I love a good mercy <3

I’ll be a good Mercy if you call me kitten

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Don’t need damage boost and if a Mercy is pocketing me without me going to her first, well, she’s gonna die, since I’m a dive hero that’s usually in deep.

Likewise…hate how some of them chase my Ball then complain that I’m a bad tank.

First off, WHY ARE YOU CHASING MY BALL?! Go heal someone else.

Then you have those that pocket dps only and I’m sitting in a corner flailing mt camera around for 8 seconds waiting for my turn, only to then get blamed that I’m a “bad tank” because I’m never contesting.

Nah bro my downtime was forced because the healthpacks are covered, they have my counters so I’m being careful, and I’ve been pinging “I need healing” for over 5 seconds so much that the chat told me 10 times over I’ve used too mamy voicelines and it reset so I’ve spammed it at least once more begging for healing.

I actually think Mercy is a great hero for beginners, cuz as you so kindly pointed out, her PoV lets her spectate the entire field for most fights. It helps beginners develop gamesense and see how other heroes go about their business.

I do agree other supports do more than her, but I wouldnt say she makes fights boring. Tbh I’d rather have her than Weaver on my team. But… both of them together are the worst support combo, that pairing will drag out fights and make them last too long.

OMG yes Ive had that on both sides, that was the worst Match every.

I gotta point one difference between mercy and lw. Both will flee when feeling threthen but heres the thing lw will pull someone (mostly tank) while mercy will abandon you.

If blizz wanna make Heroes I Hope then will not be ‘mercy like’ I wanna see crazy ideas, synergy supports, mobile not mobile etc
I love supports in paladins they are mostly like zen, bap, Kiri, Ana, lucio, can heal and can dmg in my opinion thats a definition of support, healer is someone that can only heal and protect somehow. But paladins give every hero a movement ability dash, tp, fade, invisible, jump etc and x hero is not good on specific rank which in overwatch is more of “yeah but I am x main” and “im not gonna swap, they (enemy) should change hero” (had that few times).

Sorry get of topic a bit :sweat_smile:
Anyway still agree, both r ok but painfully makes the game just harder sometimes

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