I love a good mercy <3

Flying in the air with my guardian angel, there’s nothing better! Always having that support and blue beam to make my pew pew sound nicer. We can both fly in the air and laugh at that junkrat as he flails helplessly hehe :rofl: . Whenever she’s in a jam she can fly up to me away from danger. When I get diff’d she’s there to rez me. There’s no greater feeling than having a good mercy have your back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You are welcome :blush:


I dunno OP. Not needing a mercy pocket is a lil better imo. I’d rather have a Bap/Kiri/whoever help secure elims, rather than a Mercy letting me do all the work.

I’ve soured on Mercy in the last few months tho, I dont think she brings enough value to lobbies compared to the other supports (most of them anyway).

Just my opinion, not saying Mercy is the worst, just that she isn’t that great tbh.


the op mains echo so its understandable


If preffer semi pocket (im not single patient mercy) echo rather than phara . It feels more fluent and from lore perspective its better to follow eco friendly echo than breathing smoke from rocket jumping devise


As someone who does not enjoy being pocketed, I still love a good Mercy. The entire battlefield is enveloped in her warm embrace.

:muscle: :flushed:


Cheers! To the Mercy Mains! :clinking_glasses::beers:


Thinking Mercy is just your right click boostbot is the surefire way to get hardstuck in gold.


Shout out to all my gold Mercy’s!


My tank and DPS just leave me there to die on Mercy, so I play Ilari instead.


I used to play as Mercy (is my most played hero), but since patch tanks, I feel better as Ana, Kiri, Illari. I think she needs a rework,… I pick her only if I play with an Echo and/or Phara and they are good.


Whenever I’m on DPS and we get a Mercy, I try to be the most understanding teammate a Mercy could ask for. I’ll play a hero who benefits from the beam, escort her from spawn, and make sure I don’t accidentally leave her somewhere dangerous without LOS to fly out. As usual, I’ll also pounce on any hero who tries to threaten her or my other support

I had this one QP game on Havana defense not too far back, and we had a Mercy. Like, an actual honest to goodness Mercy MAIN. I was playing Soldier. As the match went on, and I consistently was performing well, she seemed to end up favoring me with the beams. I was also very consistent in fighting off the enemy Sombra whenever she showed up to do Sombra things. We looked out for each other. And I remember one part where Mercy pinged an enemy support, I targeted it, melted it, and then the Mercy gave a “thanks” :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometime after the match, I just had to watch the replay from Mercy’s POV. The movement was insane asdfghjkl; my brain could hardly keep up. Extremely fun to watch and impressive


Number one hero I hope my team doesn’t pick is Mercy.

Oh nos. You havent experienced enough bad lifegrips yet :laughing: /s … but not really

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That was a great story :smiling_face_with_tear:

I love seeing Mercy Mains in action. They’re so Angelic…


Not all heroes wear capes!


Games like this are the best :heart:


Mercy players: friggin BALL PLAYERS I HATE YOU

Me as Ball: passes big shields to teammates, disrupts enemy engagements, always returns for healing or finds a health pack, uses mobility to give my Mercy a double GA taxi from spawn

Mercy players: I love this friggin ball omg

The mammal seeks: redemption.


Funny story. I was just playing some Elimation 5v5 games and within the first game, i met this talkative lady named “Lalaland”. She wasnt a Mercy main but she was skilled at Mercy. We hit it off and she was even simpin’ on me calling me a “king” :grin: and after a few games that we played together, she sends me a friend request. I accept her invitation and we start playing Elimination games. She was very talkative and pocketed me as different characters. Such a cool feeling. Truly, she made me feel like a “King”.

I later find out shes actually a Lucio main but when she was Mercy or Ana, she was very much helpful to me. Such a great feeling to have someone lile Lala on yer team :smiling_face_with_tear::heartpulse::sparkling_heart:

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100% agree with you mercy just makes fight boring and longer than it should be while other supports do more than her.
You can hate it but you cant denied the truth if you mercy main you literally Play spectator mode :clown_face: ¯/(ツ)