 for 4 trading each push , you’re not carrying, get back to silver bru.


because i have to do everything myself

If you have the same behaviour in your games and keeping others down instead of motivate them, I can understand they become trash


it is unbelievable that i cannot enjoy a game before work

not 1

and you wonder why this game is full of hackers, throwers and smurfs. 2 hours of my life down the drain. i am so sick and tired of this crap


First off, if you don’t want to put up with people, overwatch isn’t the game for you. It’s a fundamentally team based game, and working with your team is the whole point. Secondly, if you are as good as you say you are, you should whiz right on through to your true rank. “Tired of Carrying” implies that a majority of the time, you’re most likely dismissing your teams’ efforts entirely to bloat your oversized ego. Overwatch is a ridiculously hard game to carry in, because you NEED all roles to make things work. If indeed you ARE carrying, you are going to get out of your current rank rather quickly.


This is a simple sentence that doesn’t meaningfully answer any of the questions I asked.

In a disorganized game, every player feels like their team is not backing them up. Of course, you may often get Gold elims and feel like you are consistently carrying your team, but that doesn’t matter if other aspects are preventing you from succeeding on the objective.

The only real way to get an answer is to post a gameplay video so we can see whether it is mostly your team’s fault or if you are making serious errors as well.


that is exactly the case, nothing dies unless I kill it, even if I play healer

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Bro I’m sick of people saying dumb nonsense like this. If I get a 4k the least the other 5 can do is secure the objective. You’re probably the same people were sick of carrying. “Yea you killed everyone for me while I hid during the team fight but you didn’t secure the objective for me too.”

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  1. 3 years later…

  2. Unless you’re getting those 4ks at the start of or even right before the fight starts its not a 2v5 like you guys love to think. Yeah you got 4 kills cool, but unless those came in the first 2 seconds of the fight the other team still had plenty of time to kill members of your team. Especially if you getting that 4k meant ignoring the players on the other team that were carrying them. In that time it took you to kill 4 or set up your combo? The other team killed 3 of your team a much more even fight than you “OMG you can’t win a 5v2!” screamers will ever admit.

If you’re really “carrying” then you’ll win those games because you’re doing so well, if your idea of “carrying” is banging your forehead into the other team so you die but take a couple with you? You’re just feeding while getting a couple kills. Just like you can’t secure the objective when you’re dead neither can your teammates. It doesn’t matter if you kill 5 of the other team before you die if you do nothing about the Tracer or Zarya or Widow that keeps wiping your team in the same way.

I’ve had games where I get 3-5 kills a fight playing a hero but if I’m doing that playing Junkrat while in the process charging the enemy Zarya that wipes me and my team just as fast? I’m not carrying, if anything I’m feeding.

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omg this is a 3 year old post, ah this is gold.

nothing has changed :rofl:


This is so true it hurts. I feel like I’ve written the same answer to the same topics like 37 times. It’s insanity D;

Edit: or, topics that pop up over and over again, I mean. I should probably ctrl+c/ctrl+v the most frequent ones.
“No, if you didn’t lose SR when your team has a leaver it would be heavily abused”
“Work on yourself. Post a replay”
“We are all playing under the same system”



This has to be the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard and it can only come from one of these incompetents that are triggered by hearing the only person on the team doing any work calling them out for being useless. Like imagine having someone kill 3-5 people in a fight for you and you complain that he didn’t kill the 6th while you can’t even STAY ALIVE! LOL this is is Overwatch problem. You literally have to play 2 ranks skill above your teammates to carry trash players like this guy. And ENTITLED AS WELL!

Oh wow, such a convincing argument, clearly you are such a superior player and are not just a completely entitled player yourself. Imagine having such an ego.

Yes because that person “doing work” is actually doing work and not just completely overestimating the value they’re providing. Keep praising yourself for being so good while being unable to influence games you’re in and win. I don’t care how many kills you get a fight, if it takes you 2 minutes to get those 4 kills then you aren’t actually “carrying” your team is in a fight and the other team won the fight while you hid and stayed alive just to get a couple kills before dying as well.

Get over yourself and take care of that ego problem you so clearly have. Maybe go play a single player game where you can be as powerful as you seem to think you always are and stop wasting everyone’s time with your needless blaming. “I can’t carry any harder!!!” He screams while trickling in constantly and getting 2-4 kills while their team is still respawning.

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And keep sitting your lameass in spawn with 15 deaths a game waiting for that one dude on your team to kill the Zarya for you after his 3-5k. Crabs in a bucket. Everyone should do your work for you huh? You should get a free SR ride or no one deserves to climb huh?

Lol you really are a sad little man. Where did I say do the work for me?

If your first reaction when you aren’t winning is “who’s keeping me from winning?” instead of “what can I do better/differently?” You’re part of your own problem.

By your logic it’s my team’s fault and I’m not responsible at all to try to adapt if I’m playing Junkrat and getting 4 kills a fight but my team and I keep getting killed by the Pharah and Mercy on the other team. But no your ego won’t let you ever admit that you are partially responsible for your team losing, you are perfect and deserve to win no matter if you wasted a cooldown or ult in a key moment or missed a shot on a key target late in the game that lead to the loss.

Check your ego. You are not the almighty superior player you think you are.

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Your answer actually proves OP right. There are some people on the team who are putting their blood sweat and focus into winning the game til they are literally mentally drained at the end of the match. And there are lazy assets like Heyzeus on that VERY same team that think one person should do ALL the work and he should share the reward and be in the same rank as him.

Actually if anything you’re proving everyone but OP right. You’re showing the massive ego issues players with this mentality have.

Not winning the game but managing to put up some numbers? “NOT MY PROBLEM LOL” is all that goes through your head. Not one single thought of “how can I play differently to shift the overall momentum of the match?” It’s never something you can do differently.

Newsflash, you aren’t the superior being you think you are, your stats don’t accomplish anything other than stroking your own ego. Just like the guy who averages 40 points per game in the NBA but never makes the playoffs, your stats are empty if you aren’t able to win the game as well.

These guys are all the same. Team is trying to coordinate and regroup after respawning while guys like Onza sprint into the other team going full LEEERROOOYY JENNKINNNS!!! Get a couple picks while the team is either respawning or getting into position and screams “WHERES THE TEAM!!!” They don’t care about actually playing with their team or doing what they can to win the game as a whole, they only want to be the star and get their big stats, even if it means losing the game.

Before you come back to babyrage at me more. Don’t bother. You’ve already proven your useless ego-filled attitude. You don’t actually care about winning with your team, you want to be the star and get your numbers. Doesn’t matter one bit if you could have a better chance of winning by sacrificing your numbers to synergize with your team or counter the opponent.